After getting Eve's assurance, Lei relaxed, sniffed carefully, and reached out to pick up the one that smelled the best. While removing the plastic wrap, he said, "This one smells the best."

Eve nodded slightly, took out a notebook and pen from her small bag, and made a few notes.

After eating a palm-sized piece of fresh meat in a few bites, Lei licked his fingers with satisfaction, and his eyes were fixed on the second-smell piece of meat...


Soon, Lei ate all the synthetic fresh meat that almost covered the table, and the night crow, who was not actually hungry, felt hungry...

Just then, the doorbell of the suite rang, and the waiter came to deliver the meal.

After sharing a large table of mostly meat dishes, Eve drank a sip of iced black tea to relieve the greasiness, and looked at the night crow lying lazily with its claws facing the sky, and asked, "Are we going to pursue the 'past' now?"

"Wait a minute, buy Lei some clothes first." The night crow said.

"Oh, clothes shopping! I'm good at this, let me pick it!" Eve tried her best to restrain herself, but her eyes were still shining.

In her spare time, her favorite games are those mobile games that let beautiful men and women dress up... especially those beauties with neutral looks.

It can be said that Lei now almost completely grows on her XP points.

On the side, Lei, who finally ate and was a little sleepy, suddenly alerted and said quickly: "I declare in advance that I don't wear women's clothes!"

"Don't worry! It's guaranteed to be handsome and formal men's clothes!" Eve assured confidently.


Facts have proved that Eve's aesthetics are indeed online.

The combination of a simple white shirt, black trousers, dark red windbreaker, and lace-up boots makes Lei, who looks androgynous, look more handsome and beautiful like a man. At first glance, he will not be easily mistaken for a woman.

Although the whole set looks hot... However, Lei Yi will not be affected by the temperature now, so it doesn't matter.

"Next, braid a long loose braid and it will be perfect!" Eve said excitedly, holding a headband of the same color as the coat.

"..." Lei Yi pulled the expensive brand-name clothes on his body a little awkwardly, and sat obediently on the chair, letting Eve fiddle with his hair with shining eyes.

After all, the hand that takes the person's money is short.

After the clothes were selected, Night Raven originally planned to pay the bill, but Eve said that Lei Yi had a deep relationship with her at first glance, so she would pay this little money, and then they would have to rely on Night Raven's ability to take them back to the past!

Since Eve said so, Night Raven did not insist.


Following the earliest point that Lei Yi had a clear impression of in his memory, the Night Raven sped through the yellow-hued Anaki City.

"Although it's not the first time, it's still incredible..." Eve sighed while holding the handrail on the side of the ship, looking at the rapidly changing scenery around her.

"Indeed, in theory, as long as Lady Night Crow is willing, there are no secrets in the whole world..." Rex, who followed him on board, finally stopped wandering and joined the chat harmoniously and unobtrusively.

"It's not that exaggerated." The phantom crow standing on the figurehead said, "If a more mature super-class destiny magician deliberately conceals his own destiny, I won't be able to see it... Besides, some things that shouldn't be seen can be fatal if you accidentally see them."

"That's right." Eve nodded in agreement, "So far, Phantom City is still an observation restricted area for almost all destiny systems."

"Almost?" Lei asked curiously.

"The Phantom Clan itself has many destiny systems." Eve replied.

"Oh!" Lei suddenly realized, and then couldn't help asking out of curiosity, "So, what's the matter with the phantom city next door? It is said that seventeen years ago, it was called 'Inisel City'?"

"Well..." Eve hesitated.

She was not hesitant about whether to tell Lei, but how to start.

Back then, the changes in Phantom City involved too many things...

At this time, the Night Crow on the figurehead casually said: "To put it simply, a new god from the evil camp caused trouble there, causing almost all of the city to die, and then the Radiance took action, using something as a medium to transform those who unfortunately died or were alienated into the followers of the Lord of Everlasting Darkness, the 'Phantom Clan'."

"Uh..." After hesitating for a moment, Lei asked in confusion, "Why did the Radiance take action and transform people into the followers of the Lord of Everlasting Darkness?"

Eve took over the explanation and said: "The Radiance and the Lord of Everlasting Darkness are twin gods. As for why they were transformed into the Phantom Clan..."

"First, the Radiance has never created followers; second, because of what the new god did, the entire city of Inesel was severely affected by the Radiance.The best solution is to transform into the Phantom Clan by taking advantage of the high-level information radiation pollution of the Lord of Everlasting Darkness. ”

“Is that so…” Lei, who lacks mystical knowledge, seemed to understand.

While they were talking, the speed of the Night Raven…or the speed of the surrounding scene changes slowed down until it froze.

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