The next morning, a little before 5 a.m., the doorbell of No. 2209 of Anaki City Hotel rang.

Lei, with his sharp five senses, struggled to get out of his beautiful dream and went to open the door yawning.

——Room service will not be so early. According to yesterday's agreement, the people who came should be from Team 7.

Sure enough, outside the door was a middle-aged man with a common face wearing the uniform of the sheriff of Team 7 and a serious expression.

After the man entered the door, he looked around and didn't find the target he was looking for. He asked Lei, who was yawning beside him, politely: "Is Lady Eve still awake?"

"Probably." Lei said, "It's a little before the agreed time. Did something unexpected happen?"

"It's inconvenient to go into details. Lord Yaerlin ordered me to pick up the three of you in advance and go to the western suburbs." The middle-aged man said.

Lei frowned and said, "Please wait a moment, I'll go wake them up..."

Just then, the door of the master bedroom in the inner room opened lightly, and Eve, who was dressed neatly, walked out holding Crow.

"No need, I'm ready." The girl said, "Go wash up, we'll leave now."


Since Eve seemed to know everything, Lei no longer had any doubts and went back to his second bedroom to wash up and change clothes.


On the way to the western suburbs, Lei couldn't help his curiosity and asked Eve, who was sitting in the passenger seat holding the sleeping Night Crow, "What happened?"

Eve was also very curious and said helplessly, "I don't know... Lord Yaerlin only told us to go there in advance, but didn't say what happened specifically."


At this point, there were not many vehicles and pedestrians on the road, and the smart traffic lights were green all the way.


A private clinic in the western suburbs.

The sheriff has set up a cordon here, and many uniformed sheriffs with live ammunition are standing guard every two steps and every three steps.

Following the middle-aged man with a common face, everyone went unimpeded all the way and headed straight to the super power factory laboratory located underground.

With a "ding--" sound, the elevator door opened.

The middle-aged man made a "please come in" gesture, but he stepped aside and didn't seem to plan to leave the elevator.

Eve looked calm, holding the sleepy Night Crow who had just been woken up, and led Lei out of the elevator.

Outside the elevator, a young man with short blond hair, blue eyes, and a white-bottomed and gold-rimmed luxurious knight light armor was already waiting there.

"Good morning, Lord Yarlin." Eve raised a hand and greeted casually.

"Good morning, Miss Eve." The young man named Yaerlin nodded, turned around and led the way, "Let's go, I'll tell you on the way."

Eve trotted a few steps to catch up with the young man and asked curiously: "So, what happened?"

She glanced at the corridor with no traces of fighting and guessed: "Did the target get the news and evacuate in advance?"

"Not really..." Yaerlin sighed and smiled bitterly, "This is what happened..."


Although he had seen it many times in Night Crow's ability, Lei still felt uncomfortable when he came to the laboratory where the "matrix" was preserved in person.

At this time, in the spacious laboratory, the glass columns on both sides had been broken by the tangled, half-withered thick tree roots, and the liquid inside was sucked out, but the surrounding instruments did not suffer any damage.

Right in front of the exit, under the glass column where the "matrix" is preserved, a red-haired boy, about twelve or thirteen years old, whose appearance is between the past and present Lei, is leaning against a tree root that is roughly coiled into a chair with his eyes closed. His face is haggard, and he seems to be dying soon.

Seeing such a boy, or "A-003", Lei couldn't help but step forward a few steps and ask aloud: "Why are you doing this?"

Before on the road, the leader of Team 7's operation, a young man named Yaerlin, had told them that when the "pathfinders" of Team 7 quietly touched this underground laboratory, they found that it had been "cleared" by the living tree roots, and they heard a child's voice clearly saying to them:

"Please tell your boss that I want to see Lei Barak and Eve Fast."

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