The sound of her voice was so clear in the morning air that Li Yin could not help but be stunned for a moment.

Her voice was so clear in the morning air that Li Yin could not help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he burst out laughing: "Tingting, when did you make such a joke? Don't you never read those weird novels?"

Sun Tingting's eyes flashed with a trace of complex emotions, but she quickly returned to normal and smiled gently: "I just thought of it suddenly, just asking casually. But this question is quite interesting, what do you think?"

Li Yin looked in the direction of Ning Zhu, and his eyes gradually became gentle: "I don't know, I have never thought about this kind of thing, but if it really happens, I think I might collapse, losing everything in an instant, that kind of despair and helplessness..."

"But I think it may not happen. After all, if everyone in the world is a monster, then why should I be an exception? If they are all monsters, then they are not monsters."

Sun Tingting's mouth twitched, thinking that Li Yin's answer was a bit beyond her expectations and a bit dangerous...

She stopped talking, but Li Yin remembered the abnormality of her uncle yesterday evening and couldn't help shuddering.

Why are they all saying these weird things recently?

Just as she was about to ask, she heard Sun Tingting ask again: "Li Yin, if in another world, your parents died, your uncle disappeared, Yueyue and I are no longer here, there are anomalies everywhere, and the world is full of mysteries... Would you want to go back?"

Li Yin didn't know how to answer. The world described by Sun Tingting was too terrifying for her to imagine.

Just thinking about it made her feel a dull pain in her heart.

"I dare not think about it," Li Yin's voice trembled a little: "Then what do I have left?"

Sun Tingting thought for a while and pointed to the girl taking a nap in front: "She."

For some reason, hearing this news, Li Yin's heart actually settled a little.

But after calming down, she laughed: "It's obvious that you made up this story, Tingting. Otherwise, why are you all dead... well, gone. What about the new friends left?"

"What's your answer?"

"I think, if there really is such a world, I will try my best to find the answer, to find something that supports me to move forward. It may be Ning Zhu, it may be other people, or it may be myself. But no matter what, I will not give up easily."

A smile appeared on the corner of Sun Tingting's mouth.

The two came to Ning's handicraft store. Li Yin pushed open the glass door, and the crisp bell echoed in the store. Ning Zhu was awakened by the sound, raised his head, and saw Li Yin and Sun Tingting. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a smile.

"You are here, come in quickly."


In Linhai, Miao Miaomiao flew through the ruins at a high speed. As her claws waved, twisted monsters turned into minced meat under her feet.

But she found something unusual.

These monsters cannot be killed at all. Even if you see them turn into black mist and drift away, it won't be long before the same monsters will appear again in the city.

Miao Miaomiao saw with her own eyes that the huge head that she had chopped off a few minutes ago slowly crawled out of the black hole where the monitoring point was located.

She wanted to use a full-strength air cannon to attack Linhai, but she was worried that she would completely anger the two terrifying beings on Huajie Road.

Even Aunt Huang downstairs was not someone she could deal with.

At that time, the three of them tried their best, but the other party just calmly resolved their attacks one by one, which shows how big the gap in strength is.

The reason why she came back now is to test how strong the other party is.

Use this body.

It was not required by the headquarters, but her own choice.

Her core has now been handed over to Ning Zhu to take care of. Even if she dies, she can be resurrected at the core. If she dies, she dies, and it will be a little painful at most.

Thinking of this, she decided not to stay any longer, but quickly headed towards Huajie Road.

Just as she was about to take a step, she suddenly stopped.

She saw a shadow moving slowly forward.

It was too dark, and even in the dark, it was difficult to blend in with the surroundings.

It was like a world bug caused a mapping error.

It swallowed the surrounding black fog and those monsters, and even light could not escape from it.

What is this?

Miao Miaomiao was alert instantly. She was not sure whether this thing was a new threat or a manifestation of an unknown existence.

But the phenomenon of swallowing the black fog reminded her of someone.



The shadow paused slightly, but Miao Miaomiao didn't notice it. After observing for a while, she chose to leave.

Just treat it as some unknown phenomenon, and now it seems to be a favorable phenomenon.

That's enough.

After she left, the shadow suddenly had a few more light spots on it, like the brightest stars in the night sky, silently embedded in the endless darkness.

Not long after, a strong shock wave suddenly erupted in the city. Monsters were shattered wherever they passed, and even the evil god took a defensive posture.

And the center of the shock wave The heart is Huajie Road.

A fierce fight broke out over there, and the air was filled with strong energy fluctuations, as if the entire Linhai sky was torn open by this force.

And all of this disappeared with the huge energy beam that fell from the sky.


In the evening, Li Yin returned home. Her parents were not at home. She heated up a meal by herself and sat at the dining table flipping through her phone.

There were many photos of the three of them playing in the old city today. Looking at these photos, she felt inexplicably happy.

At this time, Wang Yue's message came over: "Did Xiao Li Yin have fun today? We went to the amusement park. It's a pity that you didn't come. "

There was also a photo attached to it, a selfie of her holding Lu Qing's arm, standing in front of the roller coaster, with the math class representative and... Sun Tingting beside her!

Sun Tingting, wearing a blue skirt and smiling brightly, stood in a corner of the photo, looking at her friends in front of her with a mother-like smile on her face.

But looking at this photo, Li Yin was stunned and didn't even notice that the chopsticks fell to the ground.

"Tingting... How could she..."

Li Yin muttered to himself, his eyes locked on the phone screen, his mind was blank, his hands and feet were cold.

Tingting, wasn't she with us today? Why did she appear in In Yueyue's photo?

Thinking of Wang Yue's character, maybe it was just a prank?

She hurriedly called to ask, but the answer she got was that Tingting was with us all day and did not leave halfway.

She even sent several photos from different angles to prove her words.

Looking at the girl holding an ice cream in one hand and eating cream in her mouth, Li Yin's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible hand, and breathing became difficult.

She called Sun Tingting again, but the answer from the other end was exactly the same as Wang Yue's.

"Tingting, you... aren't you with me today? In Ning's handicraft store?"

Li Yin's voice was trembling, she could hardly believe her ears, and the reality in front of her had a huge rift with her memory.

On the other end of the phone, Sun Tingting's voice was still gentle, but with a hint of confusion: "Li Yin, what's wrong with you? I was with Yueyue and the others all day today, and we had a lot of fun in the amusement park. Are you too tired recently and have hallucinations? "

Li Yin's hand holding the phone trembled slightly. She took a deep breath and tried to make her thoughts clear again.

"No, no... I remember it very clearly. We just came back from the old city. You asked me before, if I belonged to a miserable world, would I choose to go back..."

Sun Tingting interrupted her, with a little more concern in her tone: "Li Yin, you may remember it wrong. We didn't go to the old city at all today, but went directly to the amusement park. Otherwise, you should rest early and stop thinking about it. "

Seeing that Sun Tingting was about to hang up the phone, Li Yin remembered something and asked quickly: "Wait! Tingting, did you say before that you posted the post about the clone? Why did you post such a post? "

Sun Tingting was a little confused: "It's just a little story that I made up when I saw the twins living nearby. Li Yin, your mental state is not right. Do you want me to take you to the hospital? "

"No, thank you..."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yin sat at the dining table, and everything around her became blurry.

She stared at the photos on her phone, thinking about her uncle's abnormality last night, and thinking about what Sun Tingting said this morning, the fear in her heart became even greater.

Are they telling the truth? Or am I crazy?

To confirm this, Li Yin called Ning Zhu and asked her about Sun Tingting.

"Of course I know her, isn't she the friend you introduced to me?"

Li Yin was completely confused. Are there really two Sun Tingtings in the world?

Then, is what she said true or false?

Wait, did my uncle say not to believe anyone?

Who is he talking about? Is it Sun Tingting? Let me not believe what Sun Tingting said?

No, my uncle is talking about them

, and others?

Then can I believe what my uncle said?

No, no, no! Why do I feel that I must believe what one of them said? Shouldn't I doubt whether I have a mental problem?

Is it really too stressful recently?

Just then, the door was knocked, and the crisp sound echoed in the empty living room, which instantly pulled Li Yin's thoughts back.

Li Yin's heartbeat almost stopped. She stared blankly at the direction of the door, not daring to make a sound, not knowing what to do.

The pendant on her chest exuded a slight chill at this time, pulling her rationality back a little.

Standing up and gently approaching the door, Li Yin's palms were slightly sweaty. She took a deep breath and approached the cat's eye, only to see two figures standing outside the door.

It was her parents.

Their faces were pale under the light of the corridor. With her head down, she couldn't see her eyes and expressions clearly, but Li Yin's heartbeat was constantly accelerating.

Both parents have keys, why would they choose to knock at this time?

Last night, the voice of her uncle echoed in her mind again, and an inexplicable chill climbed up her spine. Li Yin took a step back involuntarily, holding the pendant on her chest tightly, and the coolness on it seemed to be her only comfort at the moment.

She took out her mobile phone, turned it to silent, and slowly dialed her mother's number. At the same time, her eyes were fixed on the two people outside the door, and she didn't dare to breathe.

A short time of more than ten seconds felt extremely long to her.

Finally, the person outside the door made a move, took out the mobile phone from his pocket, and the light of the screen reflected on her face, adding a bit of blood color.

A familiar voice came through the phone: "Hello? Is Xiao Li at home? Your father and I left our keys at home. Help us open the door, baby."

It turned out that it was really Mom and Dad outside the door...

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