The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

"What does it mean to be silenced?"

Ning Zhu glanced at the ruins of the warehouse: "You mean, the target of that monster is the split body? Because this split body is the one that has the intelligence of the cult and the experiment?"

Li Yin nodded: "It is probably it, otherwise why would that monster appear here?"

"It can't be..."

"Yes, I guess it is the one that attacked Luoan Town, and it is most likely a force controlled by the cult."

Ning Zhu took a breath of cold air.

I didn't expect that the cult they were tracking was such a terrifying existence!

Just now, the monster didn't even show all its power, but it was already so terrible. If it attacks with all its strength, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Looking at the girl next to him, Ning Zhu's heart was much more stable.

Compared with that monster, it is obvious that his little Li Yin is stronger.

Although it did not use its full strength, Li Yin did not summon that terrifying clone, and he suppressed the opponent throughout the whole process. It is obvious who is stronger and who is weaker.

"What should we do next?"

"Nothing." Li Yin spread his hands: "It has nothing to do with us. The rest is left to the Abnormal Bureau. But..."

Li Yin took out the phone and called Officer Liu: "Are you at the villa?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Give the phone to the Abnormal Bureau personnel next to you."

Officer Liu did as he was told, and soon a young female voice came from the phone: "Hello, who is it?"

"I am Ning Zhu from the Ning Family Office. We just encountered an extremely dangerous monster behind the cleaning house. It injured Yan... Uncle Yan , the one who used the fireball also dismantled the mobile warehouse and flew away. We couldn't catch up with him. He should be going to the villa where the monster's mother is. Let me ask, are there any experts there now? "

The person from the Abnormal Bureau was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "No..."

"Let the people over there retreat. This monster is extremely dangerous. It's useless for ordinary people to go."

"Thank you Miss Ning for the news. I will report to my superiors..."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yin didn't care about the Abnormal Bureau anymore. The monster could fly and was very fast. It was too late for her to rush over now.

And she had already reminded them to retreat, which was considered to be the most righteous.

After working all night, there was no gain, which made Li Yin a little depressed.

It was really unpleasant to feel that the clues slipped away from the fingertips.

However, seeing the tip of the iceberg of the true strength of the cult did give her a big shock.

She was not sure whether the monster just now was the same as the one that attacked Luoan Town. If not, how many monsters of this strength did the cult have?

It seems that my estimation of the cult is still a little optimistic.

This force is far more mysterious and powerful than I imagined, and their purpose is not as simple as I imagined.

Luoan Town is just the tip of the iceberg. The real power of the cult may be hidden in the deeper darkness.

What I need to do now is to improve my strength, otherwise if four or five monsters appear at the same time, I am afraid I can't even deal with them.


Throwing these thoughts out of my mind, Li Yin looked at Ning Zhu, who was worried beside him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No matter how many problems there are, I can't show them in front of my beloved girl. Seeing her worried expression, I will feel heartbroken.

"Let's go, Ah Zhu, call Uncle Yan's family, and we will take him to the hospital first. By the way, will our dad come back tonight? If not, how about I stay in your room?"

Ning Zhu was a little confused, not knowing why the topic suddenly turned to this aspect.

"Li Yin, aren't you going to kill the ghost?"

"No, let's hand it over to the Abnormal Bureau."

"But what if the split body of the housekeeping company is not the one that has the information? Think about it, didn't it say it was immortal? Why didn't it go for revenge, but hide here all the time?"

Li Yin didn't say anything, but lowered her head to pick up a piece of rag with the pattern of a hospital gown.

"It's here, accumulating strength..."

Although I don't know why it didn't choose to merge in the hospital, but was placed in the housekeeping company, it doesn't matter. The ghost was taken away and it is likely to die. The clues ended here, and there was no need to continue the investigation.

Ning Zhu could feel that behind Li Yin's smile, there was loss and powerlessness, but now she couldn't say comforting words, so she could only put this matter aside for the time being.

The two called the nearby patrol

The patrol police sent Uncle Yan to the hospital.

At first, the police were a little wary of the two people covered in blood, until he saw Ning Zhu's ID card and was relieved.

Tonight, the superior issued a notice that once you see the ID card of the office and the Abnormal Bureau, you must fully cooperate with the action!

After arriving at the hospital and undergoing a series of examinations, Uncle Yan was arranged to a ward.

He really just hit his head, it's nothing serious. Wait until he wakes up to see if he has symptoms of dizziness and nausea. If not, he can go home.

After Uncle Yan's family arrived, the two held hands and left the hospital on the way home.

Obviously knowing that there may be many ghosts waiting to be killed in the mental hospital and the third hospital, but she just can't get up the spirit now. Tonight, she feels a little tired...

It's twelve o'clock in the evening. In the past, there should be many people on the road at this time, but tonight a city lockdown notice was issued, and citizens were required to stay at home and reduce going out. On the road, you can only see some people who get off work late, driving home, and you can also see the police investigating along the street.

My phone vibrated. I opened it and saw that it was a message forwarded by Wang Yue in the dormitory group.

The title was very intimidating: "Linhai's emergency lockdown is actually related to Linhai Mental Hospital! Zombie virus is coming?"

There was a video clip of a doctor in a chemical protective suit entering and leaving the mental hospital. There were soldiers with live ammunition standing next to him, as well as police officers outside.

In the video, the blogger was introducing it seriously, saying that a zombie virus suddenly broke out in Linhai Mental Hospital, which spread extremely quickly and had caused a large-scale infection. The hospital was simply a living hell! The Linhai government had to close the city to deal with it!

There were also many people who forwarded the comments below, saying that it was better to believe it than not to believe it, and to prepare more food and water at home.

There were also people who excitedly discussed whether they had to go to work the day after tomorrow and what weapons would be more fun to chop zombies.

Seeing this rumor, Li Yin was a little speechless.

But after thinking about it, perhaps to some extent, these split ghosts are more difficult to deal with than zombies.

If they were allowed to form a large scale, I'm afraid Linhai would really suffer.

Fortunately, they were discovered early.

This cannot be blamed on the slow response of the Linhai Abnormal Bureau. The main reason is that the internal emptiness is now lacking combat personnel who can conduct on-site investigations, resulting in a passive state in terms of intelligence.

"Calling Xiao Liyin! Are you asleep? Where are you? Don't go out, it's very dangerous!"

"Is this... crosstalk?"

"What crosstalk? I'm worried about your safety!"

"Haha, I'm at my friend's house, it's very safe."

"Sleep in the same bed?"

"What else?"

Then the three roommates' smirking expressions appeared in succession.

"Enjoy it, I won't bother you. By the way, will you come back tomorrow?"

"No, I'll play for another day."

"Have fun."

Putting down the phone, Li Yin squeezed Ning Zhu's hand, and suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Azhu, can the energy in your body recover by itself?"

Hearing this question, Ning Zhu's face suddenly turned red, and she shook her head gently: "No..."

Li Yin saw the blush on her face and was happy, but did not show it immediately. Instead, he quietly mobilized a little bit of energy in his body and tried to inject it into her body.

She could feel that the energy she controlled was quickly swallowed by a stronger force.

Li Yin raised her eyebrows and decided not to tell Azhu about this matter, otherwise she might lose a lot of benefits.

It must be rotten in the stomach.

Blinking, the little girl tried to look concerned: "Azhu, call our dad and ask him if he will come back tonight."

Ning Zhu was a little confused: "Why do you care about this?"

"You have consumed a lot of energy tonight, right? Let's go home to make up for it!"

Ning Zhu did not answer, but took out her mobile phone and called her father.

Unfortunately, because she was in a mental hospital, there was no signal.

She called an acquaintance in the Abnormal Bureau and asked, and the answer she got was: "Maybe he will be busy outside these days, Xiao Ning, take care of yourself."

Li Yin lay on her shoulder and listened. When she heard that her father-in-law would not go home these days, she immediately became excited.

Holding Ning Zhu's hand, she ran home. A second late would be a waste of time!

In the bathroom, Li Yin took off her blood-stained clothes, turned on the shower, let the warm water wash over her body, and thought about the problems that happened to her.

After returning from Luoan Town, she really didn't remember exploring the axe space at all, and she didn't pay attention to the energy problem again.

The Axe Space was understandable, as she had never paid much attention to it, but what about the reduced energy?

Just now she had speculated whether the disappeared energy had gone to Ah

Zhu's body.

But Zhu's answer denied this speculation. The energy in her body could not be restored automatically.

Where did the disappeared energy go? Or. I became stronger, so it seems that the energy has become less?

Or, is there really something parasitic in my body?

Then why was the energy normal when I killed the monster at the beginning? Or, the energy has been wrong since the beginning, but I just don't know?

So when did this change start?

Li Yin lowered his head and looked at the tattoo on his chest. He wiped it but didn't wipe it off.

Was it from... the black crystal in Li Muyi's body, rushing into my body?

Is it stealing my energy? Does it have this ability? It's not even afraid of my axe?

Or did it start from the time when Luo Anzhen summoned the terrifying clone?

Could it be that the thing is really the terrifying phantom seen in the illusion, and it was awakened by me?

Haha, it's impossible. It's a terrifying existence covering the entire universe. If it descends on the earth, won't it burst the earth in an instant?

Do you still need to absorb my little energy? If it appears in front of me, I will pounce on it and absorb it! It feels so good! At least I can be the best on earth!

Li Yin thought while rubbing the tattoo on his chest, but it still couldn't be rubbed off.

He stretched out his right hand, opened the axe space, and looked inside. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

He shrank back again.

When I go in to explore, I have to bring a flashlight.

There are so many ghosts stored in it. Kill them all and eat a wave of energy!

At this time, footsteps were heard outside the bathroom, and Ning Zhu knocked on the door: "Li Yin, can I come in? I got you some clothes to change. Give me the ones you need to wash and I'll put them in the washing machine."

"Well, the door is not locked, Ah Zhu, come in."

The bathroom door was opened, and Ning Zhu poked her head in first. Seeing Li Yin standing there naked and smiling at her, she felt her face getting hot.

Ahem, Li Yin is not shy, why should I be shy?

Ning Zhu walked in boldly, put the clothes into the basket next to her, and took Li Yin's clothes from the sink.

When she touched one of the pieces of cloth, Ning Zhu had a strange expression on her face: "Li Yin, who bought this for you?"

What she was holding in her hand was actually Li Yin's boxer shorts!

Last time, she discovered that such a cute girl was wearing such a rustic thing underneath.

Seeing her underwear being held in Ah Zhu's hand, Li Yin felt a little embarrassed, scratched her head, and smiled awkwardly: "I bought this myself, I feel this kind is more durable."

"Are you an antique?" Ning Zhu took the boxer shorts and smiled gently: "I'll take you to buy a few sets tomorrow, and your underwear, it's not good for your development to wear sports bras all the time."

After that, she looked at Li Yin's chest again.

I feel like... this one doesn't need to be changed...

"Azhu, you're so nice."

"Huh? What is this?"

Ning Zhu saw the pendant on Li Yin's neck. It was an irregular crystal stone that looked like a transparent ice crystal, and it looked very beautiful under the light.

Li Yin held up the pendant and introduced it with a smile: "This is what my mother brought back from Antarctica. I don't know what kind of stone it is. They tested it and found no radiation. They thought it looked good, so they made it into a necklace for me to wear."

Ning Zhu was a little curious: "Li Yin, you've never told me about your family. What do your parents do?"

"They are the captains of the Antarctic expedition team!"

When Li Yin mentioned her parents, her face looked particularly proud.

Although she often traveled around the world with her parents because of their work in the past, she felt that this job was super cool since she was a child, and she still feels that way now.

I just don't know why her parents didn't let her choose geography as her major, but biology.

Ning Zhu looked at Li Yin's expression and felt happy for her.

"Your parents must love you very much, right?"

"Of course..." At this point, Li Yin thought of the loving couple and herself standing beside them, looking a little redundant.

"Ahem, it should be..."

"Are they still in Antarctica now?"

"No, they died two months ago."


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