The old man was very angry, but he was still very young.

Li Yin didn't care what his roommate was thinking. He took out his phone and searched for Linhai Child Care Center.

There are four children's welfare homes in Linhai. This is the smallest one and its location is very remote, even more remote than Ning Zhu's office.

It is not organized by the government, but was spontaneously founded by some caring people and co-organized with the civil affairs department. It mainly accepts orphans who are abandoned by their parents and wandering on the streets.

It is an old children's welfare home in Linhai. A child missing case did happen thirteen years ago, but the specific situation was not widely reported. Only some sporadic news mentioned it.

At that time, the reports mainly focused on the number of missing children and the search for work, but there was little mention of the reasons and progress behind the incident.

Is this, hidden?

Even the agency has been dispatched, so this matter must be related to ghosts.

Wait until Saturday and Sunday to go there to have a look.

Sitting up and preparing to go to the bathroom, I saw the three roommates turned their heads away in panic.

Li Yin looked at their strange behavior and couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong? What's your reaction?"

She touched her face, thinking that maybe she just laughed too silly and scared them?

Wang Yue laughed dryly a few times: "Nothing, nothing, just... I was startled when I saw you suddenly sit up."

Lu Qing also followed up: "Yes, that's it."

Li Yin looked at them speechlessly and got up to go to the bathroom.

After she left, the three of them immediately gathered together and chattered.

Combining clues such as Li Yin never went to the school bathhouse to take a bath, blushing when she saw herself and others changing clothes, and reminding them when she went to the bathroom without closing the door, they came to an amazing conclusion-

Li Yin might be a lesbian!

However, this conclusion was not very difficult to accept, mainly because any man would feel that it was a waste of talent to have a little Lolita like Li Yin who was so cute that it was against the rules. Instead, it seemed more reasonable to be with a girl.

The three looked at each other and decided to keep this secret in their hearts. No one could tell anyone, not even themselves.

Otherwise, if Li Yin cared about this matter, it would be too awkward to get along with her in the future.

The next day, the four of them got up early and went to the classroom.

Today was the first day of school. Professor Fang, as the vice dean, came to give an open class to all students in the School of Biology.

Everyone was looking forward to it. After all, this professor was a nationally renowned biologist with very high achievements in the field of biotechnology.

Not long after, someone came to the seat next to them. They were four girls from the next door dormitory.

One of them looked very sleepy and lay on the table as soon as she came.

Lu Qing came over and asked curiously, "What happened? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

She remembered that this classmate was usually very lively. She could be seen fetching water or helping her roommates bring food. She was always full of energy. She didn't expect that she would be so listless today.

"I don't know. I went out the night before yesterday and became very sleepy when I came back. I think it might be infected with something unclean."

A roommate said jokingly.

"Yes, yes, there is such a saying in my hometown! If you go out at night and meet a yellow fox, you will be fascinated and come back listless and sleep all day."

"What is a yellow fox?"


"Haha, is a weasel so charming? I think it looks pretty ugly?"

Everyone talked and laughed, diverting the topic, and no one paid attention to the girl anymore. Isn't it just sleeping? Sleep if you like, it won't kill you.

The open class started on time. Professor Fang's teaching style was very humorous, making the students laugh from time to time, making the originally serious atmosphere relaxed.

The purpose of the college arranging his speech was to let the freshmen quickly understand the teaching content of the School of Biology and cultivate relevant interests so that they can better devote themselves to future studies.

He first introduced the history and current situation of the School of Biology, and then focused on the cutting-edge fields of biotechnology, including gene editing, bioinformatics, synthetic biology, etc.

The students listened with great interest, and their curiosity and desire to explore unknown fields were stimulated.

Then he showed some of the latest research results in biology, including the development of anti-cancer drugs and the application of new agricultural biotechnology, so that students can see the huge potential of biotechnology in solving practical problems.

A class

After nearly two hours of class, everyone was still unsatisfied and felt that they could still learn.

Li Yin couldn't help but sigh. No wonder this professor was so popular among students. What he said was really attractive.

In the next few days, Li Yin followed Senior Sister Su Ji to study and record data in the laboratory.

In three days, Officer Liu sent a total of one sentence: "Something happened here. The Abnormal Bureau has completely blocked it. I will go back on Friday."

Seeing this message, Li Yin frowned.

Something happened in Luoan Town again? Could it be that a new monster ran out to cause trouble? It was completely blocked, and even Officer Liu couldn't contact the outside world.

But I can't go back to Luoan Town now, so I can only wait for Officer Liu to come out and ask clearly.

After waiting for a day, the news finally came in the evening.

I picked it up and saw that it was sent by Yu Yuner.

"Sister Li Yin, I don't have class tomorrow. I'll come to you. Let's go explore?"


"Yes! The supernatural events I found on the forum seem quite real. Let's go and see. Maybe there are ghosts!"

Li Yin was a little surprised. This girl was not afraid at all after experiencing the classroom ghost event. She even dared to take the initiative to find supernatural events and see ghosts. She is really brave.

"No problem. You can forward the post to me later. I'll see if it's true."

"Then it's settled. I'll come to you tomorrow. Take me on an adventure!"

Why would Sister Su look for me if not you? Don't want to chase a girlfriend?

Li Yin felt that this girl's brain circuit was a little different from that of ordinary people.

Just after the chat ended, another message popped up. It was sent by Ning Zhu.

"Do you have time tomorrow? Go out to play or visit the office?"

Li Yin raised her eyebrows. Is this Ah Zhu looking for me on a date?

Then there must be time!

"I'll go find you?"

"Yes, I'll wait for you at the office."

After sending the message, Li Yin immediately switched to Yu Yuner's chat box and typed: "I don't have time tomorrow, let's make an appointment another day."

Yu Yuner had already forwarded the link, but received such a message, and was immediately furious.

"Sister Li Yin, how can you go back on your word! You promised to accompany me on an adventure, how can you go back on your word?"

Li Yin ignored her words and was reading the forwarded post at this time.

The title is "The Residential Building Opposite My House".

The content looks a bit perverted, it is a record of the host's observation of a room in the opposite building.

On September 3, the moonlight at night sprinkled in front of my window. I accidentally looked up and caught a glimpse of the residential building opposite that had been empty. Since I moved here, the building has been dark, like a silent giant, standing there quietly. But tonight, one of its windows was lit. I was slightly stunned, and I felt a little uneasy inexplicably.

On September 4, I paid special attention to the residential building. The light was still on, but strangely, no matter when I looked at it, no one moved. I began to wonder, who lived there? Why was he so mysterious?

On September 5, why was the light still on? Was there anyone inside? I have been thinking about this question since the day before yesterday. The window seemed to be looking at me. Every time I looked up, I could see it.

On September 6, I couldn't forget it. Even if I didn't look at it, even if I closed my eyes, my heart was full of the lighted window! Even if I fell asleep, it would appear in my dreams! What was going on with it? I decided to find out. I walked to the front of the building, but found that the door was locked, and it seemed that no one had been there for a long time. I knocked hard on the door, but there was no sound at all!

On September 7, I couldn't sleep, and it was still on. I suddenly figured it out! There was something wrong with the window! It wasn't me observing it, but it was observing me! Haha, how could I have such an idea, am I crazy?

On September 8, I forced myself not to look at it, not to think about it, and tried to return to my normal life, but I knew it was still watching me! I regretted it, I shouldn't have observed it! It seemed to come to me...

On September 9, I was entangled by something, I couldn't see it, but I could feel it! It must be real, is it under the bed? Or in the closet? Why not! When did a gap appear on my wall? Why is the light so dim? My curtains are gray? No! This is not my home! I opened the curtains, what did I see? Someone in the opposite building was looking at me with a telescope! Who was it? It was me!

On September 10, I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I ran to the opposite building. It was so real that I couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality. But I really felt that there was something in my house, it was looking at me, hiding in the gap in the wall.

On September 11, it came in! It came to me! It was those eyes! It was

Eyes! Bloodshot eyes! Why does it always appear in the corner of my sight? I've been hiding, how can it still find me? I've been hiding!

September 12th, hahahaha!!! It's still looking at me! It's still looking at me! Why is it looking at me! Where is it? Outside the window, under the bed? In the closet? They all think I'm crazy, but I know I'm not! It must be there, still looking at me! I know! Hahaha! I know! So you're here?

The story ends here, and the following is full of curses, saying that the author is a eunuch, a pigeon, and a bad ending.

And the author has not given any follow-up development so far.

Li Yin read it from beginning to end, and it didn't feel like a ghost, but that this person had a mental problem.

This symptom is like schizophrenia.

But since Yu Yuner wants to see it, then take her to see it, but not tomorrow.

"Do you have time tonight? Let's go for a adventure."

Yu Yuner replied with a shocked expression: "Sister Li Yin, are you playing so big? You dare to go at night?"

"Yeah, it's more atmospheric."

People who are familiar with her know that no ghost she targets can survive a night.

Since it has been discovered, you must hurry to get the energy, otherwise it may be snatched away by others if you go too late.

And the ghosts you beat can be exchanged for money by Ning Zhu to increase the performance of his own firm, killing two birds with one stone.

Huh? Wait! The ghosts I killed dissipated on the spot, how can I exchange them for money?

Can I record a video?

Yu Yuner didn't reply for a long time, probably because she was scared.

Just when she was about to take back her phone and go back to the dormitory, she finally got a message. When she opened it, it was not Yu Yuner, but Officer Liu.

"Come out and talk?"

Li Yin was a little surprised: "You came out?"

"Yeah, I just got to the police station. Something bad happened there, and we ordinary people were driven back. Where can I find you?"

"No need, you wait at the police station, I'll come out to find you."

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