In the present world, in front of Lei's bed.

Lei's consciousness had just come out of the confused state of sleep, and before he had time to open his eyes, Lei suddenly felt something unusual.

——Something was looking at him.

Lei suddenly opened his eyes and froze on the spot.

Right beside his bed, a Gothic loli with long black hair and dark eyes was floating there, looking at him quietly.

His intuition was screaming, warning the owner not to move rashly, otherwise, he would die, definitely die.

Cold sweat oozes from Lei's forehead unconsciously.

At the critical moment, Lei's heart became calmer and his brain began to work at a high speed.

The next second, he finally noticed the crow that was gently held in the arms of the Gothic loli and almost integrated with the black fabric.

That was his good friend, Night Crow.

Night Crow...

"...Lord of the Darkness?" Lei boldly tried.

The Gothic loli in black - Reiner nodded expressionlessly.

The shadow rose from the ground, twisted and shaped into a soft sofa in an instant, floating quietly behind Lenari.

Sitting on the sofa calmly, most of his body fell into the soft darkness. Lenari raised his feet, gently stroked the sleeping crow in his arms, and said condescendingly and coldly: "Remember your previous experience?"

"Before?" Lei was confused, "You mean..."

"Just now, before you 'woke up'."

The red-haired young man still looked confused: "... I'm tired of studying ghost stories, so I'm taking a nap."

Lenari stared at "Lei" for a while, and suddenly said: "What do you think this is?"

Just as Lei was trying to think about what the uninvited and seemingly ill-intentioned "Lord of Everlasting Darkness" was asking, a calm voice that was very similar to the "Lord of Everlasting Darkness" suddenly sounded out of thin air.

"Reverberation." The extremely calm voice that made people doubt whether it had emotions said so.

"Reverberation?" Lenari raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's just a reverberation, nothing else?"

"It's just a reverberation." The Radiant Truth said, "The reverberation woven by the interweaving of personality, memory, and dream."

"... Then, what about the real Lei?" Lenari asked.

On the side, when the voice that appeared out of nowhere sounded for the first time, "Lei" had a bad feeling, and his pupils suddenly dilated.

"Still trapped in the dream deep in the heart." The Radiant Truth said, "In addition, strictly speaking, this is also the real Lei Barak."

Lenari shook his head: "If it's just a reverberation, it can only be regarded as a part of the real Lei."

The Radiant Truth did not refute this.

The room fell silent.

In the silence, Lenari suddenly said: "I suddenly want to know what kind of 'reverberation' will come out of the shell of 'Night Raven'."

Almost without any interval, the voice of the Radiant Truth sounded: "This reverberation that is extremely close to the truth is obviously the masterpiece of that strange story. It probably does not have enough status to perfectly reproduce the reverberation of 'Night Raven'."

Hearing this, the disappointment on Lenari's face was obvious, and he sighed long and unconcealedly: "Oh..."

"Excuse me..." "Lei" tried to suppress the storm in his heart and spoke carefully.

"You say." Lenari nodded in a friendly manner to signal "Lei" to continue.

"I... What happened to 'Lei'?" "Lei" asked in confusion and anxiety.

"A dream-like strange story that is not in the records of the Green Star Federation." Lenari said, raising his arm slightly to indicate the sleeping crow in his arms, "About two hours after you fell asleep, the night crow also fell asleep and lost contact with me."

"..." After a long silence, "Lei" lowered his head with increasing guilt in his heart, "I'm sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize, but your physical condition is really too exaggerated..." Lenari sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Do you think there is a way to solve it?"

"...Ah?" "Lei" squeezed out a syllable from his throat in confusion.

"Not you." Lenari said, "Glory?"

"Find the Weaver of Destiny." The Principle of Glory said, "My creative power is still dormant, and I can't easily do this level of destiny modification."

"...That guy." Lenari's cheek bulged slightly, looking very reluctant, "Okay..."

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