In the community, a group of children were playing carefree, and residents were strolling in the path in groups of three or two, like a walk after dinner. The elderly sat on the benches, fanning themselves, chatting and laughing. The peaceful and tranquil scene formed a sharp contrast with the chaotic and dangerous world of Linhai.

At this time, an old man seemed to recognize Li Yin and waved to him with a kind smile on his face.

"Girl Li, are you back? I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you okay outside?"

Li Yin didn't answer, but Miao Miaomiao had already used her ability on herself, ready to kill the people in front of her at any time: "Do you know her?"

"Well, she used to be a primary school teacher, and many children in the community are her students."

Miao Miaomiao didn't speak again, but thought about whether to take action.

Because Li Yin's previous guess still made her have some concerns.

If it is really as she said, the entire community has thousands of people, all of whom are at the level of evil gods, even if there are four of them, I am afraid they will have to die here.

But if they don't take action and walk in normally, once they are surrounded inside, the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

It's better to take action to test it. Even if they are really ordinary people, living in the territory of evil gods, they are also something like a clan, and they don't deserve sympathy if they die.

Before she took action, Li Yin had already laughed.

Pointing at her star-studded face, she asked, "Grandma Li, I've become like this, how did you recognize me?"

Miao Miaomiao was stunned. She had actually forgotten about this matter.

Li Yin is now in a transformed form. Although her body shape has not changed, it is really hard to associate her with the little girl in the past.

The main reason is that Li Yin looks really good, which reminds her of her favorite starry sky, so she ignored the huge change in appearance at the first time.

Moreover, cats use their sense of smell to identify familiar people. For humans, even if the appearance changes drastically, as long as the smell does not change, the identity can be distinguished.

And this Grandma Li can still recognize her, obviously there is something wrong.

Grandma Li didn't seem to hear her question, but continued with a smile: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I not recognize you? Come and sit down, grandma will pour you a cup of tea."

As she said, she really picked up a thermos cup from the side, gently opened the lid, and a faint tea fragrance spread, which complemented the quiet and peaceful atmosphere around.

This familiar scene made Li Yin seem to have returned to her junior high school days.

At that time, she had not yet followed her parents around. She could greet her neighbors warmly on this familiar path every day and enjoy a simple but warm life.

Although everything in front of her was a familiar picture, things had changed.

Grandma Li was still holding the cup, motioning Li Yin to come and sit.

But what greeted her was a fire axe flashing with cold light.

Li Yin had come behind her without knowing when, with murderous intent in his eyes, and chopped her head with an axe.

Blood splattered everywhere, and Grandma Li's smile froze on her face. The thermos cup slipped from her hand and rolled to the ground. The tea and blood intertwined together, forming a shocking picture.

The air froze at this moment, the laughter and joy around stopped abruptly, and all eyes were instantly focused on this scene. The children stopped playing, the residents stopped, and the old man opened his mouth wide, as if time had stopped at this moment.

A moment later, screams of terror broke out in the crowd, and pedestrians fled in all directions. The originally quiet community fell into chaos in an instant.

Ning Chuan and Duan Musong outside the community were a little stunned. They didn't expect Li Yin to be so decisive, and they didn't expect that after this axe, the kind old lady did not turn into a monster, but became a corpse.

Looking at the residents running away, they were a little suspicious for a while. Did they make a mistake? Are these really just ordinary people?

However, no matter how harsh the screams in her ears were, Li Yin's eyes did not change.

With a flick of her hand, a piece of starlight energy covered down and fell on the corpse.

The energy was like a flame, and it began to burn her body the moment it touched.

The old lady who was pretending to be a corpse on the ground jumped up in an instant, her body quickly became weird, and countless abscesses grew on her body. Her body size was also rapidly increasing, and soon she transformed into a huge monster that was more than ten meters tall, covered with disgusting mucus and twisted tentacles.

It had no eyes, no facial features, only a face full of

The sharp teeth, the twisting mouth, and the deafening roar were completely different from the previous kind old man.

The residents who were originally running away also stopped and watched all this quietly, with a bit of pity in their eyes.

It was as if they were saying: Li Yin, you don’t belong here anymore...

"Sure enough, all this is a disguise." Li Yin carried the axe on his shoulder, looked down at Grandma Li who suddenly turned into a monster, and sighed: "You spent so much effort to disguise yourself as the original, just to stimulate me? Okay, your goal has been achieved, I am very angry now, so can you tell me the location of those two bastards?"

The monster Grandma Li roared, and the air around her seemed to be torn apart by her twisted tentacles, and an indescribable evil breath spread.

Li Yin was not prepared to really ask anything, and stretched out his hand to signal Ning Chuan behind him.

He immediately understood, and used his ability to quickly condense a huge metal ball with a diameter of more than one meter in Li Yin's hand.

Li Yin didn't care about its material, and quickly poured energy into it, making the whole metal ball as bright as a star.

Then he threw it directly into the crowd.

The metal ball cut through the air, with a whistling sound, and fell into the crowd like a meteor, leaving corpses everywhere.

However, as long as a corpse fell, an extremely powerful aura would burst out in one part of the city.

Miao Miaomiao's face became a little ugly. She could feel that they were all evil gods! The number was so large that her scalp felt numb.

The chaotic aura condensed into a torrent, as if it was going to tear and devour the entire city. Even the air was filled with despair and terror, and she was even a little breathless.

Ning Chuan and Duan Musong were in even worse condition. Their faces were as pale as paper, and fine beads of sweat oozed from their foreheads. Obviously, they felt unprecedented pressure in front of this powerful evil god aura.

Ning Chuan was better off, as he was prepared. He was not afraid even if he really faced the evil god. However, Duan Musong's body had already begun to tremble slightly.

He originally had a psychological shadow on the evil god. If it were not for Sister Miao, he might have died in the hands of the evil god long ago.

As his strength increased, his fear of the evil god should have gradually faded, but at this moment, facing such a large number of evil gods and the terrifying aura they exuded, the shadow deep in his heart was once again ruthlessly revealed.

Miao Miaomiao now had only one thought in her mind: Li Yin guessed right. These are actually... all evil gods!

But how is this possible? Even if the number of evil gods over there is added together, there are definitely not tens of thousands of them! Moreover, with their arrogance, how could they disguise themselves as humans, or even children, cats, dogs...

But the facts happened right in front of her, and she could not help but believe it.

The absurdity of all this has far exceeded their imagination.

Now, they have no other choice, and Li Yin's choice is the most correct.

Crush the monster's body together so that it cannot be resurrected here, thereby buying more time to find the target's location.

But they all knew that the current situation could not be solved by just one perfect controller with two substitutes.

How to solve it? Does the country have the ability to deal with it?

Tens of thousands of evil gods are not followers, but evil gods whose main strength is close to that of the perfect controller, and they also have strong pollution ability and the ability to create territory!

They are not followers, but real evil gods!

What is this concept?

Can it be solved by concentrating all the power of the country? There is no such possibility!

Even if all countries in the world unite, they cannot deal with these tens of thousands of terrifying existences!

Nuclear bombs? Physical attacks have no effect on these guys at all. Even tens of millions of degrees Celsius can't burn them.

They are existences outside the rules of physics!

They seem to be using physical means to harm them, but what really works is not physical force, but the will of the perfect controller.

Facing such an enemy, they felt unprecedented powerlessness and despair.

Li Yin had already rushed out. She ignored the monsters along the way and rushed straight to the building where her home was.

Miao Miaomiao looked at her deeply and quickly followed with the two of them.

But before they could go far, hundreds of huge figures appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

These figures were all evil gods transformed from the original residents of the community. Each one was like a monster walking out of a nightmare, a manifestation of the distortion, evil, fear, and despair in the hearts of everyone in this world! They represent the destruction and chaos of the entire world, and are the evil spirits of the peaceful world.

On the other side, it was a real nightmare!

Ning Chuan did not hesitate and took the lead.

With his hands grabbing in the air, a huge metal cube of hundreds of meters fell from above. With the help of Miao Miaomiao's acceleration ability, it was pressed on the heads of the evil gods in just an instant.

But they didn't even lower their heads and just withstood the attack!

The evil gods gathered in the same place have reached another realm. Their momentum gathered together, and everything around them seemed to be distorted, even more powerful than those on the territory.

Ning Chuan didn't think that his attack could cause damage to the evil gods.

He used his ability again, and the ground around the evil gods bulged and quickly turned into metal walls, forming a huge metal cage, trapping them in it.

Duanmu Song then took action and covered the surface of the cage with a thick shell, which could not only strengthen the cage, but also slow down the erosion of the evil god's pollution.

The two cooperated tacitly and trapped hundreds of evil gods in it in an instant.

Of course, this is only a short-term way to buy time.

There are more and more evil gods around, and the momentum gathered even makes Miao Miaomiao a little breathless.

She once thought of flying directly to the target location to avoid alerting the enemy.

But the sky above the community was affected by an unknown force, and Duanmu Song couldn't fly at all. Even his speed was suppressed and he couldn't exert his full strength.

The four of them had already arrived downstairs, and Ning Chuan made another move, ready to control the entire building and twist all the evil gods that had not yet transformed into a twist.

But he failed.

In his feeling, this building was like the black fog, which could not be touched by anything, as if it was two parallel worlds that did not interfere with each other.

Behind him, countless huge auras rose from the ground, and the terrifying auras gathered and rushed straight into the sky.

Uncle Ye and Ning Zhu had already flown out of Linhai and were moving in one direction, while constantly looking at the equipment given by Ning Chuan, looking for the location with a signal.

But at this moment, an indescribable terrifying aura suddenly rose in Linhai City behind him, which was countless times stronger than all the enemies he had faced before!

The appearance of this aura seemed to make the whole world tremble, and even the stars in the sky seemed to dim a little.

Uncle Ye, who was hit by this aura, almost lost his balance and fell off the sword.

After finally stabilizing his body, he turned around and looked at Linhai City, and immediately took a breath of cold air.

There were no tall buildings over there. Looking around, there was only diffuse black fog. The sky was covered with thick clouds, almost bordering the black fog on the ground. The whole Linhai had fallen into a dead silence of darkness.

Ning Zhu held the blue stone ball in his hand, and his worries had reached the extreme.

Uncle Ye gritted his teeth and urged the flying sword under his feet to continue to gallop towards the distance.

He didn't know what happened in the city, and he had no ability to go back to support. The most urgent task was to convey the information to the headquarters and send more perfect controllers to support quickly!

At the headquarters in Beijing, several machines issued sharp alarms at the same time. The signal fluctuation on the screen broke through the critical value in just one minute, and the momentum did not weaken at all, reaching the upper limit at a very fast speed.

And the location of the signal was exactly in the direction of Linhai!

The staff who witnessed this scene changed their faces and rushed to the leader's office in a hurry to report the situation quickly.

Not only the headquarters of the Abnormal Bureau, but all institutions with detection equipment around the world have received similar alarms. An unprecedented force is erupting, as if some terrifying existence is awakening, enough to subvert the whole world!

And the four people in the community feel more appropriate.

Duanmu Song's face wrapped in armor is as pale as paper. The current situation is definitely not something they can handle. Now they can only pray that Sister Miao can take them out alive.

Miao Miaomiao's condition was not much better either. Her orange hair stood up. The unprecedented crisis made her extremely nervous. If there was any more trouble, she would run away with everyone present.

If Li Yin in front of her hadn't looked normal, she would have run away with everyone.

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked out of the corridor in front of her, accompanied by a kind smile: "Xiao Li, you are back? Auntie stewed your favorite ribs, do you want to try it?"

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