The next morning, Li Yin got up early to watch the news.

The incident at the No. 3 Girls' High School in the city topped the hot search list as expected. Countless netizens were paying attention to this sudden incident, and various speculations and discussions were going on on social media.

The specific cause of the coma is unknown for the time being, but the good news is that the students who were in a coma woke up one after another that night and had no sequelae.

However, the cause of death of the head teacher has always been a mystery. After a preliminary autopsy, it was found that there were a large number of unknown toxins in his body, but this was not enough to explain the real cause of his death.

Seeing this, Li Yin breathed a sigh of relief, got up, washed, and took a taxi to the police station.

The police station was obviously much busier today. Even Sister Wang had no time to deal with her. Two cases were investigated at the same time, and both were murder cases, which made the police station feel more stressed.

Li Yin did not disturb them. She ate her breakfast silently, then sat in the restaurant and started to browse the forum, hoping to find a few more ghosts to strengthen her strength.

She went back to check the school uniform of the classroom ghost yesterday. It was indeed not the school uniform of Linhai City, but the school uniforms of several counties and towns around were of that style and color. She searched for any students who had died or disappeared in the counties and towns near Linhai recently, but found nothing.

She was also planning to come to the police station today to ask Sister Wang, but she was so busy that she didn't bother her.

At this time, two policemen sat opposite Li Yin. Looking up, one was the young policeman who had talked to her at the door of her uncle's house at that time, and the other looked familiar. He should also be a member of the case investigation team.

"Xiao Li, are you here to ask about your uncle? I'm sorry, there is no clue yet."

The young policeman took a big bite of fried dough sticks and drank a mouthful of soy milk. From his dark circles, it can be seen that he must have been busy all night.

Li Yin shook his head: "It's okay, thank you for your hard work..."

"Haha, this is our duty. By the way, Xiao Li, you told me last time..." The young policeman winked at Li Yin and whispered: "Do you have more clues about your uncle and occultism? I plan to investigate from this aspect."

Li Yin didn't know why he was talking so mysteriously. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by the policeman next to him.

"You dare to mention this matter? Team Leader Liu was very angry yesterday, saying that we are police officers, not charlatans, and we should not believe in those messed up things. If the higher-ups know about it, we will both be criticized!"

The young policeman smiled awkwardly: "This is not a solution. So many clues have been cut off. We can't just watch the case sink like this, right? Okay, Xiao Li, I was wrong. Don't tell Team Leader Liu..."

Li Yin nodded. She understood Officer Liu's intention. The police station is indeed not a place for feudal superstition.

"By the way, I want to ask something. Um... what's your name?"

"My last name is Zhao."

"Brother Zhao, have there been any cases of student deaths or disappearances in the nearby counties and towns recently?"

Officer Zhao put down the fried dough sticks and asked in confusion: "Xiao Li, have you heard anything? There should be no similar case records in the bureau. At least in the past few months, we have not received any reports of student deaths or disappearances. What, do you have any clues?"

Li Yin shook her head: "No, I'm just asking casually. Brother Zhao, how is your investigation of the collective coma of the No. 3 Girls' High School yesterday?"

"It's a mess, and there are no clues at all." Officer Zhao sighed: "The hospital's examination report shows that there is nothing abnormal in the students' bodies. First of all, food poisoning is ruled out. . We checked the surveillance again. There were no suspicious people coming in and out during this period. The only person outside the school was..."

Li Yin twitched her lips and pointed at herself: "It's me..."

Officer Zhao chuckled: "Don't be nervous, Xiao Li. The surveillance shows that you just stood at the door for a while and then left. Even if it was really a human crime, it couldn't be you."

Officer Zhao continued: "The school has planned to suppress this matter. After all, it has a bad impact, and the students are fine. They just slept for a night. The death of the head teacher is a bit strange. Now the investigation team is busy with this case."

Li Yin didn't say much. She has a clear position on her current identity. She is a little girl who has lost all her relatives and comes to the police station every day to inquire about the progress and eat breakfast.

The rest of these are not hers to participate in.

"Okay, Brother Zhao, you have worked hard to investigate, I won't fight

"I'm sorry for disturbing you." After that, Li Yin put the plate into the recycling area and left the restaurant. Looking at the girl's back, Officer Zhao couldn't help but sigh: "What a strong girl! If I lost all my relatives within a month, I would probably have collapsed..." "Yes..." In the following days, Li Yin had a fixed schedule every day, and came to the police station to ask about the situation. Then she looked for more real supernatural events on the forum and took a taxi to see. But what made her a little depressed was that those stories on the forum that looked very real were all fake! I originally thought that I would encounter Yu Yuner's classroom ghost on the forum for the first time, and there must be a lot of real supernatural events on the forum, but it was obviously too much. Come to think of it, if there are so many supernatural events in Linhai alone, what is Linhai, it should be called a ghost town. At the police station, Officer Liu, who was in charge of the case, had dark eyes and frowned. From receiving Li Yin's call to the establishment of the investigation team, A full investigation has been going on for almost a week, but strangely, no matter how they searched, they could not find any clues about the disappearance.

At first, he thought that he could find clues smoothly after confirming the identity of the deceased, but he did not expect that the identity of the deceased was too simple, just an ordinary neighbor.

The initial inference was that he should have mistakenly entered the crime scene and was silenced.

Then they checked Li Wenhe's social relationships and found that his interpersonal relationships were very simple, with almost no friends, let alone any enemies.

They also checked Li Wenhe's financial situation, and there were no abnormal large expenditures, let alone any signs of sudden transfer of property.

Everything may point to this being a random home invasion murder case, and Li Wenhe is likely to have been killed.

In addition, Li Yin's testimony mentioned that Li Wenhe was once obsessed with studying occultism, and this case may also involve a cult organization.

He was about to report his findings, but was notified that the director called him over.

"What? Stop the investigation? What does this mean? "Liu Zhiqiang widened his eyes and looked at the director sitting opposite him, his face full of confusion and doubt.

The director sighed, his expression a little solemn: "I know this sounds incredible, but we just received a notice from our superiors that this case has been taken over by a higher-level agency."

"Higher-level agency? Which department?" Liu Zhiqiang asked.

The director was silent for a while before slowly speaking: "It's the National Security Bureau."

"National Security Bureau?" Liu Zhiqiang stood up in shock, "How is this possible? How could a seemingly ordinary missing case alarm the National Security Bureau?"

The director shook his head and motioned him to sit down: "I don't know the specific situation, but this is the instruction from my superiors."

"But, Li Wenhe's case is obviously our responsibility. I have been investigating for so long. Now suddenly changing people, this is not appropriate, right? "Officer Liu tried to fight for it.

This case has many similarities with a case he was in charge of before. That case has always been a thorn in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, but he could not find any clues.

Now, he finally found some breakthroughs in this case, but was forced to let it go because of the decision of his superiors. How could he be willing to do that?

He has been emphasizing in the bureau since the beginning of the investigation that the case must not be relied on superstition. What is the purpose? But in the end, this kind of thing still happened...

The director looked at him, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes: "I understand your feelings, but we can't change the decision of the superiors. Moreover, the involvement of the National Security Bureau shows that this case may be much more complicated than we imagined. Do you think that an ordinary missing case will alarm them?"

Officer Liu was silent. He knew that what the director said was true. The National Security Bureau is a department that handles national security-related affairs. The cases they intervene in usually involve major issues such as national security and social stability.

"Okay, I understand. "Officer Liu sighed. Although he was unwilling, he also knew that this was not something he could change.

A look of satisfaction flashed across the director's eyes: "Remember, we are police officers, and our duty is to maintain social stability and order. No matter who intervenes, our goal will not change."

A strange look flashed across the policeman's eyes, and he nodded: "Yes, I understand."

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