When she realized the existence of "self" and her mind began to turn, she found herself in a ruin.

There was a lot of knowledge in her mind naturally, and she knew that she had a human-like name, "Lexilitie Milas", nicknamed "Lenari".

Strange name, strange everything.

She, Lenari, was a weird, born from the weird talk of humans, and now, for some reason, she broke free from the shackles of weird talk and gained the real "self" and freedom.

Lenari blinked, lowered her head, raised her hands, and looked at her tender, fragile, anthropomorphic limbs curiously and repeatedly with the human perspective.

Among the knowledge Lenari was born with, there was something called "common sense".

Switching to the perspective of being a non-human essence, Lenari began to observe her "human body" objectively, carefully, and curiously with the help of the "darkness" that permeated around her.

She is 15 years old, 150cm tall, and weighs 37.5kg. She should be very thin by human standards, but you can't tell from her appearance. She is very well-proportioned and has perfect proportions, except for her flat chest.

But in the final analysis, although "she" thinks she is "she", she is actually just a shadow of nothingness. There is no such thing as gender at all, and this "human body" does not have the corresponding organs.

Therefore, it is natural that she has a flat chest.

I don't know why, but Lenari was a little unhappy because of her flat chest, but she still managed to convince herself.

This "loli" human body is on the borderline of age, but looks very typical. Her black hair is long to her thighs, which is quite docile, her black eyes are a little big, her skin is white and smooth, and she is wearing a black Gothic style dress.

The skirt has a pair of wide long sleeves, and the hem is below the knee. She wears black stockings and black bloomers to prevent exposure, and a pair of knee-high boots on her feet.

Lenari tried to control this body, running and jumping like a human.

Well, it was very light and powerful, and the essence of long hair and clothes was also shadow, which was part of the body, so it would not be an obstacle.

Lenari came to a pile of abandoned, randomly stacked cement wall blocks and punched hard at the thick cement board.

With a muffled "boom", the cement board broke into pieces.

Lenari retracted her fist, switched her perspective and repeatedly looked at her slightly dirty right hand. The slight pain made her feel novel.

Controlling the shadow to remove the dirt, Lenari was about to punch again, at this time, outside the demolition ruins, a group of noisy young men gradually approached.

Lenari frowned and was about to obey her instinct to avoid strangers, when suddenly, a key word came into her ears:

"...I'm out of money recently..."


Lenari suddenly realized that in human society, it seems that having no money is not feasible...

Thinking about it, Lenari simply stood still, her dark eyes ignored the darkness, staring at the exit of the ruins, with a hint of expectation flashing in her eyes.

Soon, a group of young people dressed in Shamatte style, carrying some beer and snacks, frolicking and walking into the half-demolished construction site ruins with flashlights.

The cone-shaped light of the flashlight swung everywhere, and soon, the Shamatte people successfully found the Gothic Lolita standing silently in the corner, dressed in black and almost blending into the dark background.


The shamatte who first discovered Lenari was quite bold. He whistled frivolously, staggered closer and thought he was very cool, pinched his throat and said in a sticky, goosebump-inducing voice: "Hey~ Little sister, why are you here alone~ Do you want your brother to play with you~"

As he said this, he even stretched out his hand and tried to touch Lenari's soft-looking cheek.

Lenari suddenly laughed happily.

The shamatte youth was overjoyed, thinking that he had really hit the jackpot and met a lost and innocent little loli. He said in his heart that the blind fortune teller at the roadside stall in the morning was really accurate, and he really encountered a "good thing" today. ——It's not even 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, isn't it still today?

The little loli smiled with her big eyes narrowed, and raised her pink little fist happily.

The hand of the Shamatte youth turned halfway, happily preparing to catch the little girl's pink fist, so that he could get closer and experience the happy feeling of "a little fist hitting you".

The next second, a pig-killing scream of "Ah——" broke through the night sky, shocking the onlookers' cigarettes, lighters, French fries, chocolate bars, etc. to the ground.

——The wallet was automatically delivered to the door, how could Lenari not be happy?

Carefully controlling the force, Lenari jumped and turned, punched and kicked, and after a lot of "Ahhhh", he successfully harvested the first pot of gold in his weird life.

Walking in the colorful nightOn the clean and clean streets, Lenari realized belatedly that she had no ID card... Even if she had one, it would be difficult for a minor to rent a hotel alone...

Lenari, who had just entered the world and had only common sense but no experience, was confused.

Unwilling to return to the dark realm of nothingness, Lenari, with a reluctance to admit defeat and a curiosity to explore the unknown, began to avoid people and wander around, going wherever was remote.

Unfortunately, until she harvested the "funds" contributed by more than a dozen Shamattes, Lenari was unable to find the "unlicensed black shop" mentioned in the common sense package.

After wandering aimlessly for a long time, suddenly, an equally inconspicuous sign on the top of an inconspicuous building's door attracted Lenari's attention.

"Sunflower Orphanage".

Lenari stopped, and the common sense package made her understand that this was a place where humans specifically took in and raised orphans without parents.

After pondering for a moment, Lenari made the next decision, a decision that could perfectly solve the identity problem and naturally integrate into the world.

He walked quickly to the gate. While there was no one around and no surveillance cameras were installed around, Lenari controlled his body of "Void Shadow" essence to quickly deform and shrink, and finally fixed it into a genderless baby wrapped in swaddling clothes.

He took out all the cash collected in the "Dark Realm" and controlled Shadow to carefully stuff it into the swaddling clothes. Lenari nodded his head with satisfaction, controlled Shadow again, and rang the doorbell of the orphanage.

——A baby who was secretly abandoned in the middle of the night because of physical defects, what a perfect life experience!

As for the cash that had just been received, this orphanage did not look very wealthy, so he would just treat it as a little compensation for his extra resources.

After all, Lenari is the embodiment of the shadow of nothingness, and her true form exists in the conceptual realm of nothingness and darkness. As long as the broad concept of "darkness" exists in the world, she will be immortal and does not need to rely on eating to replenish energy.

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