The car came to the small road beside the community, and Li Yin signaled Officer Liu to stop the car. This place is very close to her home. She only needs to cross the alley and turn a corner to go out the back door. Officer Liu nodded, stopped the car on the side of the road and said: "Li Yin, go back and be careful. If you find anything, contact me as soon as possible." Li Yin nodded, indicating that she understood: "Thank you, Officer Liu, you have worked hard too." After that, she opened the car door and prepared to get off. At this time, the female police suddenly stopped her: "Xiao Li, wait a moment." Li Yin looked at her in confusion, wondering what else the police officer had to say. Xiao Wang took out a bag from the car, handed it to Li Yin, and said with a smile: "This is for you, heat it up and eat it tomorrow morning."

Li Yin took the bag and found two steaming buns inside, exuding an attractive fragrance, and her heart was warmed: "Thank you, Sister Xiao Wang."

Xiao Wang smiled and waved: "You're welcome, go home and rest early."

Li Yin nodded, carrying the buns, and walked into the alley. Officer Liu looked at her back, a trace of complex emotions flashed in his eyes, slowly started the car, and disappeared into the night.

She had walked through this alley countless times, even with her eyes closed. But tonight, she walked a little slowly, and every step seemed particularly heavy.

It was not because of the weight of the buns, but the heaviness in her heart that made it difficult for her to take a step.

The disappearance of her uncle and the death of her parents, all of this made her feel extremely confused and powerless.

She looked up at the sky, the moon was covered by thick clouds, and only a faint light was revealed. Just like her current mood, she was shrouded in darkness and couldn't find the direction to move forward.

At this moment, a woman's scream suddenly came from the front: "Ah! Don't come over!!"

Then a flustered sound of footsteps came from a distance.

Li Yin's eyes condensed. After experiencing the ghost encounter at her uncle's house in the morning, her first reaction now was that someone encountered a ghost.

Without thinking, she immediately summoned a fire axe and moved towards the source of the sound.

It's not that she is so helpful, but the feeling of comfort after becoming stronger in the morning, which makes people unable to stop. In addition, the "those people" mentioned by her uncle in the message are still lurking in the dark. She is almost certain that these people kidnapped her uncle and left the ghost.

Although the ghost is very weak, who knows if there will be a stronger one?

Now that she has stepped into the "world" mentioned by her uncle, how can she deal with possible dangers if she doesn't try her best to strengthen herself?

Another point is that if a ghost really appeared near the community where she lived, it would most likely cause harm to the neighbors, and she didn't want to see such a thing happen.

And what if this ghost was sent by "those people" to monitor me?

They took my uncle away, and they have no idea about me?

Or, I turned into a girl, what if they did it?

In any case, she had to go and see what happened over there.

Quickly came to the corner, the street lights here were not turned off, and with the help of the light, she could see clearly what was happening in front.

A woman in white clothes leaned against the wall, and a man was approaching slowly not far away.


Seeing that it was not a ghost, Li Yin was a little disappointed for a moment.

But the situation in front of her was obviously a crime scene, right? Should I be a hero to save the beauty?

If it was in the past, she would have been very interested.

Now... still very interested!

Retracting the fire axe, she did not choose to rush up and beat the man up, but took out her mobile phone to call the female police officer Sister Wang who had not walked far away, and told her about the matter.

After listening to this, Sister Wang's voice immediately became serious: "Li Yin, don't be impulsive, and don't try to handle it yourself. Leave this matter to the police. Leave there immediately and find a safe place to wait for me. I'll be there soon."

Li Yin nodded in agreement, hung up the phone, and threw the axe over, hitting the man's feet.

If she didn't stop it, an indecent scene might happen in the alley next.

This scared both the man and the woman, especially the man. Looking at the axe on the ground less than two centimeters away from his toes, he had no doubt that if he had taken another step forward, his calf would have been split in two by the axe.

The woman also stopped screaming, her eyes full of fear, she thought it was coming again

As for the second thug, he was in despair.

Li Yin's voice came from the darkness. Even if she deliberately spoke in a low voice, her beautiful voice still exposed her completely: "I have called the police. You'd better not mess around."

The man heard the voice of a little girl in the darkness, and a cruel smile appeared on his face, but he immediately retracted it. He looked at the woman on the ground with a trace of entanglement, as if he didn't want to give up his "prey".

At this moment, the sound of sirens sounded in the distance, getting closer and closer. The man's face became ugly. Finally, he looked at the woman and turned to run into the darkness.

When receiving Li Yin's call, Officer Liu immediately turned on the sirens in the car.

The first purpose of the police going abroad is never to catch criminals, but to prevent crimes from happening before they happen.

The role of the sirens is to remind possible criminals that the police have arrived nearby, forcing them to give up crimes or prevent them from further harming others.

Li Yin did not chase him. She knew the law. If she chased him, and something happened to him, would she have to go to the police station? What's more, the man had not yet committed a crime, so she could not even defend herself.

Turning her head to look in the direction of the woman, Li Yin was still a little excited. Was this considered a hero saving a beauty? It was a script that only the protagonist of a novel had. Could it be that today I would...

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered something. She had become a girl...

Can this still go through the normal process?

She was extremely skeptical about this.

When the woman saw the man running away, her tense nerves relaxed all of a sudden, but then she felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Li Yin hurried over to support her and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

The woman shook her head, her voice still trembling: "Thank you, I'm fine."


Li Yin looked down. She didn't see it from a distance just now, but now that she was close, this 'beauty' was older than her mother!

That man looks quite young, how come...

Ahem, it's impolite, I can't think about it.

Officer Liu's car arrived quickly, and Sister Wang got out of the car and walked over. Seeing that Li Yin was fine, she was obviously relieved, and then began to ask the woman about the specific situation.

Li Yin took the opportunity to sneak away. Anyway, the person had been rescued, and there was nothing to see.

As for whether the man could be caught, it was not her business.

Back home, turned on the computer, inserted the USB drive into the computer again, opened the file, and divided the recording left by the uncle into two parts, removing the part about her parents, and imported the clues about her uncle into the mobile phone.

After doing all this, Li Yin lay back on the bed.

She was exhausted today. She sat in the police station for a day, exhausted physically and mentally, and there were a lot of mysteries, and there was no clue at all.

When I woke up in the morning, I always felt that the whole world had become strange, and even ghosts and monsters appeared, which was simply unbelievable.

Li Yin stretched out her hand and put it in front of her eyes, clenched her fist, and felt the power filling her body, and her mood became better.

Killing ghosts can make you stronger, which doesn't seem too bad.

Where can I find ghosts?

Li Yin climbed up from the bed and took out her mobile phone to search for "Linhai Supernatural Events".

Prepare to see if there are any legends or events about seeing ghosts, so that she can have a goal.

The search results are varied, such as "The Ten Unsolved Mysteries of Linhai" and "Exploring the Haunted House in Linhai". Clicking on them, they are all some eye-catching headline party articles, and the actual content is not nutritious at all.

Li Yin was a little disappointed. She originally thought that she could find some valuable clues from them, but now it seems that she thought too much.

However, despite her disappointment, she still patiently read through them one by one, hoping to find some useful information from them.

Looking at it, Li Yin found that many people were talking about a forum for urban ghost stories. It is said that there are many real supernatural events and personal experiences of witnesses in that forum, and even some mysterious phenomena that cannot be explained.

She immediately opened the browser, found the website of the forum, and clicked on it impatiently.

The forum interface was simple, but it was extremely popular, with various posts appearing one after another, and new replies constantly refreshing the page.

Li Yin first browsed the rules and introduction of the forum, and learned that this was a forum dedicated to providing a communication platform for paranormal enthusiasts. Anyone can share their paranormal experiences and observations here, and can also discuss various mysterious phenomena and unsolved mysteries.

She couldn't wait to start browsing the posts in the forum, hoping to find some valuable clues.

Some posts described various

There are many strange witnesses, some share the horror experience of being possessed by ghosts, and some explore the causes and explanations of mysterious phenomena.

The stories here are indeed much more real than those randomly searched on the Internet, but if you carefully distinguish them, you can also see some traces of storytelling.

Hmm... I suddenly feel urgent to pee...

It's not because of the ghost story that I peed, but because I drank a lot of tea in the police station today, which is a diuretic.

In addition, she is not used to the body of a girl, so she can't hold it...

A little leaked out accidentally.

Carefully got out of bed and moved to the bathroom little by little. The short distance of a few steps now seems to be the farthest distance in the world.

Finally sitting on the toilet, Li Yin let out a long sigh of relief, and then her expression became tangled again.

I can't pee...

The body of boys and girls is a bit different, I'm not used to it...

Forget it, continue to look at the phone, divert your attention, maybe it will be better in a while.

Li Yin took out her phone and continued to browse the posts on the supernatural forum. Suddenly, a title caught her attention - "It's in our class, who can help me..."

The location is shown as the No. 3 Girls' High School in the city. Li Yin has an impression of this school, which is the best school in Changshan District.

She clicked on the post and saw that it was a help post from a girl in the third year of high school. The third year of high school there has already started classes. The incident happened in this school.

"I'm a senior at the beginning of the school year, and I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. We started school on the 20th. Because we had to adapt to the study rhythm of senior high school in advance, everyone lived in the dormitory and couldn't go home. Our school is closed management, we can't go out during weekdays, and we can only go home on weekends.

At first, there was nothing unusual in the class. It was just like before, attending classes, eating, and returning to the dormitory, but after a few days, I found something wrong.

It seems that there is one more person in our class, a person I can't see.

At first I thought I was under a lot of pressure and had hallucinations, but I asked a few classmates, and they seemed to be able to see it, sitting in the last row by the window.

But there was only one empty seat there, and no one ever sat there!

I don't know if I'm crazy or everyone in the class is crazy. They can even talk to it, just In front of me!

I dare not say that I can't see it, I'm afraid it will hurt me, you know? These days I feel like I'm really going crazy, I have to pretend to talk to a non-existent person every day, and I can't even concentrate on studying.

These days a classmate said that she has been watching me, and sometimes she would interrupt me when I was talking, but I really can't see it! I can't hear what she said at all, what should I do? She seems to have discovered me...

I don't know how all this happened, I just hope someone can save me, tell me that all this is fake, or tell me what to do.

I know this request is ridiculous, but I'm really about to collapse, I really need help..."

The post is not very popular, there are only a few comments below, and they all say that the host is hallucinating and ask her to see a doctor.

However, Li Yin is very interested in this story. It happens that the No. 3 Girls' Middle School in the city is not far from her, just in the next district, and she can take a taxi there.

I saved the post and plan to go and see it tomorrow, anyway, there is nothing to do now.

Put the phone aside, stand up, and look down at the waist of his pants.

There was a small wet spot on it...

She was helpless in this situation and could only try to adapt to her new body.

She took it off and threw it into a plastic basin to soak. She turned around and looked at the clothes drying rack, only to find that she had nothing to change!

She endured the sleepiness and washed it and hung it up. She must buy a few more tomorrow! Buy a few more clothes.

Several police ladies complained about her ugly clothes today. Even if she didn't care much about her appearance and clothes, she should at least have a few decent and clean clothes to change.

Li Yin shook her head helplessly, turned back to the bed, looked at the night sky outside the window, and thought about her shopping list.

Clothes, pants, shoes, these are all indispensable.

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