In the early spring of the year when Lenari was 10 years old, despite the sporadic "sponsorship" from the Shamatte that she secretly brought in, the Sunflower Orphanage could not continue to operate and closed down.

Helplessly, Lenari, who pretended to be autistic but obedient, followed the arrangement and was taken over by another orphanage called "Eve".

Eve Orphanage is different from Sunflower Orphanage. It has abundant funds and various facilities, and is even able to support children of school age to go to school.

However, when Lenari just came here, she always felt that this place was filled with something that made her uncomfortable and lingering, which should be the "resentment" mentioned in the common sense package.

Why is the orphanage, as a charity, shrouded in resentment?

Lenari was very curious, and with the help of the ubiquitous shadows, she quietly observed, and then...

You humans are really good at playing!

Eve Orphanage, on the surface, has sufficient funds and a good reputation because the director has many connections; secretly, the director uses the name of regular physical examinations to carry out organ matching and trading, and occasionally plays a guest role in human trafficking.

Some of the children who were adopted out of the orphanage were indeed adopted in an ordinary way. This is actually a devil's den. After all, it is an orphanage with complete procedures. Some are targeted for parts, and even worse, for their skins. Once they are taken away, the future is basically hell.

As a non-human, Lenari should not have any additional opinions on this, but perhaps after staying in the poor but warm Sunflower Orphanage for a long time, she, who is so weird, has actually learned sympathy and compassion.

On the ninth night of his arrival at Eve Orphanage, Lenari left an empty shell pretending to be asleep on the child bed assigned to him, in order to cope with the regular rounds of the orphanage staff who knew nothing about it. He quietly took the dark realm of nothingness and restored himself to the appearance of a 15-year-old pseudo-Lolita, wandering in the alleys of the city.

A few hours later, Lenari found a "kind" killer and successfully "persuaded" him to "sponsor" him a mobile phone that can connect to the Internet, and returned to the orphanage contentedly.

On the thirteenth day of his arrival at Eve Orphanage, the director, led by the kind aunt in charge of Lenari, found Lenari and kindly said that a gentleman from a well-off family was going to adopt him.

Lenari: "..."

Huh, so perverted!

He is only 10 years old! And he has serious "defects", but he is still favored? Is it just about looking good? Humans really know how to play!

No, I can't wait!

Although the most critical black account book has not been found, if he delays any further, he will have to consider murder for money and inherit billions of assets... That would be too high-profile, not good, not good.

So Lenari lowered his head in fear and shrank back into the corner.

Seeing this, the kind auntie changed her face in a second and drove the dean away without any courtesy, saying that she would talk to Lenari in detail, but not now, absolutely not!

What can the dean do? He can only grit his teeth and hold a kind-hearted persona, smiling and saying that he is not in a hurry, not in a hurry.

That night, Lenari used the same trick again, bringing the new mobile phone sponsored by the kind-hearted Shamatte, which had just been on the market for half a month, and the photos and videos that almost filled the mobile phone memory, to a corner with no people and no cameras near the headquarters of the Public Security Bureau in Inisel City.

It was late at night. Lenari wrapped the phone in a jelly-like shadow, picked an office with bright lights and many people, found the right angle, aimed at several sheriffs who were gathered in a circle and discussing something overtime, and threw it~


With a muffled sound, the shadow dissipated, revealing the new mobile phone wrapped inside.

The sheriffs, who were frightened by the sudden thrown objects and looked for cover and shouted to lie down, causing a chaos, gradually realized that it seemed that there might be a mistake, but this "mobile phone" that fell from the ceiling and came from a strange place was too suspicious, and they were a little undecided for a while.

At this time, outside the door that was not closed, a sheriff from Team 7 in plain clothes, yawning, holding a cup of coffee happened to pass by. He glanced curiously and kindly reminded: "It's okay, it's just an ordinary mobile phone. It should be a shadow-type superpower who sent evidence."

After that, the plainclothes sheriff from Team 7 yawned and walked away with a floating step.

Behind the bunker, the sheriffs looked at each other, reached a tacit understanding, and forgot about the mistake of overreacting just now, and did what they had to do.

Sitting back at the table where the phone fell from the sky, the captain of a team coughed dryly and ordered a logistics team leader to find equipment and check the contents of the phone.

The phone that fell from the sky had no interlock screen password set, which was open and aboveboard, but the contents inside were not so open and aboveboard.

The more people looked at their expressions, the moreThe more serious it was, the sooner people started making phone calls, calling people, and running procedures.

Tonight, the Public Security Bureau was destined to stay awake.

Eve Orphanage closed down.

Lenari was calm and accepted it well.

This time, Lenari was taken in by an old orphanage in the suburbs that looked as poor as the Sunflower Orphanage, but because of the donated land, it could barely be self-sufficient and thus had survived for decades.

As soon as she got off the police car, the fresh air that hit her made Lenari feel good.

Looking at the neat sweet potato fields, corn fields and vegetable fields on the roadside, Lenari had a hunch that this time, she should be able to stay safely until she turned 18, get her own legal identity certificate, and then happily enjoy the sweet fruits of human civilization.

The new orphanage is called "Oak Tree", and the atmosphere is very good. The director's mother has a pair of skillful hands and is proficient in knitting, cooking, farm work, etc.

Lenari learned a lot from the old director, especially weaving, which was fun and could be sold for money, which was particularly pleasing to Lenari.

Time flies, and life in Oak Orphanage is plain and warm. Although they can't afford to go to school, the old director himself has received higher education, so it's no problem for him to teach the children the basics of various subjects.

On this day, Lenari, who had grown up to 15 years old and restored her "true face", sold her popular handicrafts as usual and closed her stall early.

Usually at this time, Lenari would go home early, take care of the crops and vegetables in the fields, or help prepare dinner. ——Why not help take care of the children? Forgive her, this is the only thing she can't handle...

Today, in order to celebrate her 15th birthday, she decided to wander around for two hours to see if she could encounter anything interesting.

In recent years, the "Lost Gothic Lolita" legend has been very popular in the Shamatte circle of Inisel City, which has directly led to a sharp decrease in the number of Shamatte groups in the city, making Lenari less fun.

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