After the incident, the police said that the police were not allowed to go to the police station.

Li Yin said hello to his roommates and said that he would be back later, then took a taxi to the police station.

In the cafeteria, the three roommates looked at each other, all with an expression that they had seen through everything.

The three of them put their heads together and whispered, "Why don't we go and see what kind of person she is?"

"That's not good. If Li Yin finds out, she will definitely be angry."

"And we don't know where she went. We won't be able to find her if we follow her now."

"Yeah. What a pity! The next time Xiao Li Yin goes out on a date, we must go and see! If the other person is a man, help Xiao Li Yin to check, if it's a woman... let's run."

Sun Tingting scratched her head: "Yueyue, why do you have to run? I think Xiao Li Yin is very cute. Even if she looks at her and likes her... there's no reason, right?"

The other two stared at her until Sun Tingting felt embarrassed by being stared at, and then they lowered their heads helplessly.

Because they had the same idea...

I don't know what kind of magic this Xiao Li Yin has, that makes people can't hate her.

Could it be that I am also a lesbian?

The three of them sat in the cafeteria in silence and began to doubt themselves.

When Li Yin arrived at the police station, she saw Officer Liu walking out of the main entrance with a tired look on his face, so she reached out and said hello.

"Uncle Liu, can we talk somewhere?"

When Officer Liu saw Li Yin, he also smiled and waved his car keys, motioning her to follow.

Li Yin sat in the back seat, while Officer Liu was in the driver's seat. He lit a cigarette, thought about it, and then put it out: "I contacted the people from the Abnormal Bureau, and they gave me the opportunity to test me."

Li Yin nodded: "Well, it's good."

"This time it was a big shock to me. The people in a small town suddenly died, and the bodies were piled up as high as a hill. Even before you notified me, no one in the entire police station had heard of this incident..."

"Are you starting to doubt your ability?"

"No, I'm starting to doubt the world."

"Such a second-year line..."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Uncle Liu, did you see the transformation of Captain Chen from the Abnormal Bureau? What do you think?"

Officer Liu's hand trembled, and he put the unlit cigarette in his mouth and took a puff.

"It's terrible, even more terrible than a ghost."

"So you're still going to join the Abnormal Bureau?"

Officer Liu was silent for a while, and a "hmm" came out of his nose.

"In the face of those things, ordinary people are too weak. I need to be able to protect myself."

"Even if I become a monster?"


"Li Yin, your ability is different from theirs, right?"

Li Yin did not answer, and Officer Liu did not continue to ask, but took a deep breath, as if to suppress the heavy feeling, and continued to move forward.

Both of them were silent for a while, and finally Officer Liu was the first to speak and break the silence: "I didn't tell the Abnormal Bureau what we know."

Li Yin raised his eyebrows: "Are you afraid of exposing my ability?"

"I know your ability?"


"Go on."

"Once I tell everything, the person responsible for investigating this matter will definitely not be me, which goes against my original intention."

Officer Liu sighed: "Whether it is cooperating with you or contacting the Abnormal Bureau, my ultimate goal is to bring the criminals of that year to justice."

Li Yin looked at his back, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Do you want to avenge your friend personally?"

Officer Liu put the cigarette in his mouth again: "I am a policeman..."

Li Yin waved his hand: "Okay, don't talk about this. Uncle Liu, help me find someone."


Li Yin found the photo and handed it to him.

Officer Liu was stunned: "Is this what the mutant monster looked like before it died?"

"You know?"

"Well, I was responsible for carrying her head at the time, so I secretly took a photo. The blockade of Luoan Town is related to it."

Li Yin frowned: "Is it alive?"

"No, its body was kidnapped. I don't know the details. I heard that it was a flying monster, very strong. Even with the support and escort sent by the capital, it was still kidnapped."

"Flying monster? Support from the capital? Can you tell me more about them?"

Officer Liu shook his head: "I don't know about the monster. I haven't seen it with my own eyes. But after the monster appeared, the capital sent a lot of people.

There were many people patrolling, and those people gave me a very strong feeling, even Captain Chen couldn't compare with them. As for the support from Beijing, she was a girl who looked about 20 years old. "

Officer Liu described in detail the appearance and characteristics of the support from Beijing, as well as the extraordinary ability she showed in dealing with the mutant monster incident.

Hearing that she could release flames and jump directly from a plane dozens of meters high, Li Yin was amazed.

Very cruel.

If they really fight, I guess my father-in-law and others will be beaten to shit.

"Can she fly?"

"I asked."

"What did she ask?"

"She said that those who can fly are not normal people."

Li Yin: "..."

Hey, doesn't Uncle Ye look quite normal? Why would there be such an evaluation? Is there any secret hidden in it that I don't know?

Find time to go to Uncle Ye's office to inquire.

"Okay, let's talk about the monster. Since you are the one responsible for carrying the head, you must have investigated her identity, right? Who is she? "Li Yin brought the topic back on track.

"Before that, I have to say that her head is also missing. She just disappeared before the body was transported, so the people in the Abnormal Bureau don't know her information."

"It's good news for you."


Li Yin's mouth twitched: "It wasn't you who did it?"

"No. ”

Why do I not believe it?

However, Li Yin did not say it, and motioned him to continue to talk about the identity of the monster.

Officer Liu did not reply, but took out his mobile phone. Because it was too slow, it took him a minute to search for what he wanted and handed it to the girl in the back seat.

Li Yin took the phone with some confusion, and saw that there was a missing person notice on the phone, and the photo on the missing person notice was the girl who turned into a monster.

Li Yin never thought that she could find it on the Internet, otherwise she would have used the browser to recognize the picture.

Continuing to read the content of the missing person notice, her brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

A familiar name appeared in the information pushed below, Zhang Hairen.

"She, is Professor Zhang's daughter?"

Officer Liu in front shook his head: "No, she is his student. Li Muyi is an orphan who earned money and worked hard to get into college. If Professor Zhang hadn't been looking for her, no one would know about her disappearance."

Li Yin frowned: "Uncle Liu, does this Li Muyi have brothers and sisters? ”


“Then do you have any female classmates you have a close relationship with in school?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Looking for clues.”

Officer Liu shook his head: “I don’t know. I’ll ask Zhang Hairen when I find time.”

Li Yin heard something wrong in his tone and raised her head and asked: “Do you have a suspect?”

Officer Liu was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and said slowly: “Yes, I suspect Zhang Hairen is the initiator of all this. At least, he is one of them.”

After saying that, the nearly fifty-year-old man pursed his lips tightly: “I, only have these two friends…”

Li Yin handed him the phone silently and shook her head: “We have no evidence.”

“I will find evidence.”

Li Yin didn’t know what to say, so she could only continue to ask: “Li Muyi, which orphanage is she from? Linhai?”

“No, it is said that she is from the mountainous area.”

“It’s not easy to be admitted to Linhai. Uncle Liu, why do you suspect that Professor Zhang is the murderer? "

"I'm not sure, but..."

He opened his phone again and handed a photo to Li Yin.

It turned out to be the symbol of a cult.

"Where did you find it?"

"Luo'an Government Building, in the mayor's office."

Mayor's office?

Because time was tight at the time, Li Yin did not search carefully, and did not expect that such a thing would appear there.

It makes sense. If the cult chooses a test site, apart from random crimes, only people with special identities will be left to respond.

"Is he missing?"

"No. He turned into a ghost, just under the pit, and was killed by the girl who came to support from Beijing."

Turned into a ghost? Isn't Luo'an Town full of ghosts?

"Besides him, are there any other ghosts under the pit?"

"No, there is only this one. ”

This is strange. All other residents of the town became part of the monster that Li Muyi transformed into. Why was he the only one left? Because of his special identity? Then why did he die?

“You told me that the ghost in the No. 3 Girls’ High School in the city was wearing the uniform of Luoan Town School. She was a girl, right?”

“Well, do you mean to say that her name is Zheng Lan?”

“Yes! In addition, she has another

Identity, the mayor's daughter."

This is also something Li Yin didn't know. No wonder Officer Liu suspected that Professor Zhang was the murderer behind the scenes. It turned out to be like this...

"So you suspect that the reason why Zheng Lan appeared in Yu Yuner's school was to...retaliate."

"I didn't find the mayor's wife on the death list of Luoan Town. She should still be alive. It is very likely that she did all this."

"Are there any clues?"

"No, I will check. "

Li Yin understood Officer Liu's current mood. After ten years of investigation, the murderer might be his only remaining friend.

The closer he got to the truth, the more difficult it might be for him to bear this kind of blow...

Li Yin did not tell him in front of him that she was going to test Professor Zhang.

He did not even tell the people in the Abnormal Bureau about these things, which shows how deep his obsession is. If he said such words now, I am afraid that the cooperation would break down on the spot.

When there is time, I will go quietly.

Just then, the phone rang. It was a voice call. Li Yin picked it up and looked at it, a little stunned.

Yu Yuner, this girl, why are you looking for me at this time?

Do you know that you and your father are now suspects?

"Who called?"

Li Yin showed the caller ID: "Professor Zhang's daughter, Yu Yuner."

"What does she want to ask you for?"

"I don't know."

Li Yin answered the phone, and a breathless voice came from the other end: "Sister Li Yin, where are you? Come out quickly, I'm at the gate of your school. ”

Li Yin: “?”

“What are you doing at the gate of our school?”

“Didn’t we agree to go on an adventure tonight? No way, Sister Li Yin, are you going to regret this? It took me 40 minutes to get here by bike!”

Li Yin’s mouth twitched. She thought that this girl didn’t reply to the message because she didn’t want to go, but she didn’t expect that she went to ride a bike.

“I’m not in school now, I’m at the police station, you can get there in another hour.”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a cry of “Ah?”, followed by a wailing, “How can you do this? I rode forty minutes to get here, and I have to ride for another hour? I must be exhausted!”

“Hahaha, just kidding, I’ll take a taxi back, you wait there. By the way, does Senior Sister Su Ji know that you came here?”

“I told her that I would go shopping with you and sleep in my sister’s dormitory at night! "

Hey, this girl is quite good at seizing opportunities.

"Okay, I'll go back now."

After hanging up the phone, Officer Liu looked over and asked curiously: "What do you mean by adventure?"

His tone has returned to normal. After all, he is an adult and his emotions are well hidden.

Li Yin briefly talked about the forum article forwarded by Yu Yuner.

Officer Liu couldn't help but frowned: "This forum again? Are there any clues about the signal in Linhai University found in the Feng Qi case?"

Li Yin spread his hands: "Looking for a needle in a haystack, how can there be any clues."

"That's right." Officer Liu pondered for a moment and suddenly asked: "Can you take me there?"

Hey, you are a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but you are actually interested in adventure. I didn't see it.

"There may be no ghosts in this place."

"It doesn't matter. "Officer Liu coughed. He also felt that this kind of thing was a bit inappropriate for his age.

But since he was about to join the Abnormal Bureau, he had never seen a ghost so far, except for the hallucinations he saw at Feng Qi's house.

I don't know what the test of the Abnormal Bureau is like. If it is related to ghosts, he should be mentally prepared in advance.

The car started and drove slowly on the road. It was very quiet in the car. Both of them were thinking about their own things.

Li Yin did not tell the memory fragments she saw. It was not that she did not trust Officer Liu, but she felt that their cooperation was about to end.

"What are you going to do after finding the real murderer?" Li Yin asked.

Officer Liu seemed to know what Li Yin was thinking, and said with a smile: "Join the Abnormal Bureau and start a new life."

"At that time, our cooperation will end."

Officer Liu opened the car window and took a deep breath: "Yes, although we are all looking for traces of the cult, our ultimate goals are not the same. I am an ordinary person and can only do what I can. This evil cult is too big. Just the tip of the iceberg is enough to destroy people like me countless times. I just want to find the murderer, bring him to justice, and avenge my friend. And you still have a longer way to go. "

Li Yin looked out the window with a smile on his face: "At least, before the murderer is arrested, we are still partners. "

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