After saying "not bad", "okay", "let's see" all the way, Night Crow suddenly stopped, pointed at the only black car in the corner that was neglected and covered with dust, and asked: "What is that...?"

The shopping guide who was talking nonstop was stunned for a moment, with an embarrassed look on his face, and said euphemistically: "That Wuling car is not very auspicious..."

Looking at the vague gray figure on the driver's seat of the dusty black car, Night Crow became interested: "It's okay, I'm not afraid, or rather, I like these messy things."

"..." Very talkative The shopping guide was hesitant to speak, and finally sighed and said: "To be honest, we put this car here just because we have to put it here... We don't expect to sell it. If you insist, it's only 1,000 green dollars, with complete procedures."

Ye Ya nodded, and said firmly: "That's it! Let's go through the procedures."

"... Madam, are you really not going to consider it again?"

"Thank you, but you don't have to."

"Understood, please go this way."


At night, in a deserted wilderness.

Night Crow sat in the passenger seat and asked the gray translucent figure driving the car: "Are you sure it's this direction?"

"I'm sure, sister." The gray translucent figure said, and the voice was a rather childish female voice, "My home is in this direction."

Listening to the very young female voice, Night Crow couldn't help asking: "How old are you? Are you old enough to get a driver's license?"

The gray figure was silent, and after a moment, he said sadly: "11 years old... So I became like this."

"..." Night Crow looked up and down at the gray figure in silence, trying to estimate its height.

"Don't look, sister, when I died, I was 175cm tall. Everyone said it was something, something like gigantism? It seems to be this." The gray figure said.

"How about I drive?" Night Crow said "euphemistically".

"Don't worry, after becoming like this, my driving skills have been continuously "updated" somehow. Those racers are not as good as me." The gray figure said proudly.

...After all, he is a "veteran driver" in a strange story.

The "veteran driver" in a strange story is bound to its derivative, a black Wuling manual transmission car. Once someone tries to drive these two cars, they will be forced to start all kinds of inexplicable and unscientific stunts, violating countless traffic rules...

It can be said that he is the type that Team 7 is too lazy to deal with.

"I don't know your name yet?" Seeing that the car is driving quite steadily and has not started to show off, Night Crow decisively changed the subject.

"Carl." The gray figure said, "My name is Carl."

"It doesn't sound like a girl's name." Night Crow said pertinently.

"Because my parents really wanted a boy." Carl said, "Of course, they are very good to me."

"Can you tell me how you became like this?"

"Of course, there is nothing to hide." Carl said briskly, "One day, I was sleeping in my father's car, and was suddenly awakened by a loud noise. When I got up, I found that the mountain had collapsed..."

"I was very scared, so I imitated my father and started the car and drove it away."

"Then... well, I can't remember."

Night Crow nodded and stopped talking.


Dark domain.

Kampers obtained the keyword "mountain collapse" and began to search for relevant information.

After a while, his report came out.


The landslide in the middle of the night, the village under the mountain was completely destroyed...

Night Crow sighed and lost interest in chatting.

Although I don't know why the girl slept in the car in the middle of the night, it doesn't matter anymore.


Dawn, the morning light is faint.

The black car was like the legendary "flying on the grass", driving extremely unscientifically on a wasteland covered with weeds, at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour at most.

In the car, a gray, translucent, blurry figure without facial features said sadly: "I remember... I didn't escape, and my father's car was flattened by a boulder and buried in the soil..."

The night crow sighed and said, "This is an old story from more than 30 years ago... What are you going to do in the future?"

"... I don't know..." Carl said sullenly, "I'm obviously dead... Not even a ghost... I don't know why I'm still here..."

"Existence is reasonable." The night crow comforted, "If you really don't know what to do, come and be my driver first? There is a hardworking and motivated death god living in my house, maybe there will be a way?"

"It turns out that the legendary 'death god' really exists!" Carl said in surprise, and then he thought of something, and suddenly realized, "That's right, even an unscientific and strange undead like me has..."

"Well... in theory," Night Crow wanted to pat Carl's shoulder, but thought about it and didn't reach out, "You are not a ghost now, but a kind of existence called 'ghost story'."

"Ghost story? The seven wonders of the school?" Carl asked in surprise.

"Almost, in short, it is an existence with a certain degree of immortality and regularity... although these rules are usually not normal."

"I know, I used to love reading those horror novels the most!" Carl tried to cheer up, "The Mr. Death, uh, or Miss Death?"

"His name is Talos, the original body has no gender, and the clone is now a female, and the appearance age is about the same as mine."

"So it's the sister of the God of Death!" Carl suddenly realized, and then a little embarrassed, "Is that sister easy to get along with?"

"Very easy to get along with!" Night Crow answered confidently, "The cooking skills are superb! And I like to cook!"

"Just like my mother! "Karl said happily.

At this time, the black car suddenly made a 180° turn and accelerated suddenly.

Night Crow, who was wearing a seat belt, quickly grabbed the handrail and the seat cushion to stabilize his body, and looked at the pointer on the speedometer that reached the bottom in a few seconds, with lingering fear.

-If I had reacted slower just now and been thrown back and forth, it would have been too embarrassing...


On the old road into the city, which should have been deserted, a strict checkpoint appeared at some point. As expected, the black Wuling car that was speeding and had no license plate was stopped.

Near the roadblock, several people wearing traffic sheriff uniforms looked at the empty driver's seat in the car, and then looked at Night Crow who was sitting in the passenger seat with his seat belt fastened, and they were hesitant to speak and looked at each other.

"That, I can explain." Night Crow, who didn't expect to be stopped, scratched his head.

"No, no, go through. "The sheriff, who seemed to be the team leader, raised his hand to signal the control room to raise the steel railings, and said tactfully, "If possible, I suggest you put a simulation dummy."

"Okay, definitely." Night Crow nodded repeatedly, and changed the subject, "May I ask why the checkpoint was suddenly set up?"

"To catch the wanted criminal." The sheriff did not want to talk more.

Night Crow nodded and signaled Carl to leave quickly.

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