"No reason." The boy said weakly, "I heard through your eyes and ears that Team 7 was going to raid here, so I helped."

Lei was stunned.

Without waiting for Lei to say anything, the boy said again: "My name is 'Coco', you can also call me... 'Father'."

Lei was stunned.

On the side, Eve, who had been frowning since the beginning, saw this, and took a few steps forward, glanced at the motionless and "unconscious" mother body in the liquid high above, then looked directly into the boy's bright red eyes and said in a deep voice: "You are the 'mother body'."

"I am." The boy admitted it very straightforwardly.

"Where is the real A-003?" Eve asked.

"There has never been any A-003, including No. 1032, they are all me." The boy said, "Except for the B group that is heavily mixed with other genes, the so-called clone group and the A group, there has only been one 'miracle', Lei, for more than 20 years."

Eve looked at Lei who was still trying to digest the "shocking secret", pursed her lips and asked: "Why?"

"I am a half-demon." "Coco" suddenly talked about something unrelated, "I am the child of a red maple tree monster and a human."

"Have you heard of the cutting propagation method of trees? In my opinion, the so-called cloning is similar to that."

"Unfortunately, I am a half-demon. Although I also have some characteristics of the red maple tree monster, I am only a half-demon after all... According to those researchers, it is 'genetically very unstable', and the stable existence alone is an incredible miracle."

"In short, the cutting method is not suitable for me." Coco said.

At this time, attracted by the fragrance of "melon", Night Crow, who had already woken up, asked: "Why is there no successful case in Group A? With the professionalism of the super power factory, the doctor can become the leader of this base, so he must have real talent."

"I don't know about this..." Coco shrugged slightly, "My education is limited, and most of it is learned from Lei through "dreams."

"However," Coco said, "there are still some unfounded guesses."

"What is it?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"My father is a very powerful monster. From his monster blood, it must not be so easy to be "tamed."

"I see." Night Crow nodded, and after a moment of silence, she asked again, "So, you are also a "miracle"?"

"I'm not sure." Coco sighed, "Before I can remember, my mother had passed away..."

"It seems to be a miracle." Night Crow nodded.


Looking at the confused expression of the boy, Night Crow explained: "I know a little about the monsters in the country. The more powerful the monster is, the more difficult it is to give birth to offspring with ordinary humans."

"In addition to the species gap, what is more important is that the 'genetic strength' of the two sides is not equal. The weak side can easily collapse under heavy pressure, and then lead to the collapse of the whole."

"For half-human and half-demon beings, most of the growth cycles are close to humans. It is difficult to have the situation of 'one of the human parents has died before remembering', unless this half-human and half-demon should have died in nature, but was forcibly saved..."

"A man-made miracle..." Coco murmured, his eyes were a little empty, as if he was recalling something.

"I don't understand!" Lei, who finally came to his senses, suddenly said loudly, "Since you can pass those failed experimental activities, why don't you leave, why not..."

Take me away.

Lei suddenly woke up, and naturally couldn't say the following words anymore.

Looking at the weak appearance of the boy, what he did before was obviously not easy.

Coco listened quietly, and finally sighed softly, explaining: "I dream of taking you away from this hell on earth... But my ability is limited, I can't leave my body too far, and my body... seems to be in a deep state of suspended animation..."

"..." Lei didn't dare to look at the boy, pursed his lips, and whispered, "How can I help you?"

He found that since he became like this, he was very impulsive and thoughtless, "doing first and thinking later"...

Perhaps, this is the side effect of the so-called "powerful demon blood"...

Coco was straightforward and said bluntly: "Going back to Fengdao to find my father, your grandfather, this is the only way I can think of."

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