Anaki City, the seventh district, the apartment where Lei is temporarily staying.

On the coffee table in the living room, the crow lying on her back suddenly opened her eyes.

"It was a close call, I almost died once..." Night Crow muttered, turned over, flew to the sofa, and immediately switched to the body of the Day Angel.

Suddenly, the sky spun.

Night Crow was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stretched out his hand, and hurriedly caught the head that rolled too much.

——This is good, if the "death" in the dream can be brought out, most of the people there, whether ordinary or extraordinary, will not be able to return to the world alive...

After thinking for a while, Night Crow felt that it should not be the case, but her situation is more special.

Just now, the tenth floor was not actually the end, but Green Star noticed her and sent her out.

The dream constructed by the strange story reflects Green Star's memory from a long time ago.

The memory of the universe it belonged to suddenly collapsed, and the planet itself was torn into pieces, and it "died" from then on.

Although Green Star did not die completely, but survived as a ghost story, such a tragic "death" would not make the planet happy no matter how it was thought.

Further down the tenth floor, there were increasingly chaotic and crazy broken dreams, where all the sadness and pain of Green Star were precipitated.

The second floor inside the dream-type ghost story just named "bottomless nightmare" by Lenari.

Night Crow opened his eyes and found himself lying on his back on a piece of fluffy snow, with his head and body separated.

While sitting up and lifting his head to press on his neck, Night Crow flew up and approached the treetops not far away.

There, Chloe was sitting quietly with his back against the tree trunk, with a slightly weird look on his face, his eyes scanning her body up and down.

Ignoring Croy's strange scrutiny, Night Crow said, "Sorry for the long wait. I have confirmed the situation of the 'next level'. It's like this..."

After listening to Night Crow's story quietly, Croy frowned tightly: "In other words, going to the next level is almost equivalent to giving up the world for ordinary people?"

"Almost. It is possible that a few people will awaken their abilities because of this." Night Crow said, a little puzzled, and asked curiously, "Wouldn't it be easier to just kill the city lord in this case?"

"It's not that simple." Croy sighed and said, "That guy tied the lives of all the people in the city to him... If he died, all the residents in the city would die."

"Is that so... It seems that I can only use my trump card." Night Crow said thoughtfully.

"Put on a trump card?" Croy asked doubtfully.

"Well, welcome the descent of my Lord Chang'an." Night Crow said "with a hint of fanaticism in his piety."

Chloe: "..."


In the present world, deep in a natural underground cave in a remote place.

In the center of a stone chamber excavated by humans in a hidden place, a rough-made stone coffin with thick dust was suddenly pushed open from the inside.

The heavy stone coffin lid fell on the rocky ground, making a dull thud, and a cloud of dust rolled in the air.

Densely packed, tiny bats that seemed to be made of blood swarmed out of the coffin with a "squeak", avoiding the dust and condensing into a petite and slender human figure at a higher point in the stone chamber.

Waving her hand to suppress the increasingly violent dust, Chloe landed on the ground, briefly explored the surroundings, and breathed a sigh of relief with the naked eye.

Her luck was quite good. After being trapped for so many years, nothing "passed by" and no "reverberation" ran out to try to relax.

——According to the "Night Crow", the reverberation is the product of the combination of her memory, personality and dream. I think it didn't come out because she didn't want to wake up at all...

Shaking her head, Chloe took out a business card from her pocket, which should have been empty, and looked at it carefully.

"I heard there is an office..." Chloe muttered to herself.

In those days, she had to hide in this corner to avoid the pursuit of her enemies and the hunting of those who took advantage of her.

Unexpectedly, she was just sleeping normally, but she wandered in a dream constructed by a strange story for tens of thousands of years.

Now, she finally woke up from the dream, but hundreds of years have passed since she came to the world.

I don't know how many of those so-called "kindred" who took advantage of her are still alive today?

Feeling the dryness in her throat and the hunger that surged against her reason, Chloe closed her eyes and sighed deeply.

In the aftermath of the long sigh, Chloe tried to hold on to his precarious sanity and whispered with mixed feelings: "The phantom of nothingness, eternal darkness, endless shackles..."


"It is rumored that there is an office."

Lenari couldn't waitHe showed off to Lucia: "Just now, I got a new S-level alien blood-vampire employee!"

"S-level alien blood-vampire?" Lucia was surprised, "I basically know those S-level vampires, who is it?"

"This vampire has been trapped in the ghost story "Bottomless Nightmare" for hundreds of years, you probably don't know her." Lenari said while arranging Night Crow to deliver the blood bag, "Her name is Chloe Grace."

"Chloe Grace? I really don't know her... Where is she now?" Lucia asked curiously.

"After all, she has been hungry for hundreds of years. When she recovers, I will ask the office to pick her up."

"Okay!" Lucia nodded happily and said with emotion, "It's really convenient to have such a home!"

"In addition..."


"As usual, she doesn't know Night Crow is my clone, don't let it go."

"...Are you addicted to acting?"

"No, I just think it's very interesting... Don't you think so?"

"...It's really interesting."

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