In the end, Lei's new clothes were chosen by Eve.

A man and a crow on the recent focus list returned to their original place after being missing for nearly ten days. Team 7 immediately sent Eve and another field sheriff to find them.

At that time, Lei and Night Crow had just finished a round of eating and were leisurely waiting for the hotel waiter to deliver the second round of food.

When the doorbell rang, Lei couldn't wait to open the door, but he didn't expect that it was Eve carrying a basket of fresh meat and a handsome uniformed sheriff who seemed to be in a trance.

After a moment of stunned, Lei made way for the doorway and welcomed the two into Suite 2209.

Looking at the basket in Eve's hand, Night Crow sighed: "As expected of Team 7, the efficiency is really high!"

"It's okay. For some reason, the resident Team 7 in Anaki City is much stronger than the administrative blocks of the same level..." Eve modestly put the basket on the table that had been cleaned by the waiter, and pulled out a chair to sit down.

The sheriff who was with Eve, who was emitting cool air and was probably an ice-type, stopped as soon as he walked past the shoe rack, leaned against the wall with his arms folded across his chest, and continued to wander around.

Noticing Lei's gaze, Eve glanced at her companion and explained: "Don't worry about him. The guy just went through a trial copy that was said to be very bizarre, and he is still thinking about it."

"Trial copy? I wonder who this is...?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"Rex Gunn, an ice-type mutant." Eve introduced.

Hearing his name, the handsome guy glanced at the table and continued to wander around without interest.

Intelligence shows that Lei Barak, who originally looked too similar to Eve, has changed his appearance and taste, from only eating well-done steak to preferring rare...

As the only S-class/super-class currently available in the Anaki City Seventh Team, he just came here as a safety.

Eve is a high-level magician of the fate system with extraordinary potential, but she is very valuable. If she is not the most suitable candidate...

"Guen? Is it the Guen whose old man lost something a while ago?" Night Crow asked in surprise.

The so-called fate is probably like this.

"Yeah." Eve nodded slightly, looking at Lei who was staring at the basket and swallowing secretly, and forced the topic back to the main business of this trip, "How does Lei look...?"

Before Lei could think of how to describe his experience, Night Crow said indifferently: "I was caught in a strange story. The strange story is like this..."

Eve listened quietly, and finally said: "The strange story 'Monster Hatchery', the entrance randomly appears on the 'doors' with a certain amount of traffic around the world, swallowing ordinary humans, completely alienating them into monsters, and then releasing them at the original 'doors'..."

After a pause, the girl frowned and looked at Lei with both worry and confusion: "Why did you..."

"..." Lei didn't know how to answer.

Seeing this, Night Crow said: "Half of Lei was not a 'human', so..."

Hearing this, Eve was stunned for a moment, not knowing what she was thinking, and her eyes tended to be empty.

Night Crow looked at Eve, then at Lei, shook his head and pondered for a moment, and finally formally expressed his curiosity and plan: "I am very curious about your 'origins' and want to go and see. I wonder if this will bother you?"

Eve came back to her senses from her thoughts and said seriously: "No, but please take me with you, I am also very curious."

"And me!" Lei said quickly.

"Then it's settled!" Night Crow thought for a while and said, "As for time...will you eat and drink enough later?"

Eve nodded, and Lei had no objection.

After finalizing the next itinerary, Eve relaxed a little and remembered another purpose of her trip, so she took the plastic basket covered with a tablecloth, lifted the tablecloth, took out pieces of fresh meat wrapped in plastic wrap from it, and placed them one by one on the dining table.

"These fresh meats are all specially made synthetic meats. Team 7 often uses them to test the recipes and preferences of unknown races. You can try it." Eve said to Lei.

Hearing this, Lei hesitated.

He remembered the smell of meat wafting from the uncle he passed by in the corridor before.

What if he really turned into a monster who loved to eat human flesh...

Seemingly seeing Lei's concerns, Eve comforted him: "Don't worry, with current technology, even if your staple food is human flesh, there are corresponding food factories in the other world that produce it legally under the supervision of Team Seven."

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