After jumping around the book three times, the night crow’s instinct remained as steady as a rock.

So, the night crow stepped forward boldly, using its claws and wings to skillfully open the old book with a mottled cover.

As the book was opened, the night crow’s heart, which had not been completely relieved, also lifted up.

However, until the densely packed unfamiliar pictures and texts on the pages were clearly presented in front of the night crow, no accidents occurred.

The night crow’s breath was suddenly relieved.

The body structure of birds is not suitable for turning books, especially when the night crow is unwilling to use its beak, it is even more difficult to turn books.

The thick and heavy book cover fell lightly to the ground under the influence of gravity.

The night crow’s eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

The top of the Obsidian Holy Tower, the Temple of Ever Darkness, the largest living room in the inner hall.

Lenari, who was dozing on the huge cushion, suddenly woke up.

After carefully checking with frowned eyebrows, Lenari yawned, turned over and continued to sleep.

Night Crow was awakened by the cold.

After a small sneeze, Night Crow looked around in confusion.

Gray, almost still thick fog, shadowy forest, and the old wooden stake where she was lying.

She remembered that she was...

Reading a book?

Before Night Crow could figure out the situation, the regular "rustling" sound of footsteps on the piled up fallen leaves suddenly sounded behind her, interspersed with a few slight "crackling" sounds of branches being broken.

Night Crow looked back vigilantly and found that the owner of the footsteps that had no intention of covering up was a person, or at least a human-shaped existence.

The man was wearing a simple, loose black robe, with black hair and black eyes, a thin face, and dark circles under his eyes, which looked tired. He was about twenty years old, with a messy short hair, as if he had never combed it.

The black-robed man came near Night Crow, and when he saw Night Crow retreating subconsciously, he stopped and said, "@#%&¥@#¥&%..."

Night Crow: "???"

What language is this? It seems that it is not a language that is still in circulation today? It has never been encountered in the Black and Red Theater and the place where the remnants of civilization were deposited?

Looking at the confused eyes of the crow, the black-robed man seemed to realize the problem.

He frowned and stretched out his hand seemingly casually.

Night Crow's eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.


Night Crow woke up in a daze.

The first thing that came into view was the dim stone ceiling under the flickering firelight.

Hmm... strange ceiling, where is this?

Before Night Crow's drowsy consciousness was completely awake, a clear voice with a mature tone sounded beside her: "Awake, do you remember who you are?"

Night Crow turned her head subconsciously, and a stranger with black hair, black eyes and black clothes, who was quite similar to her original black style, came into view.

Night Crow blinked.

Strange? Didn't I not understand this person's language before?

No, wait! The language used by this person has not changed, but what has changed is... myself.

Realizing this fact itself seemed to turn on a switch. In Night Crow's sea of ​​consciousness, a lot of information suddenly rushed out, filling her small crow brain and making it swell up and about to burst.

Night Crow's eyes went dark and she lost consciousness.


As if a steel drill was inserted and stirred randomly, Night Crow was forced to wake up with a severe headache.

It was still the same stone room and the same stone platform, but the man in black robe had disappeared.

With heavy breathing, Night Crow turned over weakly, lying on the cold stone platform, trying to ignore the interference of severe pain and trying to figure out the situation.

First of all, I came here after I completely opened the old book...

The connection with the original body is still established. Obviously, from the perspective of the complete "I", this is not something worth making a fuss about.

Then, relying on the connection with the original body, Night Crow can confirm that it is indeed his complete Night Crow who is here, not a dream, consciousness or something like that.

From this, it can be inferred that after opening the book, he did leave the treasure house of the Blood Handprint Branch...

But the Radiant Principle did not come to kill him.

The original body did not inform Him, which means... Lucia and the others did not realize that they were missing?

Facing an unknown thing that even Apophi and Wang Bao, who are weird/strange stories, can't see clearly, calling the hotline of the Radiant Truth is obviously the wisest thing to do, just like when Lucia was trapped in the cruise ship, she shook people... shook God as soon as she got the chance.

If the Radiant Truth came, even if it was just a glance, even if she happened to be in a coma at the time, it is unlikely that she knew nothing afterwards... unless He deliberately concealed Himself, which is obviously even more impossible.

Then, Lucia, isAs for Apophi and Wang Bao, why didn't they notice it?

The severe pain was like a tide, one wave after another.

Night Crow's eyes went dark, and he gradually lost consciousness in his futile and inefficient thinking.

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