After leaving the water plant, it was almost ten o'clock. Li Yin walked back to school along the path, climbed over the wall, went around the clothes drying area, took off the dirty school uniform and hung it up, then picked a clean one to put on.

Pulling at the collar of her clothes, Li Yin nodded with satisfaction. This one fits her better.

She looked up to see if there was an open window that would allow her to get in.

By the way, did she jump out of the window too much today? She was familiar with the route.

She found a window that looked like a bathroom that was not closed, so she climbed in and quietly came to the door of Ning Zhu's dormitory. She knocked, waited for a while but no one responded, knocked again, but the door still didn't open.

Hmm... this girl is quite alert.

Li Yin thought about it, is there any secret code?

"Ahem, Tianwang Gaidihu?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the door was opened with a click, and a cute head poked out, looked around, and then pulled Li Yin in.

"Why did you come back just now? Did you encounter any danger?"

Ning Zhu looked at her body again and again to see if she was injured, and the concern in his eyes was so real.

Li Yin was happy, this girl is really good, except for her parents, she is the first one who cares about her so much.

"It's okay, I'm just going out for a walk."

Li Yin told her about going to the government building, but didn't say she went to the water plant, firstly because she was afraid that she would worry, and secondly to hide her ability.

She didn't want to expose her power to kill ghosts so early, at least she had to see other people's methods before she said it.

The original plan to go to the police station was also cancelled, mainly because although they were controlled, there were really guns over there.

Li Yin was not sure if she could resist the bullets physically. If not, she might be shot if she was discovered.

It was better not to take the risk.

"It doesn't matter if I didn't collect any clues, as long as you are okay..."

Ning Zhu patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Her breasts were not small, and now she was only wearing a slim-fitting vest. When she patted her chest, the surging waves made Li Yin unable to move her eyes away.

If it were before, she would definitely not dare to look at a girl's body like this, but now, she is also a girl, so there is no need to avoid suspicion.


Ning Zhu noticed Li Yin's eyes, followed her gaze, and quickly covered her chest.

She always felt that the eyes of this little girl were not like those of a girl, but a little...

It must be my illusion. How can such a cute girl be associated with a little hooligan?

In order to eliminate the strange feeling in her heart, Ning Zhu could only talk about other topics: "Li Yin, you just said that you have something to ask me, what is it?"

Oh, I was just thinking about looking at beautiful women and forgot about the business.

Li Yin slapped his head, moved his eyes away and smiled: "Is there any way for me to sneak into the school and be a student? I want to investigate the principal. He is very suspicious."

"Sneak into the school?"

Ning Zhu frowned and pondered. She has been cautious during this time in school, fearing that she would be exposed. Naturally, she did not collect much information. She didn't know if there were any vacancies in the school now, but she seemed to hear a few days ago that there seemed to be a classmate downstairs who hadn't come to school for a long time, and maybe a role was vacant.

"Let me ask for you, the teacher is also in this building."

"Isn't it risky?"

"It's okay, as long as you don't do anything that violates the role of a student, there will be no problem."

"I'll go with you!"

The two discussed the excuses, took the things they used for self-defense, and set off to the first floor, where Ning Zhu's head teacher was.

Ning Zhu knocked on the door first, chatted with the teacher for a while, and called Li Yin in.

"Teacher, this is my sister. Something happened at home and she can't go to school for the time being. I want her to go to our school. Do you think it's okay?"

Li Yin pretended to be a good girl, lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong.

The teacher looked her up and down, then nodded: "Okay, there is a vacant seat in the class downstairs. You can take her to the Academic Affairs Office to go through the formalities tomorrow."

Ning Zhu was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked: "Thank you, teacher!"

"Go back if you have nothing to do. Don't run around so late."

"Got it, goodbye teacher."

After that, Ning Zhu took Li Yin's hand and ran upstairs quickly.

Li Yin was a little confused. It was so easy to get in? What about the promise that you would die if you don't have a role?

When the two returned to the room, Ning Zhu was relieved. This was the most adventurous thing she had done since she came to the town. A big risk

Heart, she and Li Yin will both be in trouble.

At least that's what she thinks.

Seeing Li Yin's puzzled look, Ning Zhu explained what happened downstairs, but after listening, Li Yin felt lucky and felt a little gloomy.

Counting the number of people in the car accident outside the town, there are probably more than 20 people dead here.

Wait, so many people died, except for the four people in the water plant, where are all these bodies? Are they all in the morgue of the hospital? Can they fit?

The hospital in the town doesn't look big, even if it can fit, it should be full.

No, in the evening, Lao Tan went to the morgue, and he didn't show any abnormality, so it's big? Or there are no other bodies in the morgue?

This is strange, I have to go to the hospital tomorrow to check.

At this time, Ning Zhu's voice came over: "Okay, Li Yin, go to bed. Tomorrow is Monday, and you have to get up early to go to school."

When Li Yin was in high school, she felt that getting up early was nothing. She just went to morning self-study normally, but after graduation, she immediately became lazy. When she thought about having to get up at five o'clock tomorrow morning and sitting in the classroom for class, she felt bad all over.

Ahem, just pretend, it's not a real class, no problem!

Ning Zhu had taken off her school uniform and threw it on the chair, then took off her school uniform pants, tidied her hair, and sat on the bed.

"By the way, Li Yin, don't use the water here. I don't know why, it's very smelly. If you eat it, you will definitely have a stomachache. And it's best not to eat the food sold outside. It's possible that it's made with this kind of water."

With the water quality of the town, it's not surprising that Ning Zhu found something abnormal. Even if she had solved the problem of the water plant, the water in the town would not be restored in a day or two.

"It's okay, I brought food." She pointed to the plastic bag she had placed on the other bed, which contained two loaves of bread, two sausages and a bottle of water.

As for the chicken feet, they were a bit fragrant, so both were eaten at night.

"Did you bring them in from outside?"

Li Yin shook her head.

"Did you bring cash?"

Li Yin shook her head again.

Ning Zhu stared at the little Lolita's eyes again and again, and really didn't understand where such a cute little girl learned these things from.

"Oh, forget it, go to sleep."

She lay down on her bed first, and patted the place next to her.

There was no way not to sleep in the same bed, who said there was only one quilt here? And the two were not fat, especially Li Yin, who was small, so it was no problem to sleep in the same bed.

This made Li Yin embarrassed, because she had never slept in the same bed with a girl. Of course, her own bed didn't count, and hiding from the dormitory aunt just now didn't count, because the time was too short.

I didn't expect that the first time would be with a girl as pretty as Ning Zhu. It would be a lie to say that I wasn't excited.

"Ahem, Ning Zhu, can I really get on your bed?"

"Do you still want to sleep on a hard bed?"


"Then come quickly, you have to get up early tomorrow."


Li Yin came to the bed shyly, took off her shoes, and moved to the inside to lie down.

The scent of milk and flowers still lingered at the tip of her nose, making her feel a little dizzy.

She asked in the tone of her roommate: "Ning Zhu, you smell so good, are you using any perfume?"

"Ah? Do I smell?" Ning Zhu blushed, and quickly raised her arm and asked: "No, I... haven't taken a shower for a long time, maybe... it's the smell of sweat..."

Is there such a good smell of sweat in the world?

Li Yin felt a little surprised, after all, she was still ignorant.

But speaking of taking a shower, I killed the snack bar ghost and the water plant ghost in succession today, and I am still so disgusting. Will I smell?

But there is no place to take a shower now. If I sleep in the same bed with a girl for the first time and I am disliked for having a smell, I will be ashamed.

Change the subject!

"By the way, Ning Zhu, how do you usually solve the problem of eating?"

"I have a cabinet full of snacks."

"Did you also get them from the supermarket outside?"

"You really stole your bread!"

"No! It's pay later! I'll pay when there is a signal!"

"Haha, I'm kidding. The snacks and cash I found in those cars outside the town, others don't know, so they are all mine."

"Hey, you are so smart?"


The two of them were back to back and stopped talking.

Li Yin moved his body and felt Ning Zhu on the other side move a little.

Turning their heads, the two looked at each other, Ning Zhu smiled: "Li Yin, do you know what I'm thinking about?"

Li Yin also smiled: "About me?"

"Well, I was wondering, what exactly are you? You don't know the agency, but you know the Abnormal Bureau. Faced with supernatural phenomena and

I am not afraid of ghosts at all, and I even take the initiative to contact them. "

"What do you think I am?"

Ning Zhu smiled beautifully, and she put a finger on her lips and looked thoughtful: "Well... Li Yin, are you the descendant of a hidden sect? You came out to experience, right?"

Looking at her expectant eyes, Li Yin felt that her brain might be broken. How could her thoughts be so similar to Yoona's? She must have read too many novels.

"You said I was stupid in your heart."

"Did you see it?"


The two laughed at the same time. Ning Zhu stretched out her hand and gently pinched Li Yin's face, and smiled: "Li Yin, you look so cute, why are you so mean?"

Li Yin was pinched a little itchy, and slightly turned her head to avoid it: "What's wrong, I never tell lies."

"By the way, did you use up that walnut? "

Li Yin twisted her body, reached into her pants pocket, took out the jade-like walnut and showed it: "No, this is your treasure, I can't bear to part with it."

Ning Zhu reached out and pinched her face again: "You keep it, it's dangerous here without self-defense."


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, thank you, Ning Zhu."

"It's okay, we are comrades now! It should be!"

Ning Zhu turned over, head facing up, and exhaled: "You know, Li Yin, I'm almost suffocating during this period. No one can talk to me. If you hadn't come, I wouldn't be able to hold on. Maybe I talked a little too much, please don't mind."

"It doesn't matter, I'm so happy to be able to chat with such a beautiful girl like you~"

Ning Zhu turned around and saw the little girl with a dazed look in her eyes, and couldn't help but teasing: "You always speak in this tone, don't you like girls? ”


Li Yin turned her head upwards awkwardly: “Ahem, Ning Zhu, have you found any clues about your father here?”

Seeing that Li Yin changed the subject, Ning Zhu felt a little disappointed, but when she talked about her father, her expression became a little solemn: “No, they should have hidden. The uncles and aunts are very powerful, and it is impossible for them to encounter danger.”

Li Yin was looking forward to the methods Ning Zhu mentioned, and it would be great if she could see them.

“By the way, how did you get the injury?”

“Well… I accidentally fell, it’s not important, I also want to ask you, why do you have a tattoo on your chest?”

Li Yin quickly covered her chest and pretended to be shy and said: “You… You actually peeked at my chest, Ning Zhu, you are a pervert.”

“Bah, what’s so good about your chest that’s as flat as a plate? I mean the tattoo, is it the mark of some sect?”

“It’s a birthmark, you are seeing it wrong. ”


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