The sun was setting, and the sky was full of stars.

It was just dawn, and Wang Yue was still dreaming while hugging the quilt, but she heard the rustling sound of someone getting out of bed next to her.

She opened her hazy eyes and looked into the wash area, where she saw a little girl brushing her teeth and washing her face.

Hmm, did Xiao Liyin get up so early?

Wang Yue put her chin on the iron railing, closed her eyes and squinted for a while, until the sound came from under her bed, she opened her eyes again.

What is Xiao Liyin looking for?

She quietly stuck her head out from the gap in the railing and saw Liyin holding a small bottle in her hand, trying to figure out how to open it.

Isn't that my makeup remover?

The little girl tried twice, but didn't open it. She then turned her attention to the moisturizing spray next to her.

This time she successfully opened the lid, sprayed it on her arm, and then leaned over to smell it.

"It doesn't smell good..."

Wang Yue heard Li Yin mutter, then put the moisturizing spray back to its original place and jumped out of the dormitory.

When the door closed, the other two beds instantly heard the sound of lifting the quilt, and Lu Qing even came over to shake her bed.

"Yueyue, get up quickly, Xiao Liyin has left, we have to leave quickly!"

Hearing Lu Qing's voice, Wang Yue immediately widened her eyes and lost all sleepiness.

Fog, I was so sleepy that I forgot everything!

She hurriedly got out of bed, and when she put her hand on the table, she touched a piece of paper.

Picked it up and saw the vigorous words on it: Yueyue, I used a little of your perfume, and I'll treat you to delicious food when I come back.

Hey, this handwriting is really beautiful.

Wang Yue remembered Li Yin's strange behavior just now, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Has this girl really never put on makeup? How can she not even tell the difference between perfume and moisturizing spray?

The three of them hurriedly washed up, and even ran out of the door without putting on makeup. They ran all the way to the school gate panting, and just happened to see Li Yin standing there waiting for a car.

They also hurried to another intersection to stop a car, until the three of them got in a taxi, and Li Yin's car hadn't arrived yet.

Wang Yue could only explain to the driver.

When the driver heard that he had to follow the car in front, he immediately got excited.

He automatically imagined a big drama of catching an adulterer, and was ready to eat melons at the first scene.

The three of them were speechless: "Ahem, it's not what you think. It's just that my roommate seems to be dating, and we are going to help her check it out."

When the driver heard this, he felt a little disappointed: "Oh, young people are in love, they have to see if the other person is reliable! Don't worry, I have been driving for so many years, I guarantee that I will follow steadily and won't let the other party find out!"

The driver is indeed very capable. He kept a proper distance all the way and followed the car that Li Yin was sitting in.

But the more he drove, the more he felt something was wrong.

Don't other people go to the city center for dates, bustling and fun places? Why did he go to the suburbs? Are there any attractions here?

In my impression, there are only old buildings, not to mention fun, it's not easy to find a good restaurant.

The car finally stopped in front of an old community. The three got off the car and looked up at the old buildings in front of them, their eyes full of confusion.

"What's so fun about this place?" Wang Yue couldn't help but mutter.

The other two also shook their heads. If they were on a date, they would definitely turn around and leave when they saw such a place.

The three looked at each other, and walked in with their heads held high, while checking the time.

It was only half past six in the morning! Who would date so early? Has she gotten up yet?

Walking into the community, it was quite prosperous. Many grandpas and grandmas had already gotten up to do morning exercises, some were pulling their reluctant children to school, and some young people were taking the morning bus to work, and were sitting in a breakfast shop eating.

It was full of the breath of life.

The three walked all the way in and found that Li Yin had walked into a store. When they looked up at the sign above, they were even more confused.

"What does Ning's firm... do?"

"Law firm? Or detective firm?"

Lu Qing, with sharp eyes, looked inside and didn't see the typical decorations of a modern firm. Instead, she noticed some wood carvings, walnuts, small ornaments and the like.

It doesn't look like an office, but more like a cultural relic store.

"Let's go in and take a look!"


At the same time, Li Yin had already arrived at the office.

This was her first time here, and although it looked quite small on the map, it was actually not


The first impression the office gave her was the same as that of her roommates, like a cultural and antique store, with antique decorations inside, some calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, various cultural and antique decorations on the counter, and some books.

"Good morning, uncle." Li Yin stood at the door and greeted the middle-aged man behind the counter.

Ning Tiannan was sitting on a chair fiddling with walnuts. He looked up when he heard the voice and said in surprise: "Isn't this Xiao Li? Are you here to play with my daughter? She's upstairs and she shouldn't get up yet. You can just go up directly."

He knew that his daughter had been calling the girl in front of him every day these days. Seeing that his daughter's face was smiling more and more, as a father, he was happier than anyone else.

Naturally, he didn't object to his daughter's contact with Li Yin.

"Well, then I won't bother uncle. I'll go to play with Ning Zhu."

Li Yin responded obediently and turned to go upstairs.

Looking at the girl's excited back, Ning Tiannan couldn't help but sigh that it was great for his daughter to make such a friend.

There are only three rooms on the second floor. One of them is open, which should belong to Uncle Ning, and the other is empty.

Li Yin tiptoed to the door and tried to press the door handle.

It's not locked.


She pushed the door open and walked in gently, fearing to disturb Ning Zhu's sleep.

The room is warm and simple. The desk by the window is full of books and notebooks, which looks full of academic atmosphere.

Apart from that, there are only two wardrobes and a bed.

Li Yin walked to the bed and saw Ning Zhu lying there quietly, with a peaceful sleeping face, like an angel.

She sat by the bed and looked at the sleeping girl quietly, her heart full of happiness and a little pride.

Did you see it? This is my girlfriend!

What? Did you see it? Don't look!

Suddenly, Ning Zhu's eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was about to wake up.

Li Yin held her breath nervously, fearing to disturb her.

But the girl didn't wake up, she just turned over and continued to immerse herself in a sweet dream.

Li Yin breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly remembered something.

She turned back nervously and looked at him, then pricked up her ears to listen for footsteps coming up the stairs.

After confirming that Uncle Ning was still sitting downstairs, she turned around and continued to stare at Ning Zhu's peaceful sleeping face.

Her eyes looked down, passing over her upturned nose and landing on her pink lips.

She felt her heartbeat speed up a little, and an inexplicable impulse surged in her heart.

She moved closer involuntarily and could almost smell the faint fragrance emanating from Ning Zhu's body.

That was the unique body fragrance of a girl.

We both did that, kiss... kiss, it should be okay, right?

Li Yin licked her lips, her heartbeat seemed to be magnified countless times at this moment, and she approached carefully, fearing that her breathing would disturb her.

Ning Zhu's breathing was steady and even, and her sleeping face was like a quiet painting, making people reluctant to disturb her.

Li Yin's hand touched the hair on her forehead, and the soft touch made her heart beat faster. Pinning the strand of hair behind her ear, her fingers slid along the girl's perfect cheek, and finally landed on her lips.

Feeling the soft touch of her fingertips, Li Yin was a little dazed, as if appreciating the most exquisite work of art in the world.

Closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and gently pressed her lips against it.

When the lips touched, Li Yin's heartbeat almost stopped.

Carefully touching Ning Zhu's lips with the tip of her tongue, as if tasting delicious candy, for fear that she would accidentally wake up this beautiful dream.

The breaths of the two intertwined in the air, with a hint of ambiguity and sweetness. The girl's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and her hands gently hugged Ning Zhu's shoulders, as if to firmly grasp the beauty of this moment.

Suddenly, Ning Zhu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and Li Yin was so scared that she quickly retracted her lips and looked at the girl nervously, fearing that she would wake up.

But Ning Zhu didn't seem to wake up, just turned over and continued to immerse herself in the sweet dream.

Li Yin breathed a sigh of relief, and a sly smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

It was a close call... I was almost discovered.

But I felt a little disappointed.

It seemed that it didn't matter if I was discovered. We have such a good relationship. A kiss will only make it better... right?

Not long after, Ning Zhu slowly opened her eyes and just looked at the girl lying in front of her bed.

There was no surprise or panic, but a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You're here so early? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Li Yin shook her head seriously: "You're so beautiful, I was infatuated with you."

"You're so funny."

Ning Zhu sat up and stretched her body. Her slender figure looked so beautiful in her pajamas.

Even under the buttons, you can faintly see the obvious waistline.

Why didn't I notice that Ah Zhu's belly is so beautiful last time in the hotel?

Maybe it's because there are so many beautiful places, and I didn't look at it!

Ning Zhu also noticed Li Yin's gaze, and her face turned a little red.

She didn't mind being looked at by Li Yin, after all, they were...

Ahem, and her figure was not bad, she insisted on exercising every day, so she could look at it.

But she was still a little shy...

Mainly because this girl's gaze was too unscrupulous, making her face a little hot.

"Ah Zhu."


"Do you need a good morning kiss?"

Ning Zhu: "..."

"Didn't you kiss just now?"

Li Yin was shocked: "You know?"

Ning Zhu's face turned even redder. How could she not know about this kind of thing! It's okay for you to kiss, but you actually stick out your tongue, it's simply... embarrassing!

Even if you woke up, you couldn't open your eyes at that time, right? How embarrassing!

But the little girl in front of him was obviously not satisfied. She had already climbed onto her bed, with her hands around her waist, her eyes full of expectation.

"Then, Ah Zhu, can we do it again?"



"What a big-headed ghost! I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

"It's not dirty, it smells good!"

"Go, go, go!"


Downstairs, the door opened again. Ning Tiannan looked up in surprise, not understanding why so many people came so early in the morning.

Seeing that it was three strange girls, he thought they were customers. He quickly stood up from behind the counter, smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, and asked with a smile: "Three girls, good morning, did you encounter any difficulties?"

Wang Yue looked at the environment in the store curiously, muttering: "It seems to be a cultural and antique store. There are many ornaments, but they are not very good-looking."

She was talking about the wood carvings on the shelf, a strong man holding a big knife, with a hideous face, as if he was trying to break free from the wood.

However, the carving technique was rough, and the knife marks were of different depths, obviously made by a novice.

The other several ornaments were similar, all of which were human figures, but they all looked stiff and unnatural, lacking vitality.

Ning Tiannan's mouth twitched. These were not ordinary wood carvings. As long as he threw them out, they would become puppets more than two meters high, and it would not be a problem to beat ordinary ghosts.

However, he did not need to explain to ordinary people, unless they encountered ghosts.

Lu Qing came to the counter and asked curiously: "Uncle, I see the sign of your store is an agency. Is it like the detective agency in the movie, helping to solve various difficult and complicated problems?"

Ning Tiannan nodded, then shook his head: "It's not a detective agency, little sister. Our store specializes in solving problems related to supernatural phenomena, whether it is ghosts, monsters, or other supernatural events, as long as you need it, we can provide help."

Wang Yue next to him whispered: "What do you mean?"

Sun Tingting whispered: "It's a charlatan."

Ning Tiannan's face darkened, and Lu Qing's face also darkened.

No, can you two not conspire loudly in front of others? I'm so embarrassed!

Ning Tiannan: "Our agency is real."

Lu Qing: "I believe you!"

Ning Tiannan: "..."

He felt that he had been in the industry for more than 40 years and had never been hurt like today.

If it weren't for the regulations of the Abnormal Bureau, he would have performed a magic trick of turning beans into soldiers for these three ignorant girls on the spot!

At this moment, a voice came from upstairs: You big-headed ghost!

The four of them were stunned, and then they all smiled.

Ning Tiannan felt that his daughter had a good relationship with her friends and were playing around.

The three roommates confirmed that Xiao Liyin was looking for her girlfriend! Look, there are photos of girls on the wall, so heroic and beautiful.

They left the office contentedly, and for some reason, they all felt relieved.

The little sister in their dormitory was not pushed by the pig, but went to push the cabbage of someone else's house, which made them very relieved.

"That girl is so beautiful." Sun Tingting said with a sigh.

The other two also nodded.

Wang Yue poked Lu Qing next to him and said with a smile: "It feels like Qingqing's version of Plath."

Lu Qing: "Huh?"

Wang Yue encouraged: "Qingqing, you have to work harder."

"Come on, you big-headed ghost!"

"Yes! That's it!"

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