The corpse was still trying to resist, and a burst of white light burst out from her body, trying to break free from the rope.

But the rope that was once transformed from a fire axe, how could it be broken by ordinary weirdness? No matter how it struggled, it was useless. It could only be crossed by the broken space, gradually falling into a deep sleep, and a colorful light band floated above its head.

Li Yin frowned but frowned slightly.

The reason is very simple. There is something weird about this female corpse, but she didn't have much fear of her own axe!

Although they have become a formless state, the incidental effects still exist. Ordinary weirdness will be directly scared to collapse even if they are near it, let alone being bound.

Only those nightmare creatures, perfect controllers, Su Ji and Li Muyi were less affected, but they could also feel the extremely terrifying aura from it.

This is strange, could it be that the weirdness in front of them is higher than their status?

Obviously impossible, otherwise how could it be easily controlled by themselves?

As Li Yin moved his mind, the rope tightened instantly and dragged the female corpse over.

Touching the colorful light band above her head, a memory emerged in her mind.

The perspective of the picture that appeared this time was very strange, it was pitch black, as if it had been buried underground until someone triggered it.

What is the triggering condition? Explore the secrets of that woman? Is it so advanced?

Li Yin continued to watch, wanting to see some useful information from it.

But this female corpse was like a table and chair, without self-awareness, and could only be seen from front to back.


Li Yin felt a little disappointed and was ready to jump to the end to see if there were any key clues.

As a result, this jump really went out of the picture.

"I knew that this kind of puppet must have important memories. Without a mission drive, how could it act autonomously?"

The scene was in a room similar to a laboratory. A woman stood in front of him. The moment he saw this woman, Li Yin recognized her identity.

It was Xu Xuan, the head of the NG Institute, who claimed to know nothing.

But when he saw her, Li Yin frowned.

Obviously, she lied. There was her shadow behind the superpower organization. The appearance of this female corpse here was the best proof.

So how did she avoid Master Zhou's ability?

Li Yin thought of the abnormal people in Linhai, but it was obvious that the two were fundamentally different.

But if she was controlled and really didn't know these things, she might be able to bypass Master Zhou's ability detection.

The vision of the female corpse's memory was as strange as the table. She could only look up at the sky. Even Xu Xuan couldn't see anything busy on her.

But the order was the same as Li Yin guessed, which was to kill all those who attempted to investigate the code-named "Ghost" here, except for those from the Abnormal Bureau.

The rich man said that all the people in the superpower organization are codenamed animals.

Either he doesn't know the existence of ghosts, or ghosts are not from the superpower organization.

Is Xu Xuan a ghost?

She knows the Abnormal Bureau, so why would she allow people from the superpower organization to attack the branch of the Abnormal Bureau?

While Li Yin was still thinking about this question, the controlled female corpse suddenly trembled violently, as if some force was trying to break free from control.

The white light that just faded away actually reappeared! And it was stronger than before.

The eyes of the female corpse suddenly opened! The bound hand was slowly raised.

It was not that her strength was on the rope, but that the rope was tightly tied into the flesh, and it did not stop even if the skin was torn.

Li Yin did not stop him, wanting to see what this guy was going to do.

The fingers of the female corpse moved slowly, staring at Li Yin with the pair of dead gray eyes, and a pale white light suddenly shot out and hit Li Yin's raised arm.

The white light was attached to her forearm like that, without any feeling.

Li Yin was a little surprised. She waved her hand gently, and suddenly a large piece of white light fell like snowflakes.

This guy's attack was a little too weak?

But she immediately realized that perhaps the energy in her body helped her block the side effects of the attack.

So she tried to withdraw some of the energy.

The moment the energy was withdrawn from her forearm, the originally white and tender little hand swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a white meat ball in the blink of an eye.

But it did not extend upwards, and was blocked by the energy near the elbow joint.

Li Yin was a little surprised. At that time, it was said that it could turn people into meat balls.

, is it you?

Or is this ability actually from the ‘ghost’ or Xu Xuan?

With a casual shake of her arm, the meat ball was thrown down by her. After a moment, the arm was restored to its original state.

Li Yin manipulated the ropes around her to become sharp blades, cutting the meat ball on the ground into small pieces and observing them carefully.

Her previous arm was completely flesh-colored, and only pale white remained from the inside to the outside. If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn’t have recognized that it was her own flesh.

What a weird ability.

Li Yin stood up and waved her hand casually. The female corpse was instantly cut into dozens of pieces, leaving only the head intact.

As expected, there were traces of transformation in her body, a core, and the appearance looked like a gray stone.

Seeing it appear, Li Yin narrowed her eyes slightly.

Because on this stone, she actually felt a breath similar to the crystal on her neck.

You know, the thing on her neck is exactly the same as the core of the perfect controller. Even though she has mastered the body now, she still doesn't know what it is.

And in the basement of the superpower organization, an ordinary modified female corpse actually has a similar core. How can she not be surprised?

With a thought, the rope rolled up the stone like a tentacle and put it in her hand.

She gently pinched it in her palm, and the surface of the stone was directly cracked by her, which was completely incomparable to the hardness of the core of the perfect controller.

What is this?

She wanted to try to use the nightmare ability to find out, but it had no effect on this thing.

Moreover, the stone ball seemed to have been damaged by her pinch just now. The gray-white light on it was dissipating, and it turned into an ordinary stone in the blink of an eye.

Li Yin didn't feel sorry. Since she knew that the transformation operation was done in the NG Research Institute, she could just kill it.

Turning to look at the hall underground, the tables, chairs and ground affected by her had been occupied by nightmare creatures.

The chair was running around the room on four legs, the table was splicing its fragments, and the ground was roaring continuously, looking very violent.

Watching this scene, Li Yin did not feel very happy, but realized the danger of her ability.

If she activated it without limit, she would probably turn the earth into a nightmare world without the two nightmare creatures in Linhai taking action.

But thinking about it made her feel relieved. Anyway, I could send these nightmare creatures back unconditionally, so it didn't matter.

She immediately stopped the three nightmare creatures that were running around like animals and ordered them to return to their original positions.

Since the woman named Ghost arranged the female corpse to wait underground, maybe she would receive the news when the core of the female corpse was broken.

In this case, Li Yin was going to trick the other party and use these nightmare creatures to try to get information. If it didn't work, she could also order them to take action and test the woman's background.

Hey, this ability is quite useful.

After arranging all this, Li Yin took back the axe and the broken space, picked up the woman's head and the meat ball fragments of her arm, soared into the sky, and went to find Xie Yunxiao to investigate the woman's identity and see what the meat ball was.

By the way, should I give the axe and my new ability a name?

Broken space doesn't sound good, and it doesn't match my ability, so let's call it nightmare field.

As for the axe...

She really couldn't think of a suitable name for a while, so she had to put it aside for now.

After contacting Xie Yunxiao in the air and agreeing on a meeting place, Li Yin arrived first.

They naturally couldn't meet in a busy place, after all, she was holding a head in her hand, and it would be bad to be seen by others.

Xie Yunxiao also arrived quickly. The location she chose was not far from her. When she saw Li Yin arrive before her, she was not too surprised.

It should be said that since she saw this girl in the Linhai Tiankeng and guessed that the phantom might be related to her, she would not be surprised even if she saw something outrageous happening to Li Yin.

"How is it, have you found any clues?"

Li Yin nodded and put the head in her hand on the ground: "This was found underground over there. You can ask someone to investigate her identity later."

Xie Yunxiao nodded. This kind of thing was a piece of cake for her.

Then Li Yin told her in detail about the clues she found underground.

Xie Yunxiao couldn't help but sigh that she did not choose the wrong partner. She had been to the underground hall, and the people from the Abnormal Bureau had investigated it many times, and they all felt that there were no clues to be dug there. Li Yin had just returned from Linhai, and she dug out the person behind the suspected superpower organization after only one trip. The difference is obvious.

She didn't

Asking Li Yin how she found out was not a question she cared about, so she asked directly:

"What means do you suspect that the woman named Ghost used to forcibly control this organization? Then why did she kill them all later?"

Li Yin was also a little puzzled about this point, and could only guess: "Maybe there are too many people, maybe the target organization is exposed, or maybe these people did not meet the standards."

Li Yin brought so many clues that Xie Yunxiao couldn't handle them for a while.

What gave her the most headache was the stone ball similar to the core and the plan to attack the Huaifeng County Abnormal Bureau.

The stone ball can almost prove that the person behind the scenes is related to the research institute.

But the attack plan made her confused.

What kind of rich man is so bold that he dares to attack the Abnormal Bureau in one place? Aren't they afraid of being found out and killed?

It should be said that once such a thing happens, he will be found out 100%, and he will die. How can that person be so stupid? If he is really so stupid, he can't become a rich man.

Xie Yunxiao looked in the direction of Li Yin, but found that Li Yin was also looking at her. Seeing the smile on the other's mouth, she knew that this girl must have guessed something.

Li Yin said lightly: "If attacking the Abnormal Bureau is the purpose of Ghost to subdue these people at the beginning, does it all make sense?"

Xie Yunxiao also thought of this and nodded slowly: "The rich man was controlled by her and issued this commission to the organization. Whether it succeeds or not, the black pot belongs to the organization, and it has nothing to do with her."

"Maybe she will also fake her death in this attack, so as to completely get rid of the pursuit and the relationship with the superpower organization."

"The question is back, then why did she give up this plan and choose to kill all these people?"


"What is the purpose of her attack? It can't be for fun, right?"

Of course it's impossible, both of them know this very well.

"Maybe there is something she needs there."

Xie Yunxiao asked and answered himself. This is the most reasonable guess at present, and Li Yin also agreed.

"Has there been any recent news from Huaifeng County?"

"I don't know, but there shouldn't be any."

"Go back and check. If there really isn't any, let's go and wait for the opportunity. I don't think she will give up this goal. That's why she took Gray Wolf away."

"Okay, let's investigate the NG Institute and the rich man before that."

"The rich man is in your hands. If he is controlled, find out the situation. If not, kill him." Li Yin's eyes flashed with murderous intent: "He dared to attack the people of the Abnormal Bureau. There is no need for this person to live."

Although she is not a member of the Abnormal Bureau, she has seen too many Abnormal Bureau soldiers fighting bloody battles to protect ordinary people. Li Yin will never be soft on those who dare to stab them in the back.

"What about this meat ball? I will go back and ask the researcher to check it?"

Li Yin heard the meaning of her words, so she shook her head: "Burn it. Taking it back may expose it."

If the person behind the scenes is really hiding in the institute, taking it back for investigation is tantamount to alerting the snake.

Xie Yunxiao had the same idea and raised his hand to burn it to ashes.

"By the way, why did you agree to go with me to investigate this time? Aren't you afraid of being attacked by that person?"



"Because you are by my side."

Li Yin glanced at her and moved aside: "Don't have any ideas about me, I have a girlfriend."

Xie Yunxiao's expression froze on his face, not because of embarrassment, but because of this sentence... Why does it seem like he said it to her?

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