Anaki City, the seventh district, a certain unit room.

Lenari held the sleeping Night Crow and floated beside Lei's bed, carefully observing the red-haired young man who was also sleeping.

After a long time, she said to herself: "What do you think?"

"A dream-like strange story that is not in the records of the Green Star Federation." The voice of the Radiant Truth was as calm as ever, "Do you need me to go to Green Star to check the past records?"

"... Let's take a look."



In a dark and dilapidated dungeon created by a strange story.

"I'm a little sleepy..." Night Crow murmured.

"Me too, but I suggest not to fall asleep." Lei said, "Don't you have a virtual phone? Just play some games to refresh yourself?"

"Unfortunately, just like my crow body, that thing is completely imperceptible now, as if it never existed." Night Crow tried to cheer up and said.

"Uh..." Lei thought for a moment and suggested, "How about we chat about something refreshing?"

"Oh, go ahead." Night Crow said indifferently.

Lei thought for a moment and said, "Before I met you, my life was also very exciting, but it rarely involved supernatural factors. I still remember very clearly that year, when I officially took over the detective agency of my adoptive father who suddenly disappeared, the first commission I took on..."

Lei is very good at telling stories. He tells the memories of a personal experience in a wonderful and fascinating way, just like a professional suspense story radio station.

Of course, this is also because Lei's experience itself is tortuous and bizarre enough, and the dark side of human nature overflows.

In short, Night Crow listened with relish, and the sleepiness disappeared unknowingly.

At the end of the story, Night Crow sighed: "He jumped off the cliff and survived. He is really the 'protagonist'!"

"The main reason is that the cliff is not high, there are few reefs below, and it was high tide." Lei explained, "The most important thing is that a 'kind-hearted person who happened to pass by' rescued me in time."

"'Kind-hearted person who happened to pass by'... Speaking of which, I haven't heard any news about the Super Energy Factory recently..."

"Hasn't the Super Energy Factory always been low-key?" Lei asked in confusion.

"It seems so on the surface, but in fact, because it is a recognized gathering place for 'Frankenstein' in the other world, if it is magnified to all parts of the world, the terminal laboratories of the Super Energy Factory have moths worth mentioning almost every day... Wait, what's that sound?"

The two of them fell silent in an instant, and even their breathing was suppressed as much as possible.

"Da", "Da", "Da"...

The crisp sound of leather boots knocking on the stone road alternated and sounded evenly, without causing any echo in the cramped stone dungeon, getting closer and closer.

Night Crow and Lei tried to open their eyes wide in the direction of the sound, trying to see clearly what it was.

Soon, the footsteps stopped at the dilapidated iron gate of Lei's cell.

The two subconsciously held their breath.

- Although their body functions were replaced by "ordinary people", their eyesight was still good.

In the dim light that came from nowhere, there was nothing outside the sparse iron bars of the cell.

The dungeon was dead silent for a moment, with only the sound of dripping liquid.

Suddenly, the iron chain that was loosely wrapped around the iron gate as a door lock moved.

The rusty iron chain swam like a snake, rubbing against the railings, iron gates, and their interiors, making sharp sounds.

When the last section of the chain fell to the ground, Lei suddenly turned around and said to Night Crow: "Three hours."

Night Crow was stunned and quickly turned his head to look: "What did you find? Hey! Don't sleep! Lei! Lei..."

Night Crow swallowed the unfinished call.

As the dilapidated iron gate of the fence opened with a sharp friction sound that made people's teeth ache, Lei fell into a deep sleep unstoppably and...


There were no footsteps or other sounds.

Night Crow looked at the empty cell next door with a gloomy face, and began to think in his heart.

Three hours... the time Lei entered here?

That is to say, three hours later, he will encounter the same situation...

So, what if she fell asleep in advance?

Will she encounter the same "result" or something different?

With her Fate Magic accomplishments as a foundation, Night Raven has a pretty good sense of time. Although she is now just an "ordinary person" with a pair of ordinary bird wings installed, if she operates properly, she can also take a nap and wake up before the "three hours" deadline based on her feelings.

Night Raven, or Lenari, once learned hypnosis and dark magic out of curiosity, which does not contain any extraordinary factors.I had demonstrated my skills, but I didn't expect that they would come in handy in this situation.

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