The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

When Li Yin and Ning Zhu arrived in front of Linhai University, they saw a stream of light flying in the sky.

Ning Zhu was a little surprised: "Isn't that Uncle Ye? Why didn't he even hide today and flew directly in the sky?"

Li Yin was also puzzled. Uncle Ye used to use a mini flying sword to deliver food in the past, so why did he do it himself today?

Turning her head to look in the direction of the school, her brows furrowed.

Like Uncle Ye, she also found something unusual.

At around seven in the morning, there should be many students at the school gate, eating breakfast, jogging, walking, shopping, but now it is surprisingly deserted, and even the security guard at the gate has disappeared.

Li Yin's intuition told her that something serious had happened here.

She turned to look at Ning Zhu, wanting her to wait for her in a safe place, but seeing the other's determined eyes, she gave up the idea.

She pulled out a piece of cloth from her bag, then summoned an axe to wrap it up and handed it to Ah Zhu.

In case of danger, it would be good to have weapons to protect themselves.

The two walked quickly towards the school gate. As soon as they stepped into the campus, a depressing atmosphere came over them, as if the whole world had fallen into silence.

Only a faint murmur echoed in her ears.

It came from the security room!

When she came to the window, through the glass, she could see two security guards squatting in the corner. They were holding their mobile phones and constantly gesticulating, as if they were calculating something.

This scene made her look familiar, and it was surprisingly similar to her two roommates!

Li Yin noticed something unusual and pushed the door of the security room, but it was locked. He knocked hard to attract the attention of the two people, but they seemed to be completely immersed in their own world and turned a deaf ear to the outside world.

Li Yin did not hesitate and broke the door lock and walked in.

Sure enough, the two security guards were looking at their phones, studying the pattern on the photo, with serious and obsessed expressions.

Thinking that this was something from Professor Fang's laboratory, Li Yin felt a little uneasy in his heart, and walked up to snatch their phones, his eyes fixed on the reactions of the two people.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was snatched, the two people immediately showed irritable expressions on their faces, and showed extremely strong aggressiveness.

The words he said were exactly the same as his roommate: "Give it back to me quickly! I'm studying ancient characters! I'll decipher it soon! If you are one step slower than others, I will definitely sue you!"

Listening to the two people's abuse, Li Yin knocked them out casually, then deleted the photos on the phone and threw them on the table.

She walked out of the door and looked towards the dormitory building, frowning.

This photo might not be as simple as she imagined! All those who saw the pattern on it showed the same symptoms, that is, they studied it desperately.

Why? What does this mean?

No, not everyone. Sun Tingting, the three people next door, and herself did not react to it.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the eyes that Li Jichao and others used to test the qualifications of cults. They are all screening people...

Another cult!

What are they going to do?

Li Yin turned and looked at Ning Zhu. Before she understood the mechanism of this thing, she didn't want Ah Zhu to take the risk of contacting it.

So he explained the current situation to her: "Azhu, I think Uncle Ye has gone to contact the Abnormal Bureau. He may not know the situation of the school. For safety reasons, you should wait for them at the door. Otherwise, if you rush in, I am afraid that the Abnormal Bureau will suffer a lot of losses."

Ning Zhu hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Be careful in there. If there is any problem, come out quickly. Don't be stubborn, okay?"

Li Yin hugged her waist: "Well, I know."

Watching Ning Zhu leave the school, Li Yin directly summoned an axe and rushed towards the dormitory building.

Before going to find Professor Fang, she had to confirm the safety of her roommate first...

At least check the situation!

The moment she rushed into the building, she saw a terrifying monster covered with flesh worms rushing towards her. She dodged directly and chopped off its head with an axe.

Looking closely, she suddenly found that the skin between the flesh worms on the monster's body had a vague pattern similar to the one in the photo!

Although it is impossible to tell who she is now, we can still tell from her clothes that she was once a person.

And the reason why she became like this is probably because of that picture.

What kind of power is this?

Why can a person become like this just by a picture?

What does it look like?

What if ordinary people see the pattern on the mutant? Will it be the same as seeing the photo?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but take a breath.

If the existence of the split ghost cannot be contained in time, it may cause great damage to Linhai. If this small photo is spread out, the whole Linhai, and even the whole country, will suffer a catastrophe!

Thinking of this, Li Yin directly grabbed a handful of cement blocks from the cement wall next to her, beat the corpse on the ground into a pool of blood foam, and then hurried upstairs to kill all the monsters she saw without mercy!

Arriving at the door of her dormitory, Li Yin's uneasiness became stronger.

If she opened the door, there were two monsters covered with meat strips in the dormitory, and the minced meat on the ground. Could she... do it?

She knew she could definitely do it, but...

Without hesitation, she slowly opened the door.

Beside the bed, a monster with twisted features, swollen limbs and broken skin, and countless worms crawling underneath, struggling to drill out, was raising its hands high, and a well-ordered hissing sound came out of the mouth that no longer existed.

It seemed to be praying, or chanting.

The torn nightgown on the monster was picked out by her and me in the mall during the first few days of school. I also had a pair of the same style in my closet.

At this moment, her anger had reached its peak.

The monster in the room seemed to have noticed something, and slowly turned around to look at the door, revealing a face that was completely unrecognizable, with only a bloody mess left.

Li Yin walked slowly into the dormitory, and before the monster launched an attack, she quickly cut off its limbs, and then placed the fire axe on its chest.

At the moment of contact with the axe, Wang Yue's whole body trembled, and the mouth that could not be seen as a mouth moved, and the sound like a worn-out bellows sounded intermittently.

"It's so... so painful, so painful... I don't want it, I don't want it..."

Before she said the last word, Li Yin raised the axe and sent her off personally.

Destroyed the lines on her body, then pulled down the curtains and covered her.

Wang Yue loved beauty the most when she was alive, and always dressed herself up beautifully. I guess she didn't want others to see her like this after she died...

After dealing with Wang Yue's body, Li Yin went straight to the laboratory building.

Go find Professor Fang, find Su Ji, and find the monster's skin!

In the laboratory building, the chaotic scene was shocking. No matter where you go, you can see monsters praying or wandering. The terrifying whispers come and go, like a symphony of hell.

Came to the laboratory where he and Su Ji were. The originally quiet laboratory was now in a mess with broken instruments and spilled reagents.

Several monsters kept in water tanks disappeared, and there was no trace of Su Ji.

Li Yin's ears moved, and she heard a sound coming from a nearby laboratory. She broke through the wall and rushed over.

When she saw the man's appearance, she was stunned.

He was not tall, wearing glasses and plain clothes, huddled in a corner, holding a borrowed book tightly in his arms.

Wasn't it her roommate, Sun Tingting?

Next to her, there was a wheat-colored woman squatting, with short hair, wearing a T-shirt and shorts, holding the same mobile phone as Wang Yue, even the shell was the same.

It was Lu Qing.

Seeing that the two had not mutated yet, Li Yin was happy, but when she saw the movement of Lu Qing's hand, she felt something was wrong.

The next second, Lu Qing stood up suddenly, throwing her phone aside. She spread her arms, looked up at the sky, her face full of enthusiasm, and made an extremely crazy voice: "Hahaha! I understand, I finally understand! I saw Him! I..."

Before she finished her words, she was kicked to the ground by Li Yin, and the axe was directly pressed on her body.

"What are you crazy about!"

Li Yin's tone was full of anger and a hint of self-blame.

If I could find out earlier, if I was not so careless, and stopped them from studying the pictures earlier, wouldn't things have developed to this point?

Wang Yue wouldn't die?

Lu Qing's face showed a trace of confusion, staring blankly at the ceiling, as if the whole person had been sucked out of the soul.

Li Yin stretched out his hand and slapped her face, and asked: "Lu Qing, what did you see just now? Tell me! What did you see just now!"

Lu Qing's expression gradually changed from blank to chaotic, and then became fanatical again: "I saw it, I saw it... I saw the real world! That great existence, He is so magnificent, so vast, His existence is beyond our understanding, He is the origin of all things,

It is the truth! "

As she spoke, she suddenly showed an extremely horrified look on her face, so that her whole body began to tremble: "He is gone... Where is He? Don't abandon me! I don't want to go back to that hypocritical world! Take me away, take me away! I am willing to give everything..."

Li Yin looked down at her, and a trace of despair flashed in her eyes.

She was sure of one thing, that this incident did not use illusions to affect people's minds, but directly changed their brains and their thoughts.

In other words, there is no hope, even if she is still alive, she can only be a mental patient for the rest of her life.

At this time, under her own axe, Lu Qing began to struggle violently. She seemed to want to stand up, but because the axe was pressing on her body, she couldn't even get up.

"Take me away! Take me away! I want to find Him! Don't leave me in this hypocritical world! "Lu Qing screamed hysterically, her voice had completely changed, becoming sharp and piercing, like the cry of a ghost.

After struggling violently, her chest was even cut by the axe, and the tip pierced deeply into her flesh and blood, and the blood stained her clothes red, but she seemed to be unconscious and still struggled hard.

Li Yin raised the axe, then reached out again and punched Lu Qing on the head, knocking her out directly.

After thinking for a while, he opened the axe space and swept it over her body, but took nothing away.

And Sun Tingting, who had been silent behind her, showed an extremely terrified look in her eyes at this time.

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