The school was in chaos, but the students were still busy.

Li Yin climbed over the wall and entered the girls' school with ease, avoiding the surveillance cameras and going to the fourth floor.

She first went to Yu Yuner's class and took a look. Everything was normal. The teacher was sitting behind the podium grading homework, and the students were studying and doing papers. There was only the rustling sound of pens writing on paper in the classroom.

If it weren't for that thing hanging on the ceiling and the tentacles that kept swinging like spider silk all over the room, it would seem like nothing had happened.

Li Yin wondered again, what was the purpose of this thing? Are these students below dead or alive now?

She didn't act rashly, but prepared to continue squatting in the bathroom until no one in the teaching building would do anything after school.

Standing at the door of the bathroom, he poked his head inside, then shrank back and ran to the stairwell to squat.

At 8:30 in the evening, the bell rang on time, and students poured out of their classrooms, and laughter filled the entire corridor.

Li Yin found a corner to hide, and she didn't come back to the fourth floor until the last student left.

Standing in front of the classroom door, she fiddled with the door lock. Fortunately, the door was not locked, otherwise she would have to use some violent means to open the door.

In the classroom, the ghost was still hanging on the ceiling, no different from before. The tentacles that spread out of its mouth, like spider silk, fell down, and seemed to have been withdrawn from the top of the student's head.

As Li Yin entered, the ghost slowly turned around, and a pair of gray and dead pupils locked her.

Instead of taking out the axe and fighting immediately, Li Yin looked at it, analyzing whether it could understand what she said.

"What are you?"

"Why are you here?"

Li Yin walked slowly around the outside of the classroom, staring at the ghost's eyes, trying to get some clues from it.

"Why did you become like this?"

"What is your purpose?"

"Can you... understand me?"

She tried to communicate with the ghost in a calm tone, trying to get more information from it.

However, the ghost did not respond to her, but just hung quietly on the ceiling, with gray light flashing in its pupils, staring at her every move.

Li Yin was a little disappointed. It seemed that these ghosts really had no self-awareness. From the one at my uncle's house yesterday to this one now, none of them could communicate, and only retained some strange instincts.

Then we can only look for clues from other details.

Fearing that it would dissipate directly after being killed, like yesterday, Li Yin did not dare to go up and kill it directly, but carefully observed the ghost's clothes.

It should have been a girl in her lifetime, not very old, wearing a sweatshirt similar to a school uniform. The color of this school uniform is not from Linhai, and it is not clear where it is from. We can only wait and find out later.

If it was really a person, what was the cause of its death? Why did it look so scary after becoming a ghost?

What are those tentacles in its mouth? Will the students connected to it be in trouble?

While thinking, the ghost on the ceiling has begun to test, and a tentacle seems to be blown by the wind and gently floats towards Li Yin.

The tentacle is inconspicuous in the dark, like a spider silk. If Li Yin had not known its structure in advance and had not been strengthened by strange energy, it might really be impossible to discover its existence.

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility.

Li Yin flipped her right hand, and the fire axe fell into her hand. She instantly chopped at the tentacle. With a "snap", the tentacle broke under her axe, and the broken part quickly shrank and then disappeared.

With the appearance of the fire axe, the ghost on the ceiling seemed to feel something extremely terrifying, and its body began to tremble violently. The remaining tentacles also fluttered like curtains blown by the wind, and even a trace of... fear could be seen in its gray eyes.

It let out a sharp roar, and the sound echoed throughout the classroom, which was creepy.

Li Yin quickly swung the fire axe and cut off the tentacles one by one. Each slash was accompanied by a crisp sound, and the tentacles disappeared quickly after breaking, as if they had never existed.

The ghost's screams echoed throughout the classroom, and it seemed that it could not bear this pain. However, Li Yin did not stop. She approached the ghost step by step, and each slash was more decisive and ruthless.

She would not sympathize with the ghost because of what it might have encountered in its life. Li Yin knew that all she could do was to send it to freedom.

The tentacles were obviously limited. Li Yin chopped for a few minutes, and the surrounding area was already

The tentacles like silk threads were gone, and what was left was the ghost's body.

Looking up at the ghost on the ceiling, it still had its mouth open, but there was nothing in it.

"Is that enough?"

Li Yin found that the ghost was trembling all over. From the moment she took out the axe, it began to show obvious emotional fluctuations.


It was afraid of its own axe.

Yesterday, I found some problems with the ghost I first encountered at my uncle's house. My axe seemed to have a natural restraint on these things. They would instinctively feel fear, just like a mouse meeting a cat.

But even if it was trembling with fear, the ghost was still tightly attached to the ceiling. It seemed... unable to move.

So how did it appear here?

Li Yin frowned. The appearance of this ghost seemed not simple.

As she approached, the ghost on the ceiling shook violently, as if it was going to break its intestines.

Li Yin didn't give it this chance, and swung the axe and chopped it hard on the head.

The axe blade was like a hot knife cutting butter, splitting her head in half without any effort, but what flowed out of the skull was not brain matter or human tissue, but a bunch of wriggling silk threads. These silk threads made up her head, and her body, except for the internal organs, seemed to be made up of this kind of silk threads.

Li Yin didn't care so much, and hit the silk threads again. As long as the silk threads touched by the axe would stop wriggling immediately and then dissipate in the air.

When all the fallen silk threads were cleaned up, the ghost on the ceiling was left with only a layer of internal organs wrapped in skin.

It seems... even more disgusting.

But this reminded Li Yin of someone, the teacher she saw in the morning, Yu Yuner's head teacher.

Did she also become this kind of thing?

What about other students in the class?

Looking at the remaining part of the ghost, Li Yin did not hesitate and chopped it into pieces in a few strokes.

The blood-red veins on the ceiling slowly faded, and the ghost fell to the ground. Stars of light emerged from it and slowly floated into Li Yin's body.

When the light spots dissipated, the ghost's body disappeared without a trace.

Solved, but there are still many mysteries.

This ghost does not seem to appear out of thin air, but it seems that someone deliberately put it here.

Now the only clue is the school uniform worn by the ghost. When I go back to check which school it is from, I should find something.

In addition, Yu Yuner's head teacher and her classmates...

Li Yin took out her mobile phone and called the little girl who was still anxiously waiting outside the school to tell her that it had been dealt with here.

Yu Yuner, who was sitting in the restaurant, was very happy to hear Li Yin's voice at first, but immediately became alert again: What if Sister Li Yin did not beat the ghost and was controlled like the classmates in the class?

For the secret code!

Do we have a secret code?

"Um, Sister Li Yin... the king of heaven and the tiger of earth?"

Li Yin: "..."

What's wrong with this girl? Doubt my ability?

"Your father's name is Zhang Hairen, your sister's name is Su Ji, you drank four glasses of juice, ate three servings of ice cream, and a bowl of spicy hot pot in the afternoon, and had diarrhea and went to the toilet several times..."

"Ah, I know, I know! Sister Li Yin, don't say it anymore!"

Now Yu Yuner completely believed that the person on the other end of the phone was Li Yin herself, and knew that the ghost had been killed, so she ran to the school gate happily.

Li Yin was already waiting for her here.

Chapter 8

"Yu Yuner, do you have the contact information of your class teacher?"

Listening to Li Yin's serious tone, Yu Yuner also remembered what Li Yin said to her in the morning, and a worried look appeared on her face: "Sister Li Yin, are you saying that our class teacher has also become a ghost?"

Li Yin nodded and did not hide it: "It is possible, I must confirm it as soon as possible."

Yu Yuner quickly took out her mobile phone and called the class teacher.

The class teacher is a very responsible person. In the past, every time she called, whether it was during holidays or late at night, she would answer the phone quickly, but this time, the phone rang for a long time and no one answered.

The worry on Yu Yuner's face became stronger: "Sister Li Yin, the class teacher didn't answer the phone, will it be..."

Li Yin did not answer, but hung up the phone directly, dialed 110, briefly explained the situation here, and asked the police to assist in the investigation.

After hanging up the phone, she looked at Yu Yuner: "Now, take me to find your classmates."

Yu Yuner nodded obediently and took Li Yin to the school.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening, and most of the students had returned to the dormitory to rest, and a small number were wandering around the campus.

Li Yin even saw a few couples kissing in the woods!

This is a girls' school...

She said that she was very interested in observing secretly, but unfortunately she didn't have the time now.

Following Yu Yuner all the way to the student dormitory, the seniors were concentrated on the third and fourth floors, and their class lived on the right side of the fourth floor.

Passing by the third floor, you can see students coming and going, some getting water, some going to the bathroom, and some going to the store to buy food when they were hungry at night.

Because it is a girls' school, the students here rarely pay attention to their image. Even if they come out to stroll shirtless, no one cares. The main feature is a bold and youthful appearance that makes people unable to take their eyes away, and Li Yin blushed when she saw it.

When we came to the fourth floor, the first half was normal, basically no different from the downstairs. The girls were doing their own things, and the atmosphere in the dormitory building was very cheerful.

But near the dormitory where Yu Yuner's class was located, the number of students dropped sharply, and the doors of the five dormitories were all tightly closed.

A classmate was knocking on one of the doors.

"Zhang Qingyao, open the door quickly, didn't you say you wanted to do the test paper with me?" The girl seemed a little anxious. Her friend usually went to bed very late, but today, she didn't know what happened. There was no response in the whole dormitory, as if there was no one inside.

The girl was standing in Yu Yuner's dormitory.

Seeing this, she hurried over, and a bad premonition arose in her heart. She took the key from her pocket, but she didn't dare to insert it.

Li Yin patted her shoulder gently: "Leave it to me."

The girl nodded, handed over the key, and stepped back a few steps, keeping a certain distance from the dormitory door.

Li Yin understood her mood. After all, she was just an ordinary student, and she would naturally feel scared when encountering such a thing.

She turned the key gently and pushed open the door of the dormitory.

The dormitory was dark and nothing could be seen clearly.

Yu Yuner fumbled to turn on the light, but the horrible monster she imagined did not appear in the dormitory. There were only six beds and five girls lying on them.

They looked like they were sleeping, peacefully.

Yu Yuner took a step back, her voice trembling: "She...are they dead?"

When she said this, even the students next to her were stunned and almost fell to the ground, and even scared Li Yin.

If more than 30 students died in a school, the whole country would know it tomorrow, and she would definitely not be able to get rid of suspicion!

She hurried to the nearest classmate on the lower bunk, reached out to feel his breath, and touched his arm.

There was breathing and temperature!

Is this asleep?

Li Yin did not take it lightly, but checked the other five classmates one after another, and found that they were all sleeping and there was no abnormality.

Yu Yuner also came to check and was indeed still alive, and she was relieved immediately.

She shook her roommate's shoulder vigorously: "Zhang Qingyao, wake up, what's wrong with you? Don't sleep anymore!"

But Zhang Qingyao still didn't respond, as if she was in a deep dream and couldn't perceive anything in the outside world.

Li Yin didn't have any good solution for this situation.

She had secretly taken out the end of the axe and tried it. If there was a ghost, it should be scared out of its wits, but it didn't.

"Call your dean and call an ambulance."

That was the only way. The ghost was gone. These students might have been sucked into a coma by the ghost these days. The specific situation can only be concluded when they go to the hospital.

Not long after, the ambulance and the police arrived, and Yu Yuner also received a call from the police. Their head teacher was dead.

The specific cause of death was not told to her, but Li Yin could think that the condition of the body must be not optimistic. She could even think of the appearance of the skin bag and internal organs of the classroom ghost before death.

I'm afraid the police who went to investigate were also shocked...

Sitting on the roadside outside the school, watching with the passers-by around, watching the rows of ambulances coming, Li Yin couldn't help but sigh.

What happened to this world? Why did so many bizarre things suddenly appear?

As she was thinking, someone suddenly patted her shoulder, and when she turned around, she saw Sister Xiao Wang's surprised face.

"Xiao Li, why are you here?"

Li Yin was also a little surprised: "Sister Xiao Wang? Is your bureau also responsible for the things here?"

The female police nodded: "The police force in the bureau is limited, so we were dispatched to support and assist in handling emergencies here. Xiao Li, what about you?"

"I came here to play with my friend, that is..." Li Yin pointed to Yu Yuner who was standing next to the police and describing the situation: "She told me... well, something bad happened at school, and she wanted to talk to me."

The female police sighed: "I'm afraid

Maybe it's because of the pressure of studying? They are in their third year of high school and still encounter such things. I wonder if it will have any impact on their psychology. "

Li Yin nodded silently, hoping that nothing would happen, otherwise more than 30 students would die at the same time. This kind of thing is simply unimaginable.

After saying goodbye to Sister Xiao Wang, Li Yin took a taxi home.

Officer Xiao Wang returned to the school and looked at the students who were carried out. He felt overwhelmed.

She couldn't figure out what caused the collective coma, and the students who were in a coma were all from the same class.

For a moment, she even suspected that Yu Yuner, the only conscious one, was a criminal suspect.

The female police officer walked to Liu Zhiqiang and couldn't help muttering: "It's really not peaceful recently, Brother Liu, you said they are in a coma, is it some kind of supernatural event?"

Liu Zhiqiang snorted: "What are you thinking, you are a policeman, if all the things that have not been investigated are classified as supernatural events, then you are too relaxed as a policeman. "

Xiao Wang stuck out his tongue. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect Brother Liu to react so strongly.

"I guess it's food poisoning or something. The whole class ate something together, which led to collective poisoning and coma."

"What about the head teacher? Brother Liu, did you see the photos they sent back? Was it food poisoning too?"

"Food poisoning!"

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