The wound was so severe that it was difficult to move.

Feeling the familiar breath behind him, Ning Zhu felt his whole body relax, and even the injuries he suffered were not so painful.

He looked down.

Huh? Where are my injuries? How come they are all healed?

Whether it is the pierced shoulder, the fractured right arm, or...

He looked down again, and the old neighbor who had just held on to his calf tightly disappeared without a trace.

The wound on the calf has also healed, leaving only a few holes on the trouser legs and faint teeth marks.

Li Yin was also checking Ning Zhu's injuries. Seeing that she was not seriously injured, she was relieved. But how did these holes in the clothes come about?

However, Li Yin still took off his coat and put it on her.

It was just that his coat was a little small, and it always felt like a vest on Ah Zhu, who had a better figure.

Although Ah Zhu had no obvious wounds, Li Yin could clearly feel her weakness.

If Uncle Ye had been a little slower in delivering the message, and if Miao Miaomiao, the perfect controller of speed, had not been there, Ah Zhu might have been in danger today.

Thinking of this, Li Yin looked at the tidal monster group, and his eyes suddenly burst into endless murderous intent.

Reaching out and grabbing the metal dragon beside him, a handful of debris appeared in his palm.

Star energy was injected into it, making these ordinary iron blocks as dazzling as stars.

Throwing it out suddenly, the iron blocks instantly penetrated the entire street, killing all the monsters along the way. Even if they were not dead, as long as they were contaminated with a little star energy, they would disappear in a short time.

Looking at this scene, Ning Zhu opened his mouth.

She didn't know what happened to Li Yin, but it was obvious that Li Yin's strength had once again made a breakthrough.

A casual blow could destroy the monster, while she could only fall into a bitter battle.

This made her happy, but also a little disappointed.

Is the gap between me and little Li Yin getting bigger and bigger?

Uncle Ye also landed on the side at this time, and when he saw Ning Zhu who was unharmed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't expect the monster to come so fast and so fierce.

Otherwise, he would definitely take Ning Zhu away first, and as for those ordinary people, he would do his best to save them.

Looking at those terrifying monsters and the bodies of the fighters on the ground, Uncle Ye felt a little scared.

If Ning Zhu had an accident here because of his negligence, he would be blamed for his death.

At this time, his face had returned to normal, even rosier than before.

The reason was that Li Yin used energy to strengthen his body.

Although there would still be soreness, in this situation, physical recovery is more important than anything else.

Because he had another mission, which was to leave Linhai and pass on information to the headquarters.

In addition, Li Yin asked him to take Ah Zhu with him.

Linhai is too dangerous now, with abnormal people, twisted monsters coming out of the black hole, evil gods, and the existence above the evil gods described by Duanmu Song.

Ah Zhu is no longer suitable to stay here.

Under Ningchuan's venting attack, the monsters were quickly repelled, but there were still a steady stream of monsters coming from all directions, as if they were really endless.

At this time, Miao Miaomiao was bringing back the soldiers who were sent out to search for survivors.

They were all injured, and their number was one-third less than before.

During the search, the remaining abnormal people did not cause any trouble, but the monsters that suddenly appeared caught them off guard.

These monsters are so strong that even if they face one, they will be in a difficult battle, but now they are densely packed and everywhere.

The black fog at all monitoring points has changed. Black holes have opened one after another, as if they were gates to hell, sending those twisted creatures that do not belong to this world to Linhai.

"You must retreat now."

Miao Miaomiao brought the last person here and ordered them: "Arrange all ordinary people to board Ningchuan's creation, take the injured, and evacuate Linhai!"

She did not choose to accelerate ordinary people or things created by Ningchuan, because of her ability, she can decelerate ordinary people, but once they accelerate their movements, it will cause irreversible damage to their bodies.

And their bodies can't withstand such speed.

Not to mention them, even her own body can't withstand her full acceleration.

Throwing a metal ball at Mach 50 at will

, I, who was at Mach 50, would be burned to ashes if thrown out.

In addition, her body was special, and she was the most special person in the entire perfect controller system.

She had a position comparable to that of an evil god, shielding all signals, and the task of contacting the headquarters could only be handed over to others.

The person she chose was Uncle Ye, who could fly very quickly and had good physical fitness, and his departure would not delay the next thing.

It didn't matter if there was one more Ning Zhu.

Ning Chuan and Duan Musong blocked the monsters on the periphery, and the evacuation was carried out in an orderly manner.

There might be many ordinary people surviving in Linhai, but there was no time to search for them one by one.

Linhai would definitely become more dangerous next, and staying would only mean waiting for death.

In the previous battle, Chen Jinze survived by chance, but he was also seriously injured. Now he was standing in front of the giant tree transformed by Wang Yi, and he was silent for a long time.

The citizens he saved also stopped and mourned quietly for the tree.

"You are great..."

Chen Jinze slowly raised his scarred hand and saluted Wang Yi's giant tree, "You protected them, no one was injured, you are a real hero!"

He knew that Wang Yi had always wanted to be a hero.

In Yunan City, in order to save a stranger, he fought against the mutants desperately, but finally found that the man was also contaminated and lost an arm in vain.

Because of this incident, the two of them were scolded and sent back.

The boy was still depressed for a long time.

After that, whether it was Luoan Town, Split Ghost or the destruction of Linhai University, he rushed to the front line and wanted to protect more people.

"Now you have got what you want..."

Chen Jinze took out a photo from his arms. It was taken by Wang Yi himself when he first joined the company. Now there are a few more lines of words on the back.

Signatures of Miao Miaomiao, Duanmu Song and Ning Chuan.

They are all Wang Yi's idols, but he dare not ask for autographs because of his identity and responsibilities.

Chen Jinze shamelessly asked them one by one in the evening, preparing to find a good time to give it to Wang Yi as a gift for his anniversary.

But this gift was never handed to him in the end.

He gently placed the photo on a low branch, looked up at his trunk, bowed again, and took the citizens away from the Abnormal Bureau he had guarded for eight years.

Uncle Ye and Ning Zhu had already set off. Before that, Ning Chuan gave Ning Zhu a blue irregular stone and asked her to keep it well.

Li Yin always felt that the stone looked familiar, a little like... the necklace she wore on her chest.

As the last group of citizens boarded the "car" created by Ning Chuan, the side hatch slowly closed.

The sealed vehicle with a drill-like device started instantly.

He touched the ground with his fingers, and the land became like liquid under his control, allowing the vehicle carrying the last fire of Linhai to drill into the ground smoothly and rush away from the city.

The monsters around were still roaring, but none of them dared to step forward.

The four people who stayed in the original place seemed to them as terrifying as gods, and they were definitely not people they could provoke.

With a burst of air stirring, the figures of the four people slowly disappeared from the original place.

When they appeared again, they were already at No. 221 Huajie Road.

Looking at the clean and tidy road ahead and the bustling community, the four people were a little dazed, as if everything in the outside world was just an illusion, and Linhai was still the prosperous Linhai before, nothing had changed.

But it was this calmness that made everyone feel a little uneasy.

Miao Miaomiao saw Li Yin's clenched fist and gently put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't think too much, it's not your fault, you are also a victim."

She thought Li Yin would blame Linhai's current disaster on herself, thus affecting her normal judgment.

However, Li Yin now has only one idea, to send these familiar neighbors to the west!

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