The dead body was buried in the water.

Standing on the monster's shoulder, Li Yin's mind went blank.

All this happened in Linhai... It turned out to be because of me?

It was me who brought those two things home, causing my neighbor to become an evil god, tens of millions of innocent people to die, and Linhai to be destroyed...

But I have no memory of this! Who am I? What did I do? !

Am I really... one of them?

Behind Li Yin, countless twisted and weird arms rushed at her quickly, dripping with sticky red liquid. Anything that came into contact with the liquid would be instantly turned into scorched earth.

These arms smashed the building and tore the space apart, carrying a destructive force, determined to tear her into pieces.

Miao Miaomiao, who was far away, saw this scene and frowned.

She witnessed Li Yin repelling the evil god with one punch and reaching his shoulder in an instant. Naturally, she knew how strong and fast this girl was. It was impossible for her to not dodge these hands.

But now Li Yin seemed to be fixed in place, allowing those arms to approach her.

What is she doing? Did she find something wrong, or was she controlled by the evil god's power? Should I go to rescue her? Will it interrupt her thinking?

In a flash, countless thoughts flashed through Miao Miaomiao's mind, but when those arms approached, she rushed up without hesitation.

The arm changed into a cat's claw again, with the ability to accelerate. It came to Li Yin in just a moment. Before she could see how she moved, the arm in front of her was completely broken.

The fragments of the arm fell like a rainstorm, on the ground, on the ruins of the building, on the steel... Any place touched by it, all of them will grow strange plants, like human hands inserted into the ground, twisting and trying to crawl out of the soil.

Miao Miaomiao ignored this scene, and just as she was about to turn around to wake up Li Yin, she heard a loud bang!

The girl behind her had woken up at some point, and her whole body was full of starlight, and she smashed the evil god's body with an axe.

How could Li Yin be discouraged because of such a small matter?

She has figured it out!

This is not my fault at all!

It must be those two monsters disguised as my parents who deceived me! If there is any atonement, it should be those two bastards who atone! What does it have to do with me?

I will kill you, the mutant bastard, now! Then I will go back to the community to find the two monsters hiding, and chop them all up, to avenge the people of Linhai! ! !

Miao Miaomiao was shocked. The carapace on the evil god that could withstand the attack of her air cannon was instantly shattered by Li Yin's axe!

Li Yin did not stop, and stood the axe next to her with a bang. The starlight on her arm condensed again, and the incomparable power madly pressed the surrounding air, as if the space could not withstand this huge force and began to distort and deform!

There was unprecedented anger in her eyes, and this attack was merciless.

The evil god seemed to have sensed the destructive power contained in the girl on his shoulder, and a touch of human astonishment and fear flashed across his originally hideous face.

It also woke up at this time, remembering the terrifying oppression that Li Yin had brought to it just now, the trembling that seemed to come from the soul, and the despair that made her unable to resist at all.

It was as if in front of this familiar child, it was as small and powerless as an ant.

But when it wanted to escape, it found that it had already been trapped in the cage woven by Li Yin's endless anger.

Not even a finger could move.

Especially the disgusting axe, which had now become as heavy as a mountain, pressing heavily on its shoulders, causing its entire body to lean to one side.

Li Yin's eyes were burning, as if they were stars under the dark night sky, and the energy was pouring into every cell more violently, even the blood was boiling at this moment.

Suddenly, she felt something broke inside her body.

The cells were broken by the energy!

But there was no trace of pain, on the contrary, an unprecedented sense of joy and strength surged through her body.

The silver-white energy truly merged with her at this moment, fading its light, becoming more restrained, and becoming invisible. Starlight appeared in it, and it became exactly the same as the starlight escaping from the surface of the body.

Li Yin didn't care about these subtle changes, and the fist raised in the air finally fell!


The punch that contained all her anger, like a comet hitting the ground, slammed fiercely on the evil god's shoulder!

The space seemed to be torn apart at this moment, and circles of ripples visible to the naked eye centered on the punch point

The heart spread out in all directions, and the surrounding air emitted a deafening roar.

Wherever the shock wave passed, everything was shaken by this force. High-rise buildings collapsed like fragile houses of cards, and dust and rubble flew up, covering half of the sky.

A huge amount of energy instantly rushed into the evil god's body, and a deafening wail echoed over the city. The sound was full of disbelief and deeper despair.

Its body began to tremble violently under Li Yin's blow, like a mountain about to collapse. Every inch of skin and every muscle twisted and cracked under the impact of this punch.

Li Yin's figure loomed in the energy storm, and her eyes were like shining stars, locking onto the evil god's fearful eyes, without the slightest hesitation or mercy.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, half of the evil god's body had been destroyed by this blow. The star-like energy attached to the wound and continued to burn. Neither the black mist nor the red liquid could stop the destructive force from continuing to erode.

It was not dead yet, but the energy eroded it to the point of excruciating pain.

Li Yin waved her hand casually, dispelling all the dripping red liquid, and the strange plants that tried to take root and grow also turned into nothingness in her wave.

Picking up the axe that fell beside her, the starlight in her hand condensed again, but it was not as dazzling as before.

That blow was powerful and consumed a lot of energy.

But it didn't matter, as long as the evil god was killed, all could be replenished.

At this moment, the evil god's body suddenly began to melt in order to get rid of the erosion of energy.

The arm jungle that had been cleared around it grew wildly again, trying to interfere with Li Yin's sight and create an opportunity for escape.

But before those arms were fully formed, they were swallowed by the starlight surrounding Li Yin. They seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and turned into nothingness the moment they touched the light.

And there was one more person on its way to escape.

Miao Miaomiao.

She still had an amazed look on her face.

In her opinion, although that attack was not as destructive as her ultimate move, the damage to the evil god was more terrifying.

This girl definitely has the strength of a perfect controller!

She cast her eyes in the direction of the evil god, and murderous intent gradually appeared in her eyes.

"You have such strength even if you are not in the territory. I will never let you go today!"

She slowly raised her hand, and there was already a green ball of light in her hand. She moved and appeared beside the fleeing evil god, and pressed it hard on its body without the protection of the shell.

The cyan light ball instantly expanded, wrapping its entire body in it, like a ruthless cutting machine, instantly tearing a shocking wound on the body of the evil god who was trying to escape. Wherever the light passed, the black fog and flesh seemed to be pulled away by an invisible force, leaving behind clearly visible gullies that continuously gushed out scarlet liquid.

The evil god screamed even more miserably, his voice full of fear and unwillingness to die. It struggled desperately, but only accelerated its own collapse in vain.

Li Yin also came to Miao Miaomiao's side, stretched out a hand, and slowly injected starlight energy into the light ball.

The evil god's screams became sharper, as if they came from hell, and each scream shook the space.

Li Yin wanted to spare its life and ask where the two bastards who pretended to be his parents were, but it seemed too late now. Under the "meat grinder" of the two people, the evil god's wailing stopped after a few minutes.

Looking at the red and black liquid scattered on the ground, Miao Miaomiao couldn't help smacking her lips.

No hunting of evil gods has ever been as smooth as today.

Even the consciousness of the evil god was not left, what exactly is the starlight? How powerful is it?

But she still has an idea.

A hand climbed up Li Yin's shoulder, first meowed, and then smiled: "Xiao Li, how about I recommend you to join the Perfect Controller? Our abilities complement each other, and one plus one is definitely greater than two meows, kill all the evil gods!"

These words reminded her of Xie Yunxiao, who called herself a comrade-in-arms.

However, from her words, Li Yin once again felt her extreme hatred for the evil god, but did not say anything, but concentrated on absorbing the energy after the evil god's death to replenish his consumption.

Miao Miaomiao also noticed that the starlight on Li Yin's body was dim, so she did not continue to speak, and quietly waited for her to catch her breath.

"Are you okay? Can you still participate in the next battle..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw that Li Yin's condition was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. She raised her head, with stars twinkling in her eyes, and raised her hand to the east: "Let's go, let's go to Huajie Road. The source of everything is there."

Duanmu Song, flying in the sky, looked in the direction of the suburbs, wondering what happened over there

, but he could clearly feel the shock and the palpitation even from such a distance.

Could it be that the evil god appeared again?

After thinking for a moment, he decided to go over there to see the situation. If he could not defeat the evil god by flying in the sky, he could at least escape.

Moreover, with Sister Miao's speed, she should have fought with the evil god by now. I could at least help a little when I went over there.

Thinking of this, he turned around and was about to fly in the direction of the energy explosion.

Suddenly, the palpitation came again, even stronger than before, and very close!

Duanmu Song did not hesitate at all, and suddenly raised his body, and at the same time rushed back to avoid an invisible impact.

I saw a dark crack appear out of thin air at the place where he just stopped, as if the space was torn open by force, and the energy overflowing from it was full of destruction and chaos.

At this time, he also saw the appearance of the attacker.

It turned out to be an ordinary middle-aged woman?

She was wearing ordinary home clothes, and she looked like a housewife who had just returned from the market, and even had a smiling expression on her face.

If her eyes were not dark, Duanmu Song would have thought she was just an ordinary passerby.

However, the attack just now...

Looking down at his thigh, the armor plate there was missing a piece, including the flesh and blood inside, as if it had been wiped out by the invisible force, leaving only a deep wound that could be seen to the bone.

If it weren't for his quick reaction, the attack just now might not be as simple as losing a piece of armor plate.

Duanmu Song took a deep breath and stared at the black ball that was condensed again in the woman's hand, with only one thought in his mind.

Run! Run quickly!

This is not an opponent he can deal with!

He is not in perfect control of those immortal bodies. Once he is hit by this attack many times, even with his own recovery ability, he will have to explain it here today!

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