Waking up slowly, Night Crow felt refreshed for the first time in a long time.

As her consciousness became clear, her memory returned. Night Crow was startled. The next moment, she was surprised to find that the information that emerged out of thin air had been sorted out by itself, just like books that were sorted and stored in order, just waiting for the owner to read.

At the top of the many "books" were things like "catalogs" and "general outlines".

Night Crow was not in a hurry to "read", but first observed the surroundings.

This was a stone room different from the previous one. The overall space was not large and the layout was simple. There was a stone bed, a stone table, and several stone benches. There was nothing else.

The stone room had no windows, and the door was also made of stone. It was closed tightly at this time.

Night Crow looked around for a few times and did not find anything that might be a ventilation system. She was immediately very confused. Would this room really suffocate people if they lived for a long time?

It was unclear whether it would suffocate people to death. Night Crow only knew that she was refreshed and did not feel suffocated.

After confirming his "imprisonment" situation, Night Crow lay down on the stone bed again with his paws facing the sky, sank his consciousness into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and tried to "read" the information.


Saiens has been a genius since he was a child. He was fortunate to be born into a wealthy aristocratic family and never worried about the resources needed for his growth.

Until, his proud research was denounced as a crooked path by his respected teacher, who kept holding on to it and made a fuss about it, expelled him from the Royal Magic Academy, and even his elder brother who had cared for him since he was a child turned against him and removed him from the family.

Overnight, the pride of heaven fell into the dust.

Such a blow did not make Saiens fall.

He mingled in the market and the wilderness, and lived with mercenaries and refugees who he once looked down upon, eating coarse food, just to raise resources to continue his research.

Finally, he succeeded.

"Soul Crystal Technology", Saiens called his most proud research results.

The body breeds the soul, and the soul derives consciousness.

The soul of mortals is too fragile. Once it leaves the protection of the body, it will soon enter death irreversibly.

Why is the soul of mortals so fragile?

Sainz found that it was because the soul strength of mortals was too low, like a light smoke, which would be blown away by the wind.

His once respected teacher told him that the only right way to improve the strength of the soul in the world is to practice hard and unremittingly.

However, is this really the case?

Low strength, like smoke, so what if it is compacted and turned into a solid state?

Unfortunately, before Sainz had time to figure out the technology to solidify the soul, he was driven out of the Royal Magic Academy by his furious mentor.

Sainz traveled to several countries and experienced long and arduous continuous research and trial and error. Finally, he mastered the method of strengthening the soul by external force.

With some alchemy-like techniques, supplemented by the help of magic circles, the soul of mortals is completely compressed into a gem-like solid.

No matter how mediocre and insignificant a soul is, once it solidifies, it will shine brightly and charmingly, like a gorgeous gem. When you gaze at it quietly, you will have the illusion of being watched.

Therefore, Sainz called the soul crystal born in his hand "Soul Eye Stone".

The only regret is that the consciousness of mortals is too fragile, and most of them are difficult to preserve during the soul crystallization process.

So, Sainz began to try to use warriors, magicians, priests and other practitioners as materials for experiments.

Thanks to the contributions of those wandering mercenaries and wanted criminals, his technology has become more and more mature, and even if it is used on ordinary people who are useless, there is a 50% chance of preserving consciousness.

Unfortunately, Sainz's experiment was forced to stop here.

I don't know what the Magic Association, the Mercenary Association, and the Church of the Gods are crazy. Suddenly, they joined the continental countries to issue the highest standard of wanted for him, and also put together several teams of real strong men to chase and intercept him day and night.

Sainz is a genius magician, and has benefited a lot from his experiments. Unfortunately, he is an academic after all. Facing the overly luxurious pursuit lineup, even if he tries his best, it is just a luxury to survive for a while.

Unwilling to see his hard work destroyed, and unwilling to see his pursuit of truth end here, Sainz took a risk and integrated his soul eye stone into his only magic book with technology that was still in the theoretical stage, and sent it into the space-time turbulence.

Ironically, that only magic book was a gift carefully prepared by his mentor when he successfully promoted to a high-level magician.

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