After the wedding, the two of them were still together.

My parents were still watching TV, cooking, and chatting about work as before.

Li Yin silently observed their every move, but did not find anything unusual. They were no different from the parents she remembered.

Am I really overthinking?

Uncle said it, not my parents?

No! Why should I believe him? Am I really crazy?

But what about the two Sun Tingtings?

Li Yin really couldn't figure it out. She was still thinking about it until she finished dinner and lay in bed.

In the small group, friends were discussing homework with each other. They were going to class tomorrow. After playing for two days, they began to prepare study materials intensively.

Li Yin turned over, opened the album on her phone, and looked at the photos of her and Ning Zhu playing in the old city during the day. She zoomed in on Sun Tingting's photo, trying to find a flaw.

The Sun Tingting in the photo was exactly the same as she remembered, but she still found something wrong.

The look in this Sun Tingting's eyes seemed a little too sharp...

In her impression, her friend had always been weak and didn't care much about anything else except studying.

But the look in Sun Tingting's eyes in the photo gave her a strange feeling, so calm that she seemed like a different person.

In addition, her hair...

Li Yin carefully compared her photo with the one sent by Wang Yue and found a problem.

The two Sun Tingtings have different hairstyles!

Although they both have long hair, the details are very different.


After carefully observing a photo, Li Yin was surprised to find that under her long hair, there was a strand of short stubble hidden.

It's a wig!

So who is she? Why do you know about me? Why do you want to get close to me? Why do you look exactly like Tingting?

Li Yin's brain was working at high speed, but she couldn't figure out even one question.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in her mind.

It was the girl she met in the school supermarket yesterday.

Short hair, sharp temperament, and she looked very much like Tingting!

She immediately took out her mobile phone and contacted Sun Tingting, asking her if she had a sister or a younger sister, but the answer she got was that she was an only child and had no brothers or sisters.

Li Yin took a deep breath and looked at the dark sky outside the window, wondering what was going on.

Lying on the bed, her mind was still filled with the words that Sun Tingting said.

What would happen if the people I love and the people who love me were all monsters?

What would happen if there was a world where everyone around me left me?

For some reason, her heart jumped suddenly, as if something was waiting for her to do urgently.

She covered her chest, closed her eyes, and imagined such a scene in her mind.

My parents turned into monsters, staring at me outside the door, my uncle disappeared, Tingting and the others were gone, and there was also Azhu...

Thinking about it, Li Yin couldn't help but shrink into the quilt.

I felt that I would have nightmares at night.

Moreover, isn't that world just the opposite of reality? Sure enough, the story is made up, right? Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental?

I hope I don't have such a dream tonight, otherwise it's too scary...

Slowly falling asleep, the sunset campus once again welcomed their butcher. At the end of the dream, a group of black shadows that were not completely dead struggled to move forward. It seemed to want to say something, but the sound was drowned in the white mist, leaving only a dead silence.

"Why... why..."

The next morning, Li Yin hurried out to school and went straight to the supermarket.

The scene in the supermarket was basically the same as the day before. The two young female bosses sat together, chatting leisurely, and occasionally looked up at the customers who came in.

After seeing Li Yin coming in, one of them immediately greeted her: "Hi, little sister, did you remember anything?"

This greeting made Li Yin stunned for a moment. What do you mean by I remembered something?

What should I remember?

Seeing her dazed look, the female boss chuckled: "Don't mind it, I'm just kidding. Little sister, you are in a hurry to buy something?"

As she said, she took out a pack of opened sanitary napkins from under the counter and handed it over: "In case of emergency, I have unpacked ones here, you can take them, you're welcome."

Li Yin quickly shook her head: "No! Sister, do you recognize the girl wearing a mask yesterday?

Do you know her? Where is she and what's her name? "

The two people behind the counter looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"Why are you looking for her?"

Li Yin did not choose to tell her about what happened yesterday, for fear of being regarded as a psychopath.

Instead, she said: "I think she looks very similar to a friend of mine, and I want to get to know her."

The boss glanced at her and smiled gently: "I don't know her, but she can buy things here, so she should be a student, right? You can ask the teacher."

"Is that so..."

Li Yin was a little disappointed: "By the way, sister, what's your name?"

"Li Muyi."


When she left, the girl next to her became a little excited: "Did she remember? Why don't you remind her?"

Li Muyi shook her head lightly: "It's not the right time yet. She has forgotten a lot of things. Before she remembers, rashly letting her see the world clearly may have a counterproductive effect, and we haven't collected enough energy, so we can't help her. "

As she spoke, she took out a black crystal and placed it on the table. A dim light was flowing on the surface of the crystal.

Seeing this, the girl next to her couldn't help but snorted: "This is obviously mine!"

Li Muyi rolled her eyes at her: "Isn't yours mine?"

Just then, the doorbell rang. The two looked in the direction of the sound. A skinny, distorted humanoid creature walked in and went straight to the counter to choose goods.

Looking at the skinny humanoid creature, Li Muyi's eyes showed a bit of sadness.

It's really pitiful. In such a world, your gods can't give you effective protection.

After a day of classes, Li Yin was completely absent-minded. She observed Sun Tingting in the classroom for a while, and then thought about Sun Tingting yesterday. She couldn't calm down.

But there was also good news. Ning Zhu actually transferred to her school to study!

And she was in the first year of high school, and she was her junior!

Originally, this should have been a very happy thing, but she didn't know why, but she couldn't be happy at all.

Just like Sun Tingting I muttered to myself, it all seemed a little too coincidental, I wanted to see the girl in my memory, and she appeared in front of me.

I wanted to have a chance encounter with her, and the thief played a role.

I wanted to see her every day, and she transferred to my school.

Now think about it, was the man the day before yesterday too stupid? He stole from a handicraft store openly, and the things he took were less than 200 yuan in total, but he still ran away, as if he wanted everyone to know that he was a thief.

And there is Sun Tingting.

After class today, she asked, and the other party didn't know where she lived at all, so how did she find my house?

Could it be that...

The fake Tingting is following me?

Thinking of this, Li Yin quickly looked back and didn't see A familiar figure appeared.

But standing on this bustling street, looking at those unfamiliar faces, an inexplicable sense of fear arose.

She felt as if she was in a huge maze, and every step might lead to an unknown trap.

And these people seemed to be looking at me...

Shaking her head to get rid of these thoughts, Li Yin quickened her pace, trying to escape this suffocating illusion.

And in the corner she didn't see, Sun Tingting was watching her quietly, with a strange look in her eyes.

"Really sharp..."

In the next few days, Li Yin's strange feeling became stronger and stronger, and her changes were also seen by her friends. She was suspicious and soon labeled as "neurotic" by everyone.

No one in the class talked to her anymore, except Occasionally, there was a sympathetic look, but more often there was alienation and confusion.

For some reason, her parents had been arguing recently, and the atmosphere at home was getting heavier. Every time the door slammed, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Li Yin's heart.

She tried to escape from all this by studying, but every time it was late at night, those unsolved mysteries and strange encounters would come like a tide, keeping her mind tense.

Just then, the door was knocked on by someone, and Li Yin suddenly raised her head from the desk, her heart beating violently because of the sudden knock on the door.

The mother's voice sounded from outside the door: "Li Yin, open the door, I got you some fruit..."

The calm voice made Li Yin's heart calm down a little, but her uncle's words were like an alarm bell echoing in her ears, constantly reminding her not to open the door!

Li Yin weighed the pros and cons in her heart, and finally did not open the door, but gently turned off the desk lamp and returned to her bed.

I curled up in the quilt, my heartbeat gradually returned to normal, but the uneasiness was like a night

Like a color, it quietly permeated every corner of the room.

Let's go to my uncle to ask tomorrow...

Li Yin closed her eyes until the sound outside the door slowly faded away, and then she reluctantly closed her tired eyes.

In her dream, she returned to the unknown campus again, with a sharp axe in her hand mercilessly, and every swing would be accompanied by the death of a ghost.

Here, she seemed to be a game character controlled by some will, only knowing to keep chopping ghosts and monsters until the last ghost fell, ending the killing of the day.

The next morning, Li Yin hurried to her uncle's house, wanting to confirm what happened that day.

But her uncle was not there, and the neighbors didn't know where he went.

In the end, Li Yin could only sit alone on a bench in the park, looking at the screen of his mobile phone.

The originally active small group, no one spoke anymore, and even the class group was as silent as a corner forgotten by time.

The quarrel between her parents seemed to still echo outside the wall, and her uncle didn't know where he went.

Everything seemed to be developing towards the world described by Sun Tingting.

Li Yin looked up at the sky and slowly closed his eyes, as if he had vaguely seen that future.

He clenched his right hand lightly, then brought it to his eyes. Looking at his empty palm, he always felt that he should be holding something in his hand, a weapon or something.

While thinking this, the sense of urgency surged in his heart again.

At this moment, a call suddenly came from behind: "Huh? Li Yin, what are you doing here?"

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