The black Wuling car passed the checkpoint. Night Raven asked Carl to pull over and took the driver's seat, pretending that she was driving.

She originally planned to let Carl drive the old road that had been abandoned for many years, and then she would take the road herself. After all, even if they didn't touch each other, it would be weird and uncomfortable.

But now, since they have encountered an official checkpoint, it's not surprising to encounter a few patrol cars later, so they might as well switch over earlier.

——There's nothing we can do about the license plate. Although the used car shop did help to go through the formal procedures to apply for a new license plate, the license plate was automatically "refreshed" once it was on the two strange cars, and it didn't work even if it was placed directly behind the windshield...

Fortunately, the traffic sheriff of Inisel City seemed to be familiar with this strange car, and Night Raven didn't have to explain it, and let it go directly.


Dark Realm.

Kampers reported: "In the surface world, no dangerous wanted criminals have been found entering the city, and there has been no corresponding "output" in the city recently."

"In the inner world, there have been some strange movements recently, which barely match the sudden blockade of the city entrances and exits by Inisel City..."

"What is it?" Lenari asked.

This sudden traffic blockade is too suspicious. All the sheriffs in the city, except for the seventh team, went out and directly formed a circle outside the city, but they did not formally invest in extraordinary forces.

Relying on these ordinary sheriffs and ordinary checkpoints, what are they going to stop?

Lenari is very curious about this.

Kampers said: "It is rumored that an A-level psychic with a powerful secret treasure hid in the city of Inisel a few days ago..."

Lenari frowned: "Rumor?"

"Just a rumor." Kampers said, "At least, I haven't found such an A-level psychic, and not many people in the other world have moved because of this rumor..."

Lenari pondered for a moment and said: "Ask the logistics team and strengthen the city monitoring to see if there is another 'no presence'."

"Okay, master."


The logistics team responded quickly, saying that the Inisel City Public Security Bureau had taken a fancy to the secret treasure, so all routes out of the city were strictly controlled.

"Isn't this ridiculous?" Lenari couldn't understand.

"It is said that the secret treasure repels all spatial methods..."

"That's still ridiculous!" Lenari wanted to hold his forehead, "If you don't invest in extraordinary power to control, there are too many methods that can easily cross the fragile 'blockade'..."

"Maybe it's because the city hall is also involved?" Kampers guessed.

"...Forget it, you focus on this matter. I always feel that it is not as simple as the brainless operation of the zz family." Lenari said.



In a certain unfinished building in the suburbs of Ruby City, there is a hall with ventilation on all sides and blocked by black chains that ordinary people cannot see.

The black coffin lay there quietly, with a layer of gray dust on the surface.

Suddenly, the coffin lid moved, and then it was pushed open by something inside, flying two or three meters diagonally and landing heavily, making a dull loud noise.

Inside the dark coffin that seemed to be connected to another space, a pale and delicate hand stretched out and grabbed the edge of the coffin, as if trying to use force, but used too much force, and the fine wood was crushed into pieces, and sawdust flew everywhere.

The darkness in the coffin suddenly disappeared.

A girl with black hair, black eyes, and extremely pale skin was lying there, with her left elbow against the bottom of the coffin, slightly supporting her upper body, and her right hand was frozen in the air in a grasping posture, with a confused expression.

The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a simple, light black dress, barefoot, and decorated with extremely disproportionate heavy chains all over her body.

The chain was dark and gloomy, and it seemed to be able to absorb souls if you looked closely, making people dare not look directly at it.

Suddenly, the girl covered her forehead with both hands, lay back at the bottom of the coffin, and groaned in pain.

——Like seeds sprouting, like fireworks blooming, something suddenly bloomed in her consciousness.

A few hours later, the girl let out a long sigh, and her hands left her forehead, falling to her side as if exhausted.

She was Olena Dreiser, who was once the chairman of a thriving listed company in Ruby City. She had a pair of excellent children and married a scumbag husband who lived off her husband and was hired by him to kill someone.

Of course, this is already in the past.

She is still Olena Dreiser, but no longer a human being, but a follower of the great Lord of Darkness, a member of the "Phantom" clan.

She has the power to manipulate shadows. She has both a physical body and the ability to blend into the shadows and turn into a phantom of nothingness; she can also manipulate the dark chains to seal and imprison everything.

Of course, the dark chains are the Lord's gift and mercy, which is what she is able to do.To maintain the integrity of the self, it is better not to use it if possible, so as not to accidentally overdraw, causing the fragile mortal consciousness to be unable to withstand the impact of great power.

According to the "information" that the Phantom Clan was born with - perhaps it can be called "inherited memory", Olena entered the state of meditation without much effort, and gradually sorted out and controlled her own power.

- According to the message of Mr. Night Crow, the apostle of the Lord, the chain barrier outside can still be maintained for several months. She does not need to worry, so as not to fall on the reputation of the Lord.

Olena used to be a non-believer, but now, she sincerely hopes to become a believer of the "Lord of Everlasting Darkness".

Yes, the Lord generously gave the Phantom Clan freedom of belief.


Golden Rose Community No. 4, kitchen.

Fitz and Talos are arguing about the century-old problem of whether tofu pudding is better to be salty or sweet.

There are several bowls of delicious tofu pudding with different seasonings in front of Night Crow. He was so happy that he wanted to pop pink bubbles with one bite after another.

Finally, Lively, who had experienced several "three-minute tours of the underworld" and had grown into a qualified "dishwashing maid", couldn't help but say, "Why can't we have both? Look, Night Crow likes them all."

The kitchen suddenly became quiet, and two pairs of eyes, one icy blue and one deep purple, looked at the innocent boy quietly.

Lively's cold sweat was getting more and more, and she wanted to slap herself in the face.

Night Crow swallowed the soft and tender salty tofu pudding in his mouth, and rarely felt guilty: "Don't scare him, look how scared the child is..."

"I think he is right, we can have both." She slowly scooped up another spoonful of sweet tofu pudding and put it into her mouth.

Fitz rolled his eyes: "You can have them all... but how can you eat them in such a wasteful way?"

"There are so many flavors and they are so delicious!" Night Crow said confidently, "They are all delicious. It's really hard to decide which one to eat first!"

"You can let your original body eat them." Fitz said seriously, "Your original body can definitely eat them all at the same time without mixing the flavors."

"That's right!" Night Crow suddenly realized, "I'll send them over right away!"

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