After the call ended, Li Yin thought for a moment and sent him another message: "Remember to bring me some cash tomorrow. There's no signal on my phone and I don't have money to buy food."

I don't know if Officer Liu saw it or not. Li Yin muttered as he walked back to the town and headed for the government building.

It was past eight in the evening. According to the normal working hours, there were no people in the government building. Only a few offices on duty were still lit.

Li Yin squatted in the bushes and observed for a while. After confirming the location of the security guard and the camera, he quietly went around to the window at the back.

There was a window on the second floor that was not closed, which was just right for sneaking in.

After finding the right spot, she jumped lightly, climbed on the edge of the window, looked inside, confirmed that no one was there, and then flipped in.

No one was alarmed.

The government building has four floors in total. If possible, she wanted to go to the security room to have a look. There are surveillance cameras there, and she can observe the situation of the entire building.

Unfortunately, there are always people in the security room, so it is inconvenient to go.

Li Yin looked at the offices one by one along the corridor. She was looking for a ghost with a similar image to the classroom ghost.

Thinking of the scene where the classroom ghost controlled Yu Yuner's classmates and the reactions of the classmates after waking up, the residents of the town are likely to be controlled by similar means.

How big is this ghost? How many tentacles does it have to spit out of its mouth?

More importantly, is the classroom ghost also part of the experiment? A little white mouse.

However, the time of appearance seems a bit inconsistent, too close.

But if it has been born for a long time and has only recently started to act, it seems reasonable.

There was nothing unusual on the second floor. On the third floor, there were two offices still on duty, which were her key observation objects.

Through the small window on the door, Li Yin carefully observed the situation inside. In one of the offices, a middle-aged man was looking down at a document, while the person in the other was flipping through his phone.

It was normal, but... there was no internet in the town, what was he playing?

Seeing his movements seemed to be watching short videos, Li Yin took out his phone and checked it. After confirming that there was no signal, he put his ear to the door and heard no sound.

Could it be him?

Li Yin narrowed her eyes, thinking about how to see the situation of his phone.

Just then, a voice came from the office next door: "Xiao Qi, help me get today's meeting outline. I put it on your desk."

"Okay, right away."

Then she saw the person in the room put down his phone, picked up a document and walked towards the door.

Li Yin quickly dodged and hid at the corner. When the man entered the office next door, he immediately rushed into the room just now and picked up his phone to check.

Just now, she clearly saw that the man's hand was not on the power button, but when she came to check, the phone screen was black.

Li Yin tried to press the power button, but there was no response.

Good guy, what were you swiping at your dead phone just now?

Li Yin understood that these people were indeed in a controlled state, repeating past actions without purpose, similar to NPCs.

Presumably, this person used to like to slack off and play with his phone at work?

Without any results, Li Yin hurriedly left the office and walked towards the fourth floor.

There was a room on the fourth floor that she cared about very much, which was the mayor's office.

If anyone had the ability to make the town look normal to the outside world, this person would undoubtedly be the most suspicious.

When she arrived in front of the office, she looked through the small window. There was no one inside, no ghosts, and it looked like an ordinary office in the dark.

She tried to push the door, but it was not locked.

Li Yin observed the surroundings and gently entered the office.

She did not dare to turn on the light, and observed the surrounding environment with the weak light of the mobile phone screen.

Every time she thought about it, it would be great if she could enhance her night vision ability, which would save her a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, she didn't have this ability.

She flipped through the documents on the table. The time on it showed August 7, and the other documents were similar. It seemed that the mayor had not come to work in the past half month.

Is he dead? Or has he become a ghost?

Unfortunately, there were no more clues in the office. At most, she learned what the mayor looked like.

She was a little frustrated to find something unusual in the government building. The next stop was the water plant.

Holding the town map she took out of the office, Li Yin came to the water plant on the outskirts of the town.

This place is bigger than the government building.

There were few people in the building, and even the security office was dark.

He walked in with a swagger, first went to the security room to check, confirmed that no one was there, went in to turn on the surveillance, found the video, and spent half an hour to quickly browse the video content of the past month.

In the video, except for a few workers coming in and out occasionally, most of the time it was empty and seemed unusually deserted.

Until a week ago, the four workers who often appeared in the video disappeared, and they did not appear again.

According to the rules of the town described by Ning Zhu, when a role disappears, someone else will replace it, but the positions of these four people and the mayor seem to have been vacant.

There are so many people outside the town, is there anyone suitable for the profession of these five people?

After turning off the surveillance, Li Yin came to the door of the water plant, still found a window upstairs and jumped in, and then went straight to the clock-in place downstairs, looking at the attendance sheet and couldn't help frowning.

There are only thirteen workers in the water plant, and until Friday, everyone punched in normally.

This does not match the surveillance.

At least four people haven't come to work for a week, so why do the attendance records show that they punched in every day?

Did someone punch in for them?

Li Yin hasn't graduated yet, so she doesn't know. She can only put it aside for the time being and go to the place she cares about most, the water supply equipment.

The tap water in the town is all fishy and smelly. This must be related to the water plant. She guessed that the problem might be with the water supply equipment.

Li Yin came to the core area of ​​the water plant, the water supply workshop.

As soon as she entered the door, a strong fishy smell hit her in the face, making her cover her nose.

There are rusty pipes and equipment everywhere, and it seems that they have not been maintained for a long time.

She followed the pipe all the way up to a huge pool. This should be the deep treatment area responsible for filtering and purifying the water source.

But the scene in front of her made her feel palpitations.

The water in the pool showed a strange dark green color, and a thick layer of oil film floated on the surface.

As she got closer to the pool, the fishy smell became stronger, almost making it impossible to breathe.

Li Yin frowned. How could there not be problems with such water quality?

She carefully observed the surroundings of the pool, trying to find the source of the problem.

At this time, she noticed one of the water supply pipes, which should be the pipe on the raw water treatment equipment.

When she got closer, she saw that this pipe was constantly spewing out an unknown liquid, which was black and flowed into the pool like ink.

These liquids were obviously not normal water quality. The fishy smell they emitted was even stronger than the water in the pool.

It seems that the source is in the raw water treatment area!

Li Yin followed the pipeline forward and soon came to the raw water treatment area.

This is the first process of tap water treatment, responsible for removing impurities and harmful substances in the water.

Standing above the pool and looking down, even Li Yin, who had seen many disgusting ghosts, was disgusted by this scene and took a breath.

In the pool, a huge ghost was squatting in it.

Its body was swollen and white from being soaked, and its skin was covered with purple spots. Its belly was three or four meters high, and its hands and feet could not be seen. When it sat in the pool, its head could be exposed.

And it had four heads! Three of them were lying in the pool, sucking water with a gurgling sound, and the last one opened its rotten and smelly mouth and kept spitting out black liquid.

In the direction of its spitting, several pumps were working, directing all the black water to the deep treatment area behind.

And all the subsequent processes, except the water supply dispatching system, stopped working.

In other words, the water that the residents of the town drank was this diluted thing!

Li Yin frowned, pinched his nose, and wondered in his heart, could it be the culprit of the town incident? All the people who drank the water were controlled?

But this does not explain the problem of role-playing in the town...

And the cult's experiment has not surfaced yet. Since it is an experiment, there must be experimenters, right? Then where is he hiding? What is the purpose of the experiment?

As Li Yin thought about it, she dodged a black water attack.

The four ghosts below had noticed her presence. Three heads turned towards her at the same time, making a harsh roar, as if warning her not to get close.

Li Yin retracted her thoughts. Whether it was the source of the town's problems or not, it was at least a force. She should kill it first.


This thing is in the water. How can I fight it?

This is the disadvantage of only being able to fight in close combat. Once you can't hit it, it's useless.

Li Yin observed the edge of the pool, trying to find a safe position to attack the four ghosts. She noticed that the edge of the pool

There was a raised platform that seemed to be a temporary foothold.

She approached the platform cautiously, ready to jump on it. However, the four ghosts seemed to have noticed her intention, and one of their heads suddenly poked out of the water, opened its mouth and pounced on her.

This head was really big, half a meter high, and a big mouth occupied half of the face. It was densely packed with uneven teeth, which was enough to make people's scalp numb, and it also had a strong stench.

Hey, you dare to come over by yourself?

Li Yin instantly took out the axe and used the skills she learned from the Internet to split Huashan!

Oh, sorry, the axe was held upside down...



Half of the ghost's head was smashed to pieces by her, and the roar of pain and fear resounded throughout the water plant, and the pool began to tremble.

It seemed to want to escape, but its huge body and atrophied limbs did not allow it to do so.

It could only struggle in the water and howl miserably.

Li Yin did not give it any chance. She quickly jumped onto the platform she had just seen, adjusted her posture, held the axe with both hands, and chopped it down again.


The axe blade went straight into the ghost's neck, but because his neck and body were connected, it was too thick and could not be chopped off.

Li Yin was kind-hearted. In order to relieve its pain, she quickly pulled it out and chopped it off again. A head was chopped off directly and fell into the pool with a splash.

Seeing this, she quickly jumped to the side of the pool to avoid it. She didn't want to be drenched by this disgusting liquid.

When the splashes dispersed, she was in trouble again.

The platform just now was already full of sticky black things. It looked wet and slippery. Obviously, it was impossible for people to stand on it. How could I attack? Throw the axe out?

I touched the walnut in my pocket. This thing can attack remotely, and the use is also to throw it.

But... there is only one, and it is Ning Zhu's heirloom, so I am reluctant to use it.

Forget it, think of another way.

She quickly looked around and found an iron rack on the side, where tools were stored. There were many tools such as hammers and shovels in it, which should be useful.

Avoiding the splashing black liquid, she quickly ran to the side of the rack, then took out a hammer and tried to inject the energy in her body into it.

Li Yin didn't know whether it was successful or not, the hammer didn't respond, but now there was no time to care so much, and threw it hard towards the struggling ghost.


The ghost was hit hard on the head, leaving a wound of medium size, and black water flowed out.

It worked!

Li Yin was excited about the new ability she developed, and immediately followed suit, continuing to use the surrounding objects for long-range attacks.

At the same time, she thought of another idea.

Quickly came to the control room, turned off the water inlet pump, and turned on all the water outlet pumps at the same time.

The liquid in the pool was quickly drained, revealing the huge bodies of the four ghosts. Its disgusting body was exposed to the air, and began to emit a stronger stench, which was almost unbearable.

The one with three left was still roaring, as if accusing her of atrocities.

Li Yin ignored it, and quickly removed the large steel pipe from the equipment next to it and threw it over.

This one weighed several hundred pounds. Although it was a bit difficult to hold, it was still no problem to throw it over.

After throwing five of them and creating several temporary footholds, Li Yin summoned the axe again and jumped over.

In the next ten minutes, the water plant continued to echo with the screams of ghosts and the dull sound of axes entering flesh.

The sound gradually became smaller until it disappeared.

Li Yin stood on the pipe, panting slightly.

This was the most tiring battle she had fought. It was not because the ghost was so strong, but because it was a bit big and had extremely strong vitality...

Death, dead vitality?

Anyway, it was very difficult to kill, and the position was not good, so it took a lot of effort to attack it.

But it does have a lot of energy, one is better than four!

Bathed in the energy, the slight fatigue in the body disappeared, and even the brain became clearer.

I took out my phone and checked it, but there was still no signal. It seems that it is not the root cause.

Recalling what the driver Lao Tan said, a group of university professors came here to investigate and went to the school.

So now she has set her sights on the school principal. This guy is very suspicious! But I can't find his house, I'll talk about it tomorrow!

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