In theory, Puinsus Restaurant does not have a takeaway service, but if you open a private room, order a table of dishes, and then open a door on the wall of the private room directly to the "rumored office", no one will care, right?

Calling Lei, who finally finished his work, and Chloe, who calmed down, Lucia came out to formally hold a welcome dinner, and introduced Lenari to the two new employees.

In short, no matter what the two new employees are thinking, at least on the surface they look happy.

The only pity is that Wang Bao has not come back yet, and no one knows what task he encountered, but it took so long to complete it.

After the dinner, everyone gathered in the original small living room on the second floor, which is now a super luxurious living room.

Lucia squatted on the back of the sofa in the main seat and looked around.

Lenari, Apophi, Lei, Chloe, Night Crow who made up the numbers, plus Wang Bao who was not here, and Vivian who was expected to "return" in a few months.

Unknowingly, the office has become lively again!

Feeling emotional, Lucia cleared her throat and said in a reserved and dignified manner: "As you can see, the current rumor that there is a headquarters of an agency is a very convenient strange story, so I decided to officially start the branch plan."

"Of course, I run this agency not to make money, but to not waste time and interest, so I don't have any requirements for your performance."

"In addition to the monthly fixed salary, the remuneration for the commissions completed by employees will be deducted from the taxes payable, 10% will be used as the agency's public activity funds, and 90% will belong to the participating employees."

"ID card, strange story detective The office will be responsible for the handling and expenses of the inspection, driver's license, gun license, etc. For details, you can ask Apofi, who is my housekeeper and the actual operator of the office. "

"In terms of branches, in addition to the existing Anaki City branch, I plan to open two more, one in Phantom City and one in Feffer Ancient City."

"These two branches will also be directly connected to the office headquarters like the Anaki City branch, so you don't have to worry about manpower issues."

"That's all I want to say. If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

The living room was quiet for a while.

Lenari raised his hand first and said, "If the branch is opened in Phantom City, I'm afraid there will be no business. With the current atmosphere there, as long as it is a strange story that knows how to seek profit and avoid harm, it will go around it."

"It's okay, it's also good to occasionally come to an 'ordinary' commission to adjust it." The black cat lazily lay down on the back of the sofa and said nonchalantly.

"In that case, I have no problem." Lenari said.

At this time, Lei couldn't help but complain: "With the tough style of the Phantom Clan... are there really 'ordinary' commissions?"

"Who knows? If you don't like it, just refuse it." Lucia said casually, the tip of her tail swaying comfortably.

"...Okay, then I have no problem." Lei pulled the corner of her mouth, and once again felt that she was worthy of being a super rich woman, and even such a career could be used as a toy.

The atmosphere in the living room became more and more lively.

Seeing that it seemed to be about to end, Chloe finally asked her own question: "If the firm only takes 10% of the commission... Is it really enough for all the necessary expenses?"

Lucia blinked and said: "Don't worry, it is said that there is a firm with a wide network of people, and the fees in all aspects are very low. Moreover, the firm is world-famous, and there are often clients who are not short of money coming here. Those clients are very, very generous."

"Is that so..." Chloe still looked a little confused, but did not intend to ask again.

——Other people took this matter for granted. It seemed that it was not a problem. I believed that she would understand it naturally after a while.

It seemed that everyone had no problem. Lucia looked around again as if to confirm, then stood up, stretched her limbs, and said, "It's getting late. Let's go to bed early. Good night."

"Good night."

"Good night."


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