Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 229 No one knows vampires better than me

Hearing Jiang Ming's words.

Several people on the field were stunned.

Advance to Ghost Commander?

Can you advance if you want to?

If it was really that simple, how could their Ryan family only have two half-dead Ghost Commander-level ghosts left.

The female head of the Ryan family came back to her senses and said in a difficult tone: "Master True Ancestor, it's not that I don't want to advance. Even if the Ryan family is in decline, there are still resources for me to advance to Ghost Commander, but what restricts me now is the vampire bloodline."

"Vampire bloodline allows us to obtain space for evolution by absorbing blood, but I have been in charge of the Ryan family for many years, and the family elders cannot be dispatched, resulting in me not being able to absorb enough blood at all. In addition, the vampire bloodline in my body is more refined than that of ordinary vampires. If I want to advance, I need to absorb the blood of at least ten Ghost Commander-level ghosts."

"Ten? As expected of the strongest vampire bloodline in the Ryan family in the past thousand years, I only absorbed two Ghost Commanders to complete the evolution."

The withered old ghost was surprised.

They have been dormant for quite a long time, and they really didn't know that the ninth head of the family had such great potential.

They are more than five times his

"I am three, and Lucy's family is mainly born in the lineage of Monkey or Rhodes. I am afraid that they have already been promoted to the peak ghost general and are striving for the ghost king level."

The old ghost in the grave sighed.

The decline of the Ryan family has largely restricted the head of the Ryan family with the strongest vampire blood in the past thousand years.

Hearing this.

Jiang Ming was thoughtful.

Compared with the promotion of ordinary ghosts, the vampire clan has an additional restriction.

That is vampire blood.

If the concentration of vampire blood does not meet the standard, even if the Yin power is reached, it cannot be promoted.

If you want to promote, you need to absorb blood of a higher level.

In this way.

He also understands why there is a saying of a thousand years of blood battle.

If a vampire at the peak ghost general level wants to be promoted to the ghost king level, he needs to absorb the blood of a ghost king.


The terrifying thing about ghost king-level ghosts is not something that a peak ghost general can imagine.

If this group of vampires want to advance, there is only one way left.

Draw blood from the same race and win by quantity.

The so-called vampire holy grail is suspected to have the ability to purify blood.

Jiang Ming quickly figured out the key.

At this time.

The head of the Ryan family noticed Jiang Ming's thoughtful expression.

He thought that his incompetence had made the ancestor unhappy.

He lowered his head and smiled bitterly: "True Ancestor, Lucy has failed your expectations of the Ryan lineage, please punish her."

"It should be punished, but it's not you, but the incompetent descendants who did not pass on the secrets of vampires, so that the vampire lineage has fallen to the point where it is today, without even a ghost king."

Jiang Ming said lightly.

Then he smiled mysteriously.

"Who told you that vampires can only rely on drawing blood to evolve? This is the lowest way, and it is used for vampires without potential."

The head of the Ryan family:? ? !

The dry old ghost:? ! !

Graveyard Old Ghost: !!!


Another secret?

And it's a secret related to vampire evolution?


The elders in the past must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Such important content was not passed down.

This is the content related to the fundamentals of vampires.

At this time.

They have scolded all the vampire elders above the fifth generation one by one.

Mistaken vampire disciples, this is.

The three of them paused for a long time before they reacted.

The head of the Ryan family couldn't help asking: "True Ancestor, are you saying that there is a way to evolve vampire blood without absorbing blood? But I think the other three branches don't seem to know this, otherwise they wouldn't be so obsessed with the vampire holy grail."

Jiang Ming glanced at her.

"Are you the True Ancestor or am I? No one knows vampires better than me. Evolving by absorbing blood has limited enhancement to the person, and the strength cannot be separated from ordinary ghosts. The superior evolution can transform the Yin power of vampires into abilities of various attributes, which I call - job transfer."

"Go to the treasure house and find me a piece of red flame black gold ore and a piece of cold iron flint ore."

After listening.

The two old ghosts immediately stood up.

They left the banquet hall impatiently.

There was still a bit of surprise and excitement on their faces.

Job transfer.

Vampires can actually change their jobs.

This is definitely the secret of the secret.

It is the core secret of the vampire clan.

If this is true, then the vampire elders in the past really harmed the vampire lineage.


The dry old ghost and the grave soil old ghost each came back with a piece of ore.

They just learned.

These two ores are considered precious ores in the outside world.

One can strengthen the hardness of the Yin device and can also add Yin and cold air.

One can increase the durability of the Yin device and add the Yin Fire property.

Both are excellent materials for making Yin devices.

"Master True Ancestor, we brought them back. Aren't these two precious minerals? What does it have to do with evolving vampire blood?"

The withered old ghost raised his doubts.

"You try to activate the vampire blood in your body. No one knows better than me how to cultivate vampire blood, activate the blood, absorb the attribute Yin power inside, and integrate it into your own Yin power. When you successfully combine the two, you will officially After the job transfer is successful, you only need to absorb the corresponding ore to evolve your vampire bloodline."

Jiang Mingyun drank the red wine in the glass calmly.

Activate the conceptual level ability of the plug-in "No one knows better than me" to fabricate a new evolutionary route for the vampire bloodline, designate it as a secret, and forcibly rewrite the essence of the vampire bloodline.

Hearing the grandiose words of their ancestor, the two old ghosts hesitated for a second, then each held a piece of ore and began to try the method Jiang Ming said.

at once.

Their whole bodies trembled.

Because after activating the vampire bloodline, they really sensed the yin power of the ore. After trying to pull it, two special yin powers, blue and red, flowed along the palms of their hands and stayed in their bodies, matching the blood in their bodies. The red Yin force combines together.

Less than five minutes.

When the withered old ghost and the old ghost in the grave open their eyes again.

The ore in their hands has turned into powder.

The withered old ghost put his hands on the table.

Yin power surged out.

The next second.

The table was frozen into popsicles.

With a light tap, it turned into ice slag and fell down.

The grave old ghost also tried it again.

Raising his palm,

A red-gold flame rose from the palm of his hand.

After being thrown out, the ground caught fire.

This moment.

The withered old ghost and the grave old ghost were completely stunned.

Looking at Jiang Ming in shock.

There was unconcealable shock in his eyes.

"Really, Lord True Ancestor, have we succeeded?"

"Is this a job change? It turns out that we vampires are such special beings. Are we also a special species of ghosts?"

The voices of two old ghosts sounded one after another.

He couldn't bear to lower his voice anymore.

There was a lot of excitement in his tone.

His face turned red.

Shocked by the power of vampire blood.

They never expected it.

The career change route mentioned by Jiang Ming turned out to be true.

There really is another way in this world that can evolve vampire blood without drawing blood.

As for this method, if their ancestors hadn't come back from the dead, they might not know it until they die.

Damn it, the elders lost such an important secret.

Watch this scene.

Jiang Ming smiled.

"Yes, your job transfer has been successful. From today on, one of you has the strength and cold Yin power of the Cold Iron Marrow Mine, and the other has the patience and Yin Fire attribute of the Scarlet Flame Black Gold. From now on, you only need to By absorbing enough of the two ores, the vampire bloodline can evolve again, and even without the Vampire Holy Grail, one can be qualified to become the Ghost King."

Hear this.

The whole body of the withered old ghost and the grave old ghost couldn't help but tremble.

It's exciting.

The True Ancestor of the Vampire is worthy of being the founder of the vampire family.

With him here, there is no need to worry about the vampire line being unable to revitalize.

Why should the Lane family not rise again, catch up with the other three branches and become the main branch?

Guarding the vampire mausoleum and getting the chance to bring back the true ancestor is definitely the greatest honor and opportunity for the Lane family in the past thousand years.


They knelt down.

He said piously: "Praise to the supreme vampire True Ancestor, your gift is the greatest recognition of the Lane family. Please allow me to tell the members of the Lane family this secret, so that they can also bathe in the gift of the True Ancestor. "

Jiang Ming waved his hand.

It seems calm.

"That's right."

Get Jiang Ming's approval.

The two senior elders of the Lane family appeared on the high platform on the second floor and danced and told the secret.

It is also highlighted that Jiang Ming said it.

Only the Lane family knows about the current vampire lineage.


There was also a one-hand performance.

The withered old ghost grabbed the railing, and his Yin force exploded, freezing the railing into ice slag.

The old ghost from the grave threw out a red-gold flame. The flame burned and emitted a high-heat reaction.


In the banquet hall.

All the vampires were shocked.

Change job?

By absorbing the properties of ores, can one's own Yin power be transformed into various attribute Yin powers?

Can it also replace the effect of blood and be used to evolve vampire blood?

Damn it!

Isn't this the core knowledge of vampires?

Why is this content related to one's own abilities also missing?

The elders in the clan all grew up eating hard food.

If the True Ancestor of the Vampire hadn't been resurrected and returned, wouldn't the vampire family never know how much potential they have and how strong they are?


The vampires were both excited and annoyed.

They have made up their mind that next time they worship their elders, they will only worship the True Ancestor and not the other ancestors.

It's all a waste of time.

at the same time.

The four players hiding in the corner, eating high-end ingredients with happy faces, also heard the words of the two vampire elders.

The plates in his hands fell down.

He stared in Jiang Ming's direction with his mouth wide open.


Another secret of the vampire family?

Do you understand again?

Why do we feel that you, a human, seem to understand vampires better than vampires?

You must have activated the intelligence function.

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