The three drove back to the old neighborhood. Li Yin glanced in the direction of the dangerous building. The whole building was dark and there was no light. He retracted his gaze, went to the fourth floor, and opened the door. There was no peculiar smell in the room. Even the blood that Xu Wei had sprayed out of his eyes had long been dried and turned into brown marks. Li Yin turned on the light, and the light illuminated the dim room. The room was not large, only about 50 square meters, but it was divided into two bedrooms and a living room, and the space seemed a bit cramped. The walls of the bathroom were covered with dark red bloodstains, mottled and shocking. Li Yin walked to the mirror and carefully examined the bloodstains. They had dried up and solidified into hard shells, but she could still imagine how Xu Wei had dug out her eyes in an extreme way.

She observed the mirror and found nothing special.

She came to the bedroom again and put her hand on the wall and rubbed it gently. Although it was an old neighborhood, the wall of this room should have been repainted, very clean, and there was no gap as he said.

Is the ghost no longer here?

Li Yin stretched out his hand to summon his axe and waved it in the room.

The result was the same as in the dangerous building, nothing appeared.

This was a bit strange. Could it be that he had been taken away? If so, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

She turned around and signaled Officer Liu and Yu Yuner to retreat to the door for the time being, and she stood in front of the window and looked at the window of the room in the dangerous building.

She had a guess in her mind. If this guess was true, she might see an "acquaintance" and lead out an important person at the same time.

After watching for about three minutes, a light suddenly lit up in the gap of the window, and then immediately went out.

I guessed it right!

I turned around suddenly and saw a gap in the originally intact wall!

There were wisps of black air in the gap, and a pair of eyes flashing red were staring at me.

Li Yin did not summon the axe directly, fearing that the ghost would be scared away, so she just stared at it quietly.


A hand stretched out from the gap. This hand was very fat. It was impossible to imagine how she stretched out from such a narrow gap. The scene was very visually impactful.

When she completely got out and stood in the room, Li Yin could only look up at her.

This ghost was as tall as 1.77 meters. Just as Xu Wei said, she was very fat and wore a school uniform. There was no obvious fatal injury, but there were many wounds on her arms, and it was bloody.

This is a hate ghost. The activation method is very simple. Just stare at the room where it is for more than three minutes and it will appear.

But it seems to have no attack ability. Whether it is creating an illusion or appearing in person, it is for intimidation. At most, it will seduce the peepers and dig out their own eyes.

What a gentle person...

Li Yin smiled and summoned the axe in an instant. With a swing of the axe, the female ghost's head was separated from her body. She didn't give her a chance to react. Even Officer Liu and Yu Yuner at the door didn't see what happened.

After doing all this, Li Yin turned the axe in his hand and carried it on his shoulder. With the other hand, he gently caught the flying head of the female ghost and placed it on the cabinet beside him.

Then he took out a card from his pocket and put it on its head.

There was a fat girl on the card, who looked naive and cute. Her name was Hu Die.

"Why did you come here? I forgot to take something. Keep it."

Looking at the girl's smooth movements, the two people at the door were a little confused.

"Li Yin, this is..."

"Her student ID, I found it in Luoan Town."

Luoan Town?

Officer Liu was alert and kept silent.

Li Yin watched the ghost's body slowly dissipate, feeling a little emotional.

She didn't know this girl named Hu Die very well, but she could deduce a rough idea from the triggering rules and abilities she displayed after she became a hate ghost.

This girl was most likely to commit suicide, and the reason must be related to her figure.

She was ridiculed and even bullied because of her figure when she was alive. Over time, she developed a strong sense of inferiority, feeling that everyone was laughing at her and laughing at her bloated figure.

Maybe once, someone took a photo of her through the curtains and posted it online, which made her completely collapse.

So she didn't hate people, but the ubiquitous feeling of being watched caused by her inferiority complex.

Even after becoming a ghost, she didn't have the intention of harming people, she just wanted others to taste it too.

Taste this.


Li Yin gave her guess a perfect score.

But no matter what, ghosts are ghosts and should not appear in the society of living people.

"Is it... over?" Yu Yuner asked in disbelief.

She felt that everything happened too fast. The ghost had just appeared and had only crawled out for a few seconds before it was chopped to death with an axe. Its head fell off, and a card was placed on its head as if to humiliate it.

What does this mean?

"Well, it's over. Let's go and take a look over there."

Li Yin passed the two people and walked towards the dangerous building first.

Officer Liu thought about the female ghost and the identity of the woman he peeped at in Xu Wei's mouth.

Yu Yuner reached out and touched the restored wall, but it still felt a little unreal.

Turning around, the female ghost's body had disappeared without a trace, and even the small card was gone. She couldn't help but sigh that Sister Li Yin was really too strong, worthy of being a senior ghost exorcist!

The three of them came to the room in the dangerous building. Li Yin went straight to the kitchen and opened the garbage pile, revealing a hole below that led directly to the fourth floor.

Officer Liu widened his eyes. He didn't know what kind of power could break through the wall of a building, but this just confirmed his guess.

And seeing this, he also had a rough guess about the identity of the woman mentioned by Xu Wei.

"Go down and take a look?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Yin had already jumped down first.

Turning on the flashlight, looking around the room, no one was found, no ghosts, only some daily necessities.

Picking up a package and taking a look, it can be seen from the dust on it that these were recently opened.

Just now when she killed Hu Die, she found that although the fighting power of this ghost was very useless, it had an extremely interesting characteristic.

That is, before the rules were triggered, it was almost in a state of disappearance.

It could not be discovered, and even its own axe was useless.

And the triggering condition was peeping, so it was too appropriate to use it as an early warning device.

Officer Liu didn't dare to jump down. He was old and it was dark down there. It was not worth it if he got hurt.

Yu Yuner was eager to try, but was pulled back by Officer Liu and had to give up.

"Sister Li Yin, did you find anything down there?"

"Let's go, let's talk outside."

Li Yin said, found the door on the fourth floor, chopped it open with an axe, and walked out.

She was really afraid that the building would collapse and bury them inside.

This was originally a dangerous building, and they were still drilling holes in the ceiling. Isn't this courting death? She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she sat in the car.

Officer Liu asked, "Did you find anything down there?"

Li Yin shook her head, "Someone lived there before, but now there's no one there, and she probably won't come back in the future."

Officer Liu thought so too.

Yu Yuner next to him didn't understand, and was still guessing the woman's identity, saying she was a foreign spy and an evil ghost rider, and her mind was full of ideas.

Li Yin and Officer Liu did not speak, but just listened quietly until they passed a milk tea shop, and Li Yin signaled to stop the car.

Touching his pocket, he did not have a penny of cash, so he could only look at Officer Liu in the driver's seat.

Officer Liu had no choice but to open the handrail box and took out two ten-yuan bills and handed them to Yu Yuner: "Go buy some drinks, buy whatever you want, uncle will treat you."

Yu Yuner got off the car happily and turned around and asked: "Sister Li Yin, Uncle Liu, what do you want to drink?"

"I don't care." Li Yin's mind was not on this, and she responded casually.

Officer Liu thought about it seriously: "Taro paste Bobo."

Hey, you are quite fashionable.

Yu Yuner made an OK gesture and turned around and ran towards the milk tea shop.

Li Yin took out his mobile phone helplessly and transferred another 50 yuan to Yu Yuner.

Otherwise, with that 20 yuan, it would probably be enough to buy one cup.

Officer Liu was surprised: "So expensive?"

Li Yin was puzzled: "You know about taro paste Bobo, but don't know the price?"

"I heard it from my colleagues...Okay, let's not talk about this. Li Yin, you sent Yuner away, do you have something to say?"

Li Yin nodded: "Let's start with the discovery. I know that ghost, she is a high school student in Luoan Town, named Hu Die, and I played her in Luoan at that time."

Officer Liu nodded and motioned Li Yin to continue.

"I know that there are two vacancies in the school in Luoan Town, one is the mayor's daughter, Zheng Lan, and the other is Hu Die. Zheng Lan only turned into an upper body ghost, she can't move, she must have been placed in the city's third girl's school, and Hu Die is probably the same."

She explained the triggering rules of the hate ghost and the wonderful use of Hu Die's ability in anti-reconnaissance.

"So, bring them out, big

The probability is that it is the mayor's wife, a survivor of Luoan Town. Xu Wei should have seen her, but I can't figure it out. I remember that the mayor of Luoan Town had white hair and should be about to retire, but the woman described by Xu Wei was only about 40 years old. "

Officer Liu looked at Li Yin, who was analyzing seriously, and couldn't help coughing: "Yes, that's it."


Li Yin raised her head and stared.

Officer Liu nodded, confirming that she had heard it right.

"Okay, do you have the information of the mayor's wife?"

"Yes, I have investigated. Her name is Han Xiuli, 41 years old, 1.63 meters tall, teaching English at Luoan Town Middle School, and is the head of the grade in the first year of high school. ”

It is almost certain that the woman Xu Wei saw was Han Xiuli. Before the town was transformed, she ran out with two ghosts, most likely for revenge.

So she put one ghost into Yu Yuner's classroom in an attempt to avenge her daughter, and kept the other one with her to prevent being tracked by the cult members.

She herself should also be a former cult member, and this skill of controlling ghosts is not something that ordinary people can master.

In addition, the mayor finally appeared in the pit instead of becoming a member of the fusion monster. Could it be an internal conflict in the cult? The mayor's family did not want to die, or because the other party accidentally killed Zheng Lan, so these things happened later.

And the mayor, when he turned into a ghost, went to fight Li Muyi?

Then why was he not killed? Was it because he was too weak and was not discovered?

"From the traces, she lived here for no more than three days. It is estimated that she ran away on the day she was spied on, leaving only Hu Die behind. "

"What scared her like this?"

"I don't know, it could be the monster that hijacked Li Muyi's body, or it could be other cult members. She should have escaped from Linhai. As for why she came back, it was probably because she found that her daughter's ghost had lost contact, so she came back to check. "

Officer Liu opened the car window and stretched one hand out of the window, looking up at the starry sky, and sighed: "Now, as long as we catch her, everything will be clear."

"Well, you are good at this."

"Are there any other ghosts in her? If so, I am in danger, right?"

"I don't know, you can ask the people in the Abnormal Bureau for a list of offices. Their methods are quite magical, and they may be able to sell you self-protection props."

"Is it expensive?"

"Probably not cheap."

"I said I am from the Abnormal Bureau, but I can't do it for free?"

"They are poor."

"Okay. "

Li Yin turned her head and looked in the direction of the milk tea shop. Yu Yuner was chatting with the clerk over there and seemed to be having a very happy chat.

This girl seems to get along with everyone. She is a natural social expert.

"Uncle Liu, don't you think this is too coincidental?"

Officer Liu turned his head and frowned: "What do you mean?"

"We just came out of Luoan Town and got some clues. When we were about to track down Han Xiuying, her clues came to us by themselves. And the one who sent the clues was your suspect, Professor Zhang's daughter."

Officer Liu also reacted and frowned even deeper: "Do you suspect that everything tonight was Yuner using us to kill people with borrowed knives?"

"Or invite someone into a trap." Li Yin retracted his gaze, closed his eyes and thought for a moment: "There is another possibility that Yuner is also someone else's knife. She doesn't know anything, but was pushed in front of us. And the person who pushed her was the Urban Strange Stories Forum."

"I'll go back and investigate this company carefully. "

"Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Liu."

After that, Li Yin stopped talking, and Yu Yuner also came back with three drinks.

She and Li Yin both had low-sugar tea, while Officer Liu had the taro paste Bobo he ordered.

Yu Yuner handed the milk tea to Officer Liu, and couldn't wait to put in the straw, took a sip, and showed a satisfied expression on her face.

"It tastes good!"

Li Yin was amused by her appearance and reached out to rub her hair: "Little greedy cat."

Yu Yuner giggled and said to Officer Liu: "Uncle Liu, high-sugar things are not good for your body, I will help you change to low-sugar."

Officer Liu was stunned, and then laughed: "Yuner is still sensible, uncle will remember it. "

The relaxed atmosphere in the car returned. The three chatted and laughed until they reached the school gate. They said goodbye to Officer Liu and separated in front of the dormitory building.

Yu Yuner couldn't wait to get close to her sister. Li Yin watched her figure go away and returned to her dormitory.

When passing by the next door, she saw three girls sitting together and chatting. The girl who liked to sleep in had already gone to bed.

When she opened the dormitory door, she was immediately locked by three eyes. The three roommates looked at Li Yin with suspicion in their eyes.


"Little Li Yin, you came back so late, what have you been doing?"

Wang Yue pushed Li Yin to sit on the chair and squatted beside her with a curious look on her face.

"I went out for a walk with friends."

Li Yin had already thought of a reason, and took out the photos on her mobile phone to show them. It was a photo of Yu Yuner. The little girl was quite photogenic and was very cute in the photo.

Lu Qing asked curiously: "Is this your sister?"

"I guess so. She is the daughter of Professor Zhang from the next college and a friend of my parents."

"I see, she looks so young, is she a high school student?"


"Not yet an adult?"

"Not yet an adult."

Three sounds of sucking in air came from the dormitory.

Little Li Yin, you are having a lot of fun...

But Li Yin doesn't seem to be an adult either, so there is no problem.

"Li Yin, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Speaking of tomorrow, Li Yin's expression immediately became a little excited. He glanced at the time. It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and he had to go to bed!

So he stood up and walked to the sink: "My friend asked me to go out and play, I have to go to bed early!"

The three people behind him looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

This reaction is right!

It must be a date!

We have to go over and see!

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