The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

On the road from Linhai to Luoan Town, there were several military vehicles driving, and many researchers were sitting inside.

None of them expected that this trip to Luoan Town would bring such an unexpected gain.

That's a smart ghost! Unprecedented! And it's said that it can reproduce infinitely. Although it may be a bit troublesome to handle, such an experimental subject is what they have always dreamed of!

One of them answered the phone, and then his face showed ecstasy: "You said the mother of this ghost was found? It's an egg? OK! I know, I must protect it! I will take it back to Beijing for research!"

After hanging up the phone, he had even thought about how to use it. When it was transported back to Beijing and the operating principle was studied thoroughly, he would develop this thing into a training device for newcomers, so that all newcomers can experience the most realistic battle with ghosts in a safety belt environment.

In short, novice training!

But more importantly, ghosts with wisdom are too dangerous.

According to the news sent back, the combat ability of this group of ghosts is very weak. They can summon ghost hands to fight, but most of the ghost hands are not as strong as ordinary people.

But if its birth is not an accident, but ghosts have begun to evolve themselves, there may be more dangerous and more powerful ghosts with wisdom in the future, and the disaster caused may be no less than the spread of pollution.

In the car, many researchers have begun to complain that the driver is driving slowly. As for why they don't take a helicopter, isn't it because they are afraid of being attacked by the monster?

If you are attacked on the ground, you can still run away. If you are attacked in the sky, there is really no place to escape.

After Uncle Ye left, Ning Zhu put away the horse. This thing is not comfortable to sit on, and it doesn't run very fast. It's okay for two people to ride it for romance, but it's pure suffering to use it to travel.

Li Yin put one hand around Ning Zhu's waist, and the other hand lifted her legs, holding her in his arms like a princess.

Ning Zhu didn't struggle, but put her arms around her neck and put her cheek on her shoulder.

Li Yin's speed is much faster than a horse. Although he can't fly, he can jump very high.

As for why he doesn't use a back?

Others don't care about the couple's affairs.

Li Yin mobilized the energy in his body, filling every cell in his body, and his skin and body gradually became somewhat transparent.

Last time, because he was concerned about Ning Zhu's safety, he didn't study his new form carefully. Although he didn't study it carefully now, he has mastered the basic usage.

The startup was simple and quick. The sense of power filling the whole body made Li Yin feel very comfortable, and even the air around her seemed to become fresher.

Ning Zhu stretched out a hand and gently stroked Li Yin's clear skin. Looking at her current appearance, he murmured: "Li Yin, do you know? You are so beautiful like this..."

Li Yin was happy when she heard it, and kissed her with pouty lips.

"Azhu, you are also beautiful, come and kiss me~"

Ning Zhu did not refuse, and kissed Li Yin gently on the lips, and smiled: "Okay, let's go quickly, otherwise your monster will be killed by Uncle Yan in a while."

Li Yin did not continue to play tricks, and kicked the ground with his feet, and quickly jumped between the buildings with Ning Zhu.

In the residential building, the little girl couldn't sleep, and was sitting by the window holding a doll to watch the stars.

Suddenly, she widened her eyes and saw the scene of two people hugging each other in the sky, jumping and flying between the buildings.

"Mom! Mom! Look, there are two magic girls in the sky!"

A woman's voice came from the living room: "Don't watch cartoons, go to bed quickly. Be good, you have to go to school tomorrow."

The little girl still stared blankly outside: "No, Mom. I really saw it, they were kissing!"

The living room was silent for a while, and footsteps sounded immediately. The bedroom door was opened, and the woman walked in angrily with slippers in her hand. Today, this little girl who doesn't read serious things must be taught a lesson!


The two soon arrived near the housekeeping company. Li Yin dispersed the energy on his body and exhaled.

This form is a little tiring, mentally.

The energy needs to be controlled all the time to cover the whole body, and you must concentrate, otherwise it will easily deflate and return to its original appearance.

The two held hands and walked on the road in front of the housekeeping company. It was quiet here, and they all felt an unusual smell.

"Uncle Yan's family's methods are very violent and difficult to control. It is through something similar to mental power, restraint and control

The tattoos on his arms, the left hand controls the thunder, the right hand controls the fire, every battle is noisy, once almost blew up a building. He has never been so quiet before. "

"Is the fight over?"

"At least there should be some smoke, right? "

The two looked at each other and quickened their pace to enter the housekeeping company.

As soon as they entered, they stopped instantly.

The company's lobby was full of corpses!

These corpses looked very strange, and they were very similar to the meat balls in the villa! But they were not spherical, but long strips, and they were emitting black air.

It looked like a fusion of ghosts and humans!


Ning Zhu covered his mouth and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Li Yin squatted down and ran his hand over the corpse.

There were traces of electric shock and burning, but the real fatal injuries were not these.

Turning his head to look at the three holes in the middle of the meat strip, and the traces at the end that seemed to be cut by some sharp weapon, Li Yin frowned.

"Azhu, in Linhai Office, besides Uncle Ye, are there any people who can use slashing methods?"

Ning Zhu shook his head: "My father is half a person, but there is no one else."

Li Yin stood up, summoned an axe and walked inside: "Azhu, follow me closely. Uncle Yan may be in danger!"

Ning Zhu nodded and quickly followed Li Yin's pace.

In the company, minced meat was everywhere, and there was a long bloodstain.

The monster that left all this behind seemed to be chasing, but also seemed to be running away.

But it was obviously injured.

The two followed the bloodstain and came to a warehouse behind the company. The bloodstain disappeared here, and it was still quiet inside.

Li Yin pushed the door open with one hand, and the moonlight sprinkled in through the door, reflecting the scene inside the warehouse.

Seeing the scene in the warehouse clearly, the pupils of the two shrank on the spot.

The warehouse was full of minced meat, and blood covered the entire ground. At the edge of the warehouse, a huge fusion monster was lying there.

Its appearance is 70% similar to the fusion ghost in Luoan Town, but it is much smaller, and at the same time, its body is The steaming black gas was also proving to them that this monster not only merged with humans, but also with ghosts!

But this was not the most important thing, because it was already dead!

In the center of the warehouse, there was a person standing, or more precisely, a monster, a humanoid monster.

About 1.8 meters tall, his whole body was covered with black mutant keratin, and ten black bone spurs grew on his back, stretching out like a pair of broken wings.

Its back was covered with tiny black tentacles, which stretched forward, with a black shadow tied to them.

It was a split body!

There were three extremely long tails under the bone wings, the ends of which were inserted into the corpse of the fused monster next to it. Hearing the sound from this side, one of the tails was pulled out suddenly, and the cold light flashed in the moonlight, and blood kept dripping from it.

"Uncle Yan! "

Ning Zhu saw a bloody figure lying next to the fusion ghost in the corner of the warehouse. It was Uncle Yan who came to the housekeeping company to deal with the ghost.

Although she was worried about the current situation of this elder, Ning Zhu was not an impulsive person.

She took two steps back, summoned the wooden man and the clay man, waved her little hand, and controlled the two puppets to rush up.

She knew very well that her two puppets could not be the opponent of this monster. Even Uncle Yan and the fusion monster were easily defeated. How could her basic means deal with it?

She did this just to test the power of the monster and collect information for Li Yin.

If the monster was really strong beyond imagination, she would just drag Li Yin away.

The monster turned his head and looked over. It was a face similar to that of a human, which was indeed full of hideousness and violence. A pair of scarlet eyes swept across the two puppets, and the tail behind him waved violently. The cold light flashed in the dark night, and the wooden man was instantly divided into four The clay figurine was shattered into pieces.

However, at this time, Li Yin had already appeared in front of him, with energy surging around her. She held the fire axe tightly in both hands, concentrated all her strength on one point, and swept away fiercely.

The monster didn't seem to expect her speed to be so fast. In an emergency, she used her legs to dodge to the side, and at the same time, the bone wings behind her were concentrated on one point to block the axe that was coming.



Li Yin and the monster showed surprised expressions on their faces at the same time.

Li Yin didn't expect that the monster's defense was so high, even not inferior to the mutant Li Muyi.

The monster didn't expect that he could be injured by a single blow.

The tail behind it swung violently, aiming directly at Li Yin.

Li Yin had expected it, and he ducked to avoid the sweeping attack. He held the axe handle tightly with both hands, stood up, and chopped the axe from top to bottom.


The cuticle on the tail was split open,

The white bones were exposed.

The monster quickly retracted its tail in pain, and the bone wings behind it stretched out. The black tentacles wrapped around it, forming a pair of real wings. Then it flapped violently, and a strong wind blew in the warehouse, and minced meat and blood came all over the place.

Li Yin did not dodge, and rushed straight to the monster's face with the axe!

The three tails of the monster attacked again. Li Yin could clearly feel that its combat experience was far superior to hers. The sharp ends of the tails pointed directly at her blind spots and vital points every time.

At the same time, she was not sure whether her defense ability could withstand the monster's attack.

She could only defend passively.

At this time, the monster's right hand suddenly changed, and the black tentacles surged and entangled, quickly changing into a huge sickle.

Slowly raised, and swung down suddenly, the target was not Li Yin, but the entire warehouse!

It actually split the warehouse in half!

The broken wall collapsed with a rumble, and the monster flapped its wings behind it, accelerating and disappearing into the night.

Li Yin looked up at the direction the monster left, but did not choose to chase it.

She could not catch up, and the monster was very strong!

It was far beyond any ghost she had faced in the past.

But she still had a trump card that she had not used, which was her terrifying clone.

Even the fusion ghost incarnated by Li Muyi could be scared to death, so she didn't believe that she couldn't beat this thing.

Retracting her gaze, Li Yin rushed to the pile of meat, pulled Uncle Yan out, and then quickly evacuated the warehouse.

The night was deep, the stars were shining, and the warehouse behind the housekeeping company was in a mess. Li Yin stood in front of the ruins, bowed her head and thought, while Ning Zhu was checking Uncle Yan's injuries.

Uncle Yan was covered in blood and looked extremely miserable, but after checking, it was found that most of it was contaminated by the self-fusion monster, and only the blood on his head was his own.

There was no problem with the breathing and pulse. He should not have fought directly with the monster, but was knocked against the wall and hit his head.

Why is it the head again?

Ning Zhu was a little helpless. Uncle Yan's family's methods mainly rely on mental control and restraint. As a result, he was injured in the head in two battles. It seems that he needs to rest for several months.

Looking up at Li Yin, she saw that her face was not looking good. Ning Zhu hurried over to check the situation. She touched her whole body and found no wounds, but she still asked worriedly: "Li Yin, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Li Yin was a little itchy when she was touched by her. If she was not covered in blood and broken flesh, she would definitely pick him up and suck him.

"Nothing, just thinking about something." Li Yin shook her head, and her expression returned to normal: "Is Uncle Yan seriously injured? Send him to the hospital first."

Ning Zhu was still a little worried: "Don't you have to rush to find the split body?"

Li Yin shook her head again: "No. He has been silenced."

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