After seeing Xie Yunxiao off, Li Yin flew back and arrived home just in time for dinner.

Ning Zhu cooked a table of delicious dishes herself and was taking photos of the table.

She didn't have many friends before, and she didn't even have a chance to open the chat software on her phone. Now that she has added Qin You and the others, she has also learned to post on Moments.

It's mainly for Qin You to see, so the purpose is self-evident.

Looking at the girl holding her waist and looking proud at the table, Li Yin couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth, and her heart was full of happiness.

Ning Zhu also noticed Li Yin, and hurriedly invited her to eat, and asked: "What have you been doing? Why did you take so long to come back?"

"I went to investigate something. Do you remember the superpower organization I found last time? I went to their lair to take a look."

Ning Zhu was a little surprised: "Is it near our house? You're back so soon."

Li Yin was a little proud: "It's quite far, but I can fly now."

As she spoke, her body floated up from the ground, circled in the air, and threw her slippers away, almost flying onto the dining table.

Ning Zhu was also very happy with Li Yin's new ability. She felt that the little Li Yin who came back from Linhai was like a treasure house, and she might come up with some interesting new abilities at any time.

Gently holding her little feet wrapped in white socks, she helped her put on slippers: "Okay, let's eat first, and talk while eating."

Li Yin's face was a little red. I don't know why, but I feel that the new body sensitivity is much higher than before, and her face gets hot when her feet are touched.

"By the way, isn't our dad coming back for lunch?"

"No, he said he was going out for a drink with Uncle Ye and the others, and he probably won't be back until the evening."

"Are Uncle Yan and Uncle Xiong okay now?"

"They should be fine."

The two sat at the dining table and chatted about daily life, from building a laboratory in Linhai to the reactions of ordinary people after announcing the existence of anomalies, from getting lost after moving to a new home, to the food in front of them.

"What's the situation with that superpower organization? They seem to be all dead? Have you found out who killed them?"

Li Yin nodded: "It can be considered as cannibalism. The members are not human, but the evil god's followers who ran out from nowhere."

"So many different followers? Is it related to the cult?"

"Nothing has been found in this regard for the time being. They seem to be huddled together for warmth and make money together to survive in human society."

"There are such followers?"

"Isn't it the previous landlord?"

"Yes. How are those people in Dongsheng Village now?"

"I don't know. I'll ask when I contact Xie Yunxiao next time."

After dinner, the two cleaned up the dishes together. The tacit understanding was like an old couple who had lived together for many years.

After cleaning up, Li Yin lay on the sofa and stroked her belly. She felt that Azhu's cooking skills were getting better and better. If she ate like this every day, she would be fed into a little fat pig sooner or later.

Oh, by the way, my body is fixed.

Then I can eat whatever I want? Cool!

Ning Zhu walked to the living room while wiping her hands with a towel. Seeing Li Yin's posture, she laughed: "The skirt is rolled up."

Li Yin looked down at the small bow and fanned it indifferently: "There is no outsider anyway, so just roll it up."

Looking at her bold appearance, Ning Zhu was speechless.

No wonder she was clamoring to buy safety pants in the mall. How can she be a girl at all?

Thinking of this, she hurried over to correct the little girl's manners. The two of them played on the sofa, and laughter filled the whole living room.

At this moment, Li Yin's movements suddenly stopped. Ning Zhu was caught off guard and hit her face on her chest. Fortunately, it was not as hard as before, so she couldn't help but linger for a while.

Li Yin didn't care, but closed her eyes. Her consciousness passed through the endless void in her body and located the newly added nightmare world. She quickly found the nightmare creature in the shape of a table and took over its eyes.

In the underground hall, a woman wearing a windbreaker, a mask and a hat walked in.


This outfit was so conspicuous that Li Yin recognized it immediately.

As she had guessed, she could sense the death of the female corpse, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Li Yin didn't command the nightmare creatures to take action immediately, but observed the woman's actions first.

She walked slowly into the hall, her eyes swept around, as if looking for something.

To no avail

Then, she gathered a ball of white energy in her hand, pressed it down, and a wave of air spread throughout the hall.

She was shielding the signal.

Li Yin made a judgment, and at the same time, she looked at the ball of white energy and compared it with the ability used by the female corpse in her mind.

Obviously, the two have the same ability.

Could it be that this ghost is also a puppet controlled by the person behind the scenes?

This probability is very high. Let's try to see if we can knock off her mask in a while.

As the energy spread to the entire hall, the woman stood still and stopped moving, as if she was detecting something, but in the end she found nothing, not even the table, chairs and ground that had mutated into nightmare creatures.

After a while, after making sure that there was no monitoring around, the woman slowly spoke, as if she was talking to someone, her voice was very stiff, and it was very different from the cold female voice she had heard before.

"There are traces of fighting on the ground, No. 7 has disappeared, there is no enemy's body tissue, and the enemy is very powerful."

Then she seemed to have received some orders, and condensed white light in her hand, as if she was ready to drill underground.

Do you also want to wait and see?

Of course, Li Yin would not let her do this. After all, the ground was no longer a normal ground, but a nightmare creature. If she got in, she would be exposed.

"Go ahead and test her strength."

Li Yin made a prompt decision and issued orders to the table and chairs.

At her command, the two seemingly ordinary furniture suddenly began to appear black mist, quickly twisted and deformed, and the wood that made up their bodies began to wriggle, expanding as if they had life. After a moment, they had become completely different from before, turning into two hideous nightmare creatures, howling and rushing towards the woman.

Seeing this, the ghost moved slightly, as if blending into the air, and lightly avoided the pounce of the two nightmare creatures.

The white light in her hand suddenly increased, turning into a sharp beam of light, accurately hitting the head of one of the nightmare creatures, and with a "bang", the creature actually exploded in the air, and the black mist scattered, but in the blink of an eye it condensed again, and it seemed that it had not suffered fatal damage.

But this scene made Li Yin frown.

Although the nightmare creatures she created were not as powerful as the residents of Nightmare Linhai, they were not weak either, at least at the level of Chen Jinze.

But they were shattered in the woman's hands before they even made it through one round, which gave her a new assessment of the woman's strength.

But her own creations were not so easy to destroy.

With the blessing of the black fog of the nightmare world behind them, they were almost immortal. No matter how many times they were blown up, they would regroup and attack again.

But this was not Li Yin's goal.

As the battle deepened, the woman seemed a little overwhelmed. She was accidentally hit by the nightmare creature transformed by the chair on the mask on her face.

The mask on the right half of her face was immediately shattered, revealing a pale face underneath and a lifeless eye.

Sure enough, it was a dead person.

Li Yin narrowed her eyes slightly and made a rough judgment in her heart.

This person was not the ghost before. His movements and voice were too stiff. He should have noticed someone investigating and sent a puppet to test.

How did she notice it?

The ghost behind this scene is not simple...

Looking at the increasingly embarrassed woman in the hall, Li Yin controlled the two nightmare creatures to let go a little, so that they were smashed by the woman again, the black fog dissipated, and they lay on the ground without moving.

The woman's dead eyes seemed to reveal a touch of humanistic relief. After confirming that the two monsters on the ground had lost their vitality, she dragged her broken arm and fled out of the underground hall.

What she didn't know was that while she was fighting the two monsters, Li Yin had transformed a corner of her clothes into a nightmare creature.

The mobile monitor was deployed.

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