Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 228 Player: I have never seen such a great start

Inside the castle.

The luxurious and low-key castle welcomes back its former owner.

When Jiang Ming came to the gate of the castle.

Rows of blood servant ghosts dressed in maid uniforms and butler uniforms have knelt down to welcome the return of the true vampire ancestor, their master's ancestor.


The current head of the Lane family leads the way.

The two most senior elders of the Lane family, one on the left and the other on the right, were riding in front and behind the horse, showing a dog-legged appearance.

Further behind, there is the ghost of the guard captain who was rescued, like a fanatic, doing the work of a bodyguard devoutly.

Four players are also in this row.

Got a lot of attention.

after all.

Their current status is that they are servants of the True Ancestor of the Vampire.

Being a third-rank official in front of the prime minister's door is no joke.

Because of this.

Four players received unprecedented preferential treatment.

Many clever vampires have begun to get close to the players, preparing to learn about the True Ancestor's preferences from his servants.


This is too scary for four players.

They were flattered by the vampire's warm attitude.

They had never seen the local ghosts of the Pure Land treat them so warmly. It was like a dream.

It feels unreal.

And all this.

It’s all due to the “Immortal Lord of Ten Thousand Dharmas”.

The other party relied on his own efforts to become the ancestor of the vampire family.

Even several of their "servants" have become popular figures.

They could only secretly marvel in their hearts: there was only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

The name of a god is worthy of its name.

Entered the castle.

A group of high-quality blood maid ghosts folded their hands in front of them and led Jiang Ming to the bathing place without looking back.

On a huge bathing pool.

Jiang Ming raised his head.

Relying on the proud capital of a blood maid ghost.

The temples were gently kneaded.

Opening his mouth slightly, a bunch of plump and juicy grapes came into his mouth.

His hands were resting on the legs of the two blood maid ghosts, and they were allowed to be gently pressed and washed by the cold and delicate hands of the other party.

There are also those who rub foam and hammer their legs.

Standing by the bathtub, there were people dancing, singing, and holding his clothes.

Just for him to take a bath alone, more than twenty blood maid ghosts were used.

This made Jiang Ming sigh with emotion:

The life of a noble is really simple and unpretentious.

This kind of treatment is probably only available to ghost king-level forces that have been passed down for thousands of years.

Although today's Ryan family can only be regarded as an A-level difficulty dungeon, the heritage and noble etiquette accumulated over thousands of years are still there, which can maintain such a high-standard welcome ceremony.

This is really his pure land.

Jiang Ming once again sighed like an evil capitalist.

After washing up.

The bloody maid ghost holding the clothes looked at Jiang Ming who came up from the bath, her cheeks were a little blushing, and she couldn't help but touch Jiang Ming's generous chest a few more times.

As blood servants of the current head of the Lane family, this was the first time they had ever served a man.

And they were served by their master's ancestors.

If this can be seen.

Then it is really like flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix.

She could say that every one of the blood maid ghosts serving here had special thoughts about Jiang Ming.

As long as Jiang Ming hooks his fingers and releases some signals, they will climb onto Jiang Ming's bed regardless of their reservations and start a twilight love affair that spans thousands of years with this vampire ancestor.

Jiang Ming also saw the thoughts of these blood maid ghosts.

I have to say.

The head of the Ryan family has good taste.

The selected blood maid ghosts compete with each other.

Among pure land native ghosts, the appearance is already excellent.

Each has its own characteristics.

Although not as good as Qin Yue, the cheongsam female ghost, and Qin Shuang, the eldest lady, they are still in the first echelon below them.

Put in the outside world, she is a goddess in the dreams of countless ghosts.

And here it is.

They are just one of the blood servants who serve Jiang Ming.

to be honest.

Jiang Ming was a little interested, but not much.

On the contrary, he was more interested in Ryan Lucy, the current female head of the family.


This idea is too dangerous.

With this thought.

The blood maid ghost quickly helped Jiang Ming get dressed.

He looked up lovingly.

To this.

Jiang Ming smiled.

Go straight out of the bathroom,

outside the door.

The current female head of the family, Ryan Lucy, has been waiting for a long time.

When the red-haired enchantress with a high ponytail saw the dejected blood maid ghosts, she asked with some curiosity: "Lord True Ancestor, are you not interested in them? What kind of ones do you like? Ryan?" The family will do its best to help you prepare.”

Jiang Ming glanced sideways at the other party.

"Is this what you mean?"

"No, it's what the two elders meant. They say that men understand men best. True Ancestor, you have been lying down for thousands of years and your body is rusty. You just need a battle to awaken your instincts. These are the exact words of the two elders."

The head of the Lane family curled his lips.

Jiang Ming said calmly: "Don't get close to them in the future. Not everyone likes your True Ancestor and me."

Say it.

Jiang Ming left directly.

Under the leadership of the head of the Lane family, they came to the banquet hall.

At this time, the banquet hall has been decorated with more luxury and connotation.

The castle is filled with exquisitely dressed vampires.

Hand holding glass of red wine.

A few people formed a group.

From time to time, his eyes looked towards the high platform on the second floor.

Looking forward to something.

Four players are also in the ballroom.

They were surrounded by a group of vampires, consulting on various topics about the true ancestor of vampires.


Jiang Ming appeared on the high platform on the second floor.

The whole audience burst into cheers.

Only then did they get rid of the fate of being entangled.

Came to a remote corner.

Breathed a sigh of relief.

From this aspect, they saw Jiang Ming, who made a solemn appearance in the banquet hall and was so dazzling that it was unspeakable; they saw countless ordinary vampires who raised their heads as if they were staring at gods; they also saw Jiang Ming, who accompanied Jiang Ming and symbolized Ryan. The most powerful group of vampires in the family.

At this moment, Jiang Ming was undoubtedly the most handsome boy in the room.

The Ghost Exorcist Taoist priest's eyes were in a trance, and he murmured: "This is the first time I have experienced such a great dungeon start. There is no danger, no death. There is no fear, there is only enthusiasm and luxury. You said, I can't be dreaming. Bar?"


The man in the suit slapped him.

Ghost Exorcist Taoist Priest:?

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you think you are dreaming? I will verify it for you, and you will also verify it for me."

"Then why don't you hit yourself?"

"I think it should hurt."


The ghost exorcist Taoist cursed.

But he touched his burning right cheek and couldn't help but said: "It hurts. It's true."

Hear the words.

None of the other three players spoke.

Just turn your attention to Jiang Ming.

His eyes were full of admiration.

The man in the suit spoke his mind: "At first, I was thinking of competing with the Immortal Lord of Ten Thousand Magics. After all, large-scale confrontational dungeons depend on the strength of the team, and individual strength is too small in it, but now... I was convinced, he refreshed my understanding of personal power.”

Su Zhi nodded sincerely.

"The most correct decision I ever made was to invite Immortal Lord Ten Thousand Magics to form a team. This may be my only chance to reach S level in the final settlement evaluation."

Hear this.

Several other people also began to think about it.

The look he looked at Jiang Ming showed even more sincerity.

at the same time.

While enjoying high-standard treatment, Jiang Ming learned about the current situation of the vampire family.

According to the head of the Lane family, the vampire family is now divided into four branches.

They are Rhodes's lineage, Syl's lineage, Monqi's lineage, and Ryan's lineage.

According to kinship relationships, the Rhodes lineage is the main lineage, and it is the branch lineage where the first son of the true ancestor of the vampires belongs.

The Xier lineage is the eldest daughter.

Mengqi is the younger brother.

The Ryan lineage is the younger son.

In the first hundred years since the death of the True Ancestor of the Vampire, there have been constant internal fights within the family, all trying to become the new True Ancestor of the Vampire.


The four major branches began to separate.

Due to the need to protect the vampire mausoleum, the Ryan line became the only branch that stayed behind in the old house.

"Lord True Ancestor, now that you have been resurrected and returned, our four branches finally no longer have to kill each other. The history of the thousand-year bloody war will also be rewritten. The vampire family led by you is the real vampire family."

The head of the Lane family sounded a little yearning.

The withered old ghost also complained: "The other branches see us as weak, and they come to provoke us from time to time. They also threaten to wash away our lineage of Lane in the thousand-year bloody war and make us become part of the Vampire Holy Grail. It is simply too much to bully ghosts."

The old ghost in the graveyard was worried, "Lord True Ancestor, please forgive me for the disrespectful words I am going to say next. I think other branches will definitely not believe the news of your resurrection, Lord True Ancestor, and will think that this is a walk of our lineage, Ryan." Fake news, just for the sake of death.”

"So, this thousand-year bloody battle is probably inevitable."

"They dare. The True Ancestor is here. Who dares not to believe it?" The withered old ghost roared angrily.

The expression of the head of the Ryan family also became serious: "If it were me who was from another branch, I probably wouldn't believe it. After all, it's such a coincidence that the thousand-year bloody battle is about to happen. I want to let the other branches be resurrected just by saying "The True Ancestor is resurrected." It would be hard for the three major branches to give up the opportunity to obtain the Vampire Holy Grail."

"Especially Meng Qi's lineage has been coveting this spot for a long time. I'm afraid even if the true ancestor comes back from the resurrection, they will not be willing to join unless they can show their strength from thousands of years ago."

Listen to this.

Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes.

If the four major branches and the four major camps could be conquered so easily, it would not be an S-level difficulty dungeon.

at this point.

He knew it.


This difficulty is for players who have a normal strategy.

For him who has successfully ascended the throne and disguised himself as the True Ancestor of the Vampire, the difficulty is not that high.

He only needs to continue to deepen the fact that he is the true ancestor of vampires, and conquering other branches except Monqi's lineage should not be a problem.


To be on the safe side, he also had to ensure that the Lane family had the strength to resist.

This is also something that can deepen his identity as the true ancestor of vampires.


Jiang Ming asked: "How is the strength of the other branches? Since you have the ability to separate and develop independently, you must be doing well."

The head of the Ryan family counted all the treasures and said, "The strongest is the Monkey lineage. After you, the True Ancestor, died, your younger brother divided up most of your wealth and foundation. Now it is the first echelon under the Ghost King level. The current head of the family has reached the peak Ghost General, and is only half a step away from being promoted to the Ghost King level. Therefore, he must get this Vampire Holy Grail."

"The second is the Rhodes lineage. The current head of the family is also a peak Ghost General, but the power is much worse."

"The current head of the Xier lineage is also a peak Ghost General, but he has not developed power and just survives as a family."

Hearing this.

Jiang Ming couldn't help but sigh.

All members are at the peak Ghost General level, and the strongest branch has even reached the first echelon below the Ghost King level. It is worthy of being an S-level copy.

I'm afraid that the ability that players can develop in it is limited.

Choosing the right camp is basically equivalent to anchoring victory.

Of course.

The premise is that you can survive in such a dangerous camp.

In this regard, the Pure Land is fair.

The weak camp has a high chance of survival, but it is difficult to win. You can only complete the killing route of the main task three.

The strong camp is in great danger, but as long as you can survive the thousand-year bloody battle, you will basically win.

After thinking about it.

Jiang Ming's eyes fell on Ryan Lucy, the head of the family again.

Leisurely said:

"Do you want to... be promoted to Ghost General?"

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