The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Li Yin walked up and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Sun Tingting raised her head. Her beautiful face was now covered with tears. She threw herself into Li Yin's arms and said with a sob, "Li Yin, I... I'm so scared."

Li Yin patted her back and comforted her, "Don't be afraid. I'm here. It's okay. What happened? Why are you and Lu Qing here?"

"Good morning. I took her out to buy breakfast this morning. When we came back, we saw a lot of monsters chasing people. We hid in the laboratory building. We wanted to find a laboratory to hide. Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly..."

Sun Tingting burst into tears halfway through her speech.

Li Yin sighed softly, took out a pack of tissues from his pocket and handed it to her: "Okay, stop crying, it's not your fault. I'll take you out first, it's not safe here."

"Well, Li Yin, you...ah!"

The explosion exploded beside her ear, and Li Yin's strengthened eardrum naturally didn't feel anything. She decisively pulled Sun Tingting aside and quickly turned around to look behind her.

Lu Qing, who was normal just now, had only been ignored for a minute, and her skin had begun to crack. The flesh under the skin seemed to come alive and turned into another creature, constantly wriggling underneath, trying to get out of the skin.

Li Yin's pupils shrank. She didn't expect that Lu Qing, who had been touched by her axe, would mutate.

Looking at the body that looked more and more like Wang Yue, Li Yin's face became extremely gloomy.

She glanced at Sun Tingting and sighed.

"Turn around." She ordered, then stepped forward, carrying Lu Qing, who had not yet completely mutated, to another room.

In the laboratory, Sun Tingting's crying and the sound of flesh cutting intertwined, forming a doomsday-like horror picture.

In a dozen seconds, Li Yin finished dealing with Lu Qing's body, then sent Sun Tingting out of the school, and returned to continue looking for Professor Fang.

At the same time, she had a doubt in her heart.

Why was Sun Tingting not surprised when she broke through the wall and entered the laboratory? As if she had known it for a long time?

Thinking of the possibility of disguise, Li Yin immediately turned back, but found that Sun Tingting had fainted, said to be because of nervousness or some other reason.

Then she used various means to try to confirm whether the person in front of her was her roommate, but there was no response.

Finally, she covered the axe space and turned back to the school.

First went to the office building to look around, but there was no one. She solved a few mutated classmates, but no energy was produced.

Then she turned around and found a mass of red stuff surging over the playground. Seeing this scene, she couldn't help but connect it with the fusion monster of ten thousand people in Luoan Town. She felt something was wrong and immediately mobilized her energy to rush over.

On the playground, a helicopter was parked on the edge. The middle-aged man in the lead looked at the blood and flesh that kept surging in front of him with a satisfied look on his face.

Although only half of the creation in front of him was his work, the scale and color were really beautiful!

Next to him, there was a girl standing, expressionless, with empty eyes, holding a stone slab in her arms. Looking closely, it seemed that unknown pigments were used to draw obscure symbols like words on it.

What's even more weird is that her right hand turned into countless tiny tentacles, deeply inserted into the squirming blood and flesh in front of her, as if absorbing energy, and as if trying to seize control of it.

At this time, a sound explosion was heard from the side, and Li Yin instantly appeared in front of Professor Fang, reaching out to grab his neck.

Almost in an instant, several men in black beside him turned into fish monsters over three meters in size, trying to block him.

But it was too late. Li Yin's speed was too fast under his full strength, and they could not catch up at all.

But this claw that was determined to get it was blocked.

What blocked her was a claw covered with a mutated cuticle, with sharp edges and as hard as iron.

Because she didn't want to kill Professor Fang immediately, although this grab was at the extreme speed, she didn't use all her strength. But being able to block her attack so easily shows how terrifying the claw owner's power is.

Li Yin turned her head to look at the girl standing beside her, with no expression on her face.

"Senior Sister Su Ji..."

The girl who was gentle to the bone was like a cold doll, a monster without emotions, as if everything around her was meaningless in her eyes.

"This is

Your own will? Help them do evil? "

Li Yin spoke slowly, her tone was not questioning.

She just wanted to confirm one thing, whether the current Senior Sister Su Ji was still herself.

But the girl over there did not answer, her eyes were still empty, but her body began to mutate rapidly, and in less than a second, the familiar black monster appeared in front of her.

"I ask again, are you Su Ji!"

The other party still did not answer, but looked at the meat mountain on the playground, as if waiting for something.

Li Yin already had the answer.

At this time, Professor Fang on the side spoke: "You stay here, and kill anyone who dares to come over. "

After saying that, he turned around and headed towards the helicopter.

Li Yin took out a handful of stones from his pocket, crushed them, and threw them out. Countless pieces of stone shot out like bullets, aiming directly at Professor Fang and the helicopter.

But this swift attack was still blocked by the monster incarnated by Su Ji.

Li Yin looked at her deeply, turned his head and asked Professor Fang lightly: "Do you want to escape?"

Professor Fang also stopped, turned around, and showed a gentle smile on his face, as always: "Li Yin, you seem to have a lot of questions to ask me. About these, and your uncle? Haha, kill her, catch up with me, and I will tell you everything. "

"My uncle, was he kidnapped by you?"

Li Yin didn't say much, holding the axe in his right hand, pinching a hand gesture with his left hand, reciting an obscure spell, and showing a cruel smile on his face: "Do you think you can run away? "

She was not going to drag it on, and directly used the terrifying clone she had summoned when she had summoned Luo Anzhen to clear the area!

Professor Fang was not going to continue boarding the plane, but stood there, curiously looking at the girl in front of him.

As a member of the cult, he naturally knew that there was an unrestricted office method, the clone technique.

A very common ability, generally summoned out for testing or reinforcement, no one would use it as a trump card.

He wanted to see what the girl in front of him wanted to do? What gave her such great confidence?

Several fish monsters consciously blocked in front of Professor Fang, alert to the possible danger.

This was the second time that Li Yin used a clone. She had always been afraid that Luo Anzhen would appear again. The terrifying mirror image of the town was also afraid that it would really awaken something as she guessed.

The more important reason was that no monster could force her to use this trick, but now was not the time to hide her weakness.

The most urgent thing was to quickly solve the problem in front of her and prevent it from spreading.

After reciting the spell, Li Yin raised her head suddenly, her eyes became empty and deep, as if they could absorb people's souls into them.

Beside her, a figure quickly took shape.

About 1.5 meters tall, with long black hair casually scattered, eyes as deep as black holes, staring at the front expressionlessly.

But... that terrifying aura did not appear, and even the clone did not have a fire axe in his hand.

Li Yin: "Hmm?"

Professor Fang: "Hmm? ”

Su Ji: “…”

The air seemed unusually quiet at this moment. Li Yin could clearly see the smile on Professor Fang’s lips, and even guess what he was thinking.

I thought you were holding it in, but you didn’t expect it to be…

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help blushing, and slapped the clone beside her.

But the clone didn’t react at all, just stood there quietly, waiting for orders.

Professor Fang spoke, and there was no mockery in his voice, but more comfort: "I don’t know what method you want to use, but it seems that you have failed, right? Keep working hard, maybe you will succeed next time. Okay, I’m leaving. See you next time, Li Yin. "

After saying that, he boarded the helicopter without looking back.

Li Yin's face was cold. Since that thing didn't want to come out, she could only do it herself.

Thinking of this, her figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and rushed towards the helicopter at an extremely fast speed, but Su Ji's speed was not slow at all. The giant sickle transformed by his left hand suddenly blocked the necessary path, and at the same time, three tail whips also attacked from the angle.

Li Yin snorted coldly, held the axe handle with his right hand, clenched his left hand into a fist, and swung forward violently. The powerful punch actually exploded directly The axe swept across and the giant sickle broke in the middle.

Such a huge force, even Professor Fang on the helicopter couldn't help but look sideways.

Looking at the translucent girl with starlight in her eyes, he was too curious, curious about where this power came from?

The tail was blown up, Su Ji didn't seem to feel any pain, just paused, and then rushed up again.

Li Yin didn't chase Professor Fang again.

After the initial impulse, she quickly calmed down and found that

Everything seemed so unusual.

Why did Professor Fang not leave before? He really waited here until now, just as he guessed.

Why did he choose to take a helicopter, a transportation method that was neither concealed nor flexible?

Can he really leave alive by taking such a thing to blatantly leave the city?

My guess should be correct. He must have been paying attention to me for a long time, watching me find clues step by step and tearing his disguise apart.

There are even traces of his deliberate guidance, such as Professor Zhang.

What is he for?

And when his identity was really confirmed, he planned the disaster of Linhai University, as if it was a final feast, leading himself into another game.

What is he planning?

Li Yin didn't know, but she knew that Professor Fang didn't need to chase him at all.

Because he never thought of running.

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