The weather was very hot, but the weather was very cold.

Just as she was feeling the changes in her body, a strong sense of dizziness suddenly hit her, her vision began to blur, and her body shook uncontrollably.

She wanted to grab something to support herself, but there was nothing around her.

"What's going on?" Li Yin was shocked. She felt that she was losing consciousness, and her body seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, falling into an unknown abyss.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and she was still falling. The scene of a modern city appeared in front of her. It was her familiar community, No. 221 Huajie Road.

She could even see a few familiar neighbors.

The fall continued, the community disappeared, and a desolate world replaced it. Countless people twisted and crawled on the ground, as if they were dancing, weird and absurd.

"Where is this?"

Before she could speak, everything around her shattered again.

An extremely huge blood moon rose from the horizon, scarlet and weird, emitting dazzling and weird light, dyeing the whole world bloody.

On the ground, countless black tentacles broke out of the ground, like black snakes, twisting and wriggling, spreading towards the blood moon. They seemed to be cheering and roaring, with sharp and piercing sounds, making Li Yin's ears buzz.

Suddenly everything disappeared, and the surroundings fell into darkness. Gradually, light spots emerged from the surroundings, and the light spots gathered together to form many galaxy clusters with different images. Each galaxy seemed to be an independent world, emitting its own unique light and breath.

Some galaxy clusters are bright and hot, as if full of life and vitality; others are dim and cold, as if full of death and silence.

Li Yin looked at all this in shock, as if she was in the depths of the universe, surrounded by endless stars and galaxies.

She felt as if she had become a part of this universe, closely related to these galaxy clusters.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the universe. It was like a huge black hole, constantly swallowing the surrounding galaxy clusters, pulling them into endless darkness one by one.

The swallowed galaxy clusters let out a shrill wail, as if crying for their own fate.

As the shadow continued to expand, a terrifying shadow that could not be described in words appeared in front of her eyes. It was an indescribable monster.

Its existence transcended human understanding and imagination. It had no fixed form. Its body seemed to be woven from countless stars and nebulae. Sometimes it expanded to cover the entire universe, and sometimes it shrank into a light spot, like a constantly changing pattern on the tapestry of the universe.

Its existence is the shadow of the universe, devouring everything. Even its breathing can affect the structure of space and time. The surrounding galaxies are twisted and deformed under its breathing, and the distance between galaxies is shortened or lengthened under its will.

It seems to have no clear consciousness. It is the embodiment of a cosmic force and the collection of all the unknowns and fears in the universe.

The moment she saw the monster, Li Yin's brain became blank, her heartbeat accelerated, her breathing became rapid, and her reason began to falter when she tried to understand this indescribable thing. Her consciousness seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and fell into the abyss, and in that abyss, there were endless unknowns and horrors.

At this moment, her self-consciousness was completely stripped away, and she even began to doubt everything she knew, and even her own existence.

Just before her mind was completely confused, a chill suddenly broke out in her body, and everything around her quickly retreated. When she opened her eyes again, the familiar room appeared in front of her, and in front of her was the slowly dissipating body of the monster.

Li Yin was panting, her clothes soaked with sweat. As she gradually regained consciousness, the discomfort in her body quickly faded, as if everything she had just experienced did not exist, but the bizarre scenes in her mind were like engravings, lingering.

"What is that...?"

Li Yin covered her forehead, her eyes full of disbelief.


But why was it so real, especially the thing that appeared at the end, the sense of horror that seemed to be above everything, making her heart feel like it stopped beating when she recalled it now.

But in addition to this feeling, there was a faint sense of... familiarity...

Have I seen it?

Obviously not, if I had seen that kind of horrible thing, it would be impossible for me to have no impression of it in my memory.

Besides, before today, I was just an ordinary person. For seventeen years, I had lived an ordinary life and had never seen such a horrible thing.

I have never had any abnormal experience, let alone seen something beyond human comprehension.

Even in my dreams, I have never dreamed of such an outrageous thing.


Li Yin shook her head, unable to figure it out, and simply stopped thinking about it.

The body of the monster in front of her had already dissipated into pieces. Li Yin used an axe to dig it, and the remaining part melted quickly like snow under the sun, and finally turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated in the air.

"I still want to find some clues from it..."

Looking at the monster that had disappeared without a trace, Li Yin had a headache.

And this axe...

How did it come into my hand?

Reaching out and stroking the axe handle, the strange energy in her body flowed, and the axe disappeared out of thin air in her hand.

"Oh my god, I can take it back!"

Li Yin was a little shocked: "Can I still let it go?"

She moved her mind and found that her right hand had disappeared out of thin air!

Just like before, she could feel it but couldn't see it, as if she had reached into another world.

She controlled her right hand and fumbled around, and a familiar wooden handle appeared in her hand. She pulled it back suddenly, and there was an axe in her hand.


She had read fantasy novels, and this feeling was very familiar to her.

"Space ring?"

Thinking of this, Li Yin quickly tried something next to her, but she couldn't put it in. Only the axe in her hand could.

After analysis, she probably knew the reason.

Only things taken out from there can be put back there.

After taking back the axe, Li Yin stood up and scratched her head, still not understanding what was going on with her.

The price for others to become stronger is baldness, and the price for me to become stronger is to become a girl?

Besides, taking out an axe out of thin air is not very strong, right? Even if you go out to perform, the audience will not think it is a superpower, at most they will think it is a juggling.

And the ability to fight monsters and level up...

I always feel that after waking up from a sleep, the whole worldview has changed, making her head dizzy now.

She could only turn around and walk towards the bedroom. Just now, she seemed to have seen someone here, and was injured.

Thinking of this, she quickly walked to the bedside. There was a figure leaning against the bed, and the curtains covered her face so that she couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Li Yin hurried forward and carefully opened the curtains, revealing the person inside. The man's face was gray, and there was a huge cut on his body, which almost tore the entire upper body apart. There were also traces of broken skulls, as if he had suffered a heavy blow from some blunt instrument.

She didn't know this man, but it was obvious that he was not her uncle.

It was the first time that Li Yin saw a dead person, and the death was so horrible, but she didn't have much fluctuation in her heart.

It was mainly because the monster and hallucination just now had a huge impact on her. In comparison, this corpse seemed much more "normal".

Resisting the discomfort, she stretched out her hand to feel under the nose of the corpse. He was no longer breathing, and his body was as cold as ice. It was certain that he had been dead for a long time.

She didn't dare to touch him, fearing that the police would misunderstand.

Thinking of the police, she took out her cell phone and checked. Now there was a signal, so she called the police directly.

What are you waiting for if you don't call the police when you encounter such a thing?

Before the police came, Li Yin looked for the book that her uncle mentioned at that time in the room.

She didn't find the book, nor did she find her uncle.

Maybe she was kidnapped, or maybe she hid herself.

But since her uncle knew that he would be attacked, why didn't he mail the things he mentioned in advance?

Where is her uncle now? Did he get into trouble or hide?

Considering that she couldn't contact her uncle, it is very likely that something has happened...

Thinking of this, Li Yin's face became extremely gloomy.

In just one month, she lost all her relatives one after another. Now she is left alone. Facing this suddenly strange world, she did not feel fear, but extremely angry.

"Whoever it is, don't let me find you!"

Just then, there was a bustling sound outside the door, accompanied by inquiries and stretching sounds.

"Old lady, I'm starving. Is breakfast ready?"

"I just woke up too. How long have you slept?"

"I don't know. It's already past ten o'clock. Let's cook. I have to go play chess with Lao Wang later..."


Listening to these voices, Li Yin probably guessed that the reason why the community was quiet was because the residents were all asleep.

Who did it? The monster just now?

Why did it do this? Was it left by the person who attacked her uncle?

While Li Yin was thinking, the sirens sounded downstairs.

The police attached great importance to the murder case that Li Yin mentioned on the phone and immediately sent police to deal with it.

Li Yin stood in the bedroom.

By the window of the room, watching the busy figures of the police, she felt powerless in her heart. She didn't know how to explain this bizarre murder case to the police, let alone how to tell them that she had experienced something even more terrifying.

The police quickly entered the room, saw the body on the ground, and began to investigate the scene. Although there were traces of fighting everywhere in the house and bloodstains on the walls, the police investigation was deadlocked.

No one had ever seen such a situation. It seemed that some large beast had entered the house and caused great damage, but no relevant footprints could be found, and judging from the loss of property, it was obviously a robbery.

"Miss Li, are you sure your uncle was kidnapped?" A policeman looked at Li Yin with a frown. He had been in this industry for so many years, and this was the first time he had seen such a bizarre situation.

Li Yin nodded. She knew that her next words might be very difficult to accept in this world where science is supreme: "Yes, I am sure. My uncle is a fan of mysticism and has collected many related books and items. This disappearance is likely related to these."

The police looked at Li Yin and was silent for a while. He didn't know what expression to use to face the girl who was telling him the situation seriously. He could only say sincerely:

"We will try our best to find your uncle, please rest assured."

"By the way, police uncle, do you think there are ghosts in the world?"

The police smiled: "Don't think too much, have a good rest, and leave the rest to us."

Li Yin nodded silently.

Because she was the first witness, she was kept by the police to take notes and cooperate with the investigation.

As the person in charge of this operation, Liu Zhiqiang found something wrong the moment he entered the room.

The bloodstains, broken furniture, and claw marks on the wall all showed that this case was unusual.

But when he saw the body, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. The injuries on the body were too severe. Such injuries could never be caused by humans.

But what concerned him most was not the condition of the body, but this state and traces. He had seen them before!

Li Yin sat in the police station until late at night before being released. It was so late, and seeing that it was unsafe for a little girl to go home alone, the police arranged for a female police officer to take her home.

An investigation team had been set up for her uncle's case, and this young lady was one of the members of the investigation team. Li Yin knew her.

The two walked out of the police station while chatting.

It was called chatting, but in fact, the police lady kept saying comforting words.

In the afternoon, she had learned about Li Yin's recent experience. Many people in the police station expressed sympathy for this girl who had lost all her relatives in a month, especially some female police officers, who even wanted to take her home to live.

Of course, this practice was illegal and was rejected by the director.

At this moment, a man's voice came from behind: "Xiao Wang, Li Yin, are you ready to go back? I'll take you there."

The two turned around and saw a middle-aged policeman coming over. He had short hair, a square face, a burly figure, and looked very energetic. He was the person in charge of this case, Liu Zhiqiang.

The female police officer saw Liu Zhiqiang's mental state and couldn't help laughing: "Brother Liu, you care about this case very much. I haven't seen you so energetic for a long time."

Liu Zhiqiang smiled and shook his head: "No, I'm just a little interested in this case. After all, this is the first time I've seen such a scene."

He glanced at Li Yin and continued: "Miss Li, if you don't mind, I'll take you home. It's so late, it's not safe to walk alone at night."

Li Yin nodded to express her gratitude. She was actually not afraid of walking at night, but the other party was kind, so she couldn't refuse.

The three walked out of the police station together and got into a police car. Liu Zhiqiang drove the car himself, the female police officer Xiao Wang sat in the co-pilot, and Li Yin sat in the back.

The car arrived near the community, where there was a restaurant open, and Officer Liu stopped the car immediately.

The three of them hadn't eaten much at night, and now they were a little hungry. It was just right for them to go home and sleep after dinner.

He took out a red banknote and handed it to the female police officer, smiling: "Xiao Wang, you are hungry too? Buy me one portion, fried noodles will do."

The female police officer touched her stomach and was also hungry. She smiled and shook her head: "No need, Brother Liu, it's rare that you are in such a good state, this meal will be my treat."

After that, she turned around: "Xiao Li, what do you want to eat? Sister will treat you."

Li Yin smiled and said thank you: "Fried noodles will do."


After that, she got out of the car to buy food.

The car fell into silence. Liu Zhiqiang opened the window, lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and then

Slowly spit it out. Looking at Li Yin from the rearview mirror, a complex emotion flashed in his eyes.

He suddenly smiled and said, "Miss Li Yin, the police are now saying that your uncle's case was caused by a monster and it was a supernatural event."

Li Yin raised her eyebrows. When Officer Liu sent the female police away just now, she had already guessed that this person might be trying to test her or get some information from her.

She asked calmly: "Supernatural incident?"

"Well, look at the traces at the scene, the huge claw marks, the distribution of blood and the condition of the body. It doesn't look like something a human can do."

Li Yin continued to ask: "Officer Liu, what do you think?"

Liu Zhiqiang took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled: "I think...haha, I think the scene was faked by the murderer to confuse us and divert our attention elsewhere. I have been a policeman for 20 years and have seen a lot of such things."

Before Li Yin replied, Officer Liu turned around and asked: "Li Yin, you asked my colleague at the scene whether there are ghosts in the world, and said that your uncle's disappearance may be related to his research on occultism, right?"

Li Yin nodded. These are what she said. If she denied it, it would seem more suspicious.

Besides, she didn't know what Officer Liu was thinking now, so she could only wait and see.

Officer Liu observed Li Yin's reaction, but did not find anything unusual, so he could only continue to ask: "Have you met any suspicious people or suspicious things during this period?"

Suspicious things?

Li Yin couldn't help complaining in her heart, I changed from a man to a woman, is this suspicious? And my magic of conjuring an axe out of thin air, the ability to fight monsters and level up...

But these are her biggest secrets now, even if it's the police, she is not going to tell them.

Seeing her deep in thought, with a confused expression on her face from time to time, Officer Liu couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little disappointed.

At the same time, he also realized that he was a little too much. This little girl just lost her parents last month and has not come out of her home. There is video evidence.

Asking this now seems to be exposing her scars.

"Okay Li Yin, don't think about it if there is nothing. It's my fault. I shouldn't ask such questions."

Officer Liu interrupted Li Yin's meditation, and he felt a little guilty, thinking that he might be too eager.

He is not an unkind person, but this case makes him very concerned. He is eager to find clues and solve the mystery.

Li Yin raised her head, with a blank look in her eyes, and asked hopefully: "Officer Liu, do you have any clues?"

Officer Liu took the last puff of his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and shook his head: "No, it's just that everyone in the bureau is discussing this case today. It's a bit weird, so I just asked casually. By the way, Li Yin, why did you suddenly think of going to your uncle's house today?"

This policeman is really sharp...

"My uncle asked me to go to his house to get a book a few days ago. I just saw it today. I was in a better mood and wanted to go out for a walk, so I went there by the way."

Her answer was 70% true and 30% false. There was no problem with logic. Even Officer Liu thought it was normal.

"What book did you take? Can you tell me about it?"

"It's about occultism, I don't know the details."

"Do you know about occultism?"


"Is the book still there?"

"No, it must have been taken away by the murderer."

"What's the name?"

"I don't know, he said he would give it to me in person."

Officer Liu nodded, feeling that this was an important clue. It was a bit difficult to handle without knowing the name of the book, but at least the murderer's general purpose was clear.

Li Yin lowered her head. These messages were all intentionally revealed after she thought about it, directing the police's attention to purposeful burglary and occultism.

"Okay, Li Yin, don't think about these for now. Xiao Wang should be back soon. After eating fried noodles, I will take you home." Officer Liu comforted.

Li Yin nodded. She knew that Officer Liu was taking care of her emotions, and she felt a little touched.

This is a very good policeman.

Just then, female police officer Xiao Wang came back with two servings of fried noodles. She was surprised to see that Li Yin and Officer Liu were already chatting.

"Brother Liu, what are you talking about with Xiao Li?"

"Haha, just talking about some details of this case to see if there are any clues."

The female police officer's mouth puffed up: "It's so late, you actually talked about this with a child, aren't you disturbing her rest?"

She saw the tragic state of the corpse with her own eyes during the day, and she has been a police officer for two or three years. Such a scene still makes her feel uncomfortable, and even more...

Let’s not mention Li Yin, the first witness.

Officer Liu smiled and shook his head: “Xiao Wang, you don’t understand. Sometimes, children can see things that adults can’t see. Li Yin, aren’t you right?”

Li Yin nodded in agreement: “Yes, there is such a saying in the occult that my uncle studies.”

Female police officer Xiao Wang widened her eyes: “Occult? So, your uncle’s disappearance is really related to occultism?”

Li Yin shook her head: “I don’t know, but… it is very likely related.”

Officer Liu took the fried noodles handed over by Xiao Wang, opened the box, took a deep breath of the fragrance, and said: “Okay, don’t discuss it, eat quickly, and I will send Xiao Li home after eating.”

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