At about 1:00 a.m. on November 1, Green Star Calendar, Fitz's Ice Clone stepped into the "Rumored Office" with Night Crow on his shoulder.

As soon as he entered the door, Night Crow saw Lei, who was very conspicuous in color, sitting on the reception sofa on one side of the store lobby in a daze.

"The expedition team will leave at 10 a.m., don't you go to sleep to get enough energy?" Night Crow flew to the marble coffee table in front of Lei and asked in confusion.

"Ah? Oh... I can't sleep." Lei scratched his head and noticed the boy who was walking towards this side with an indifferent expression, and immediately asked, "Who is this...?"

"This is Fitz, with a similar identity to me, but he is from the 'Frozen God'." Night Crow introduced without blushing.

"Also a God-favored person... Hello, I am Lei, an employee of the office." Lei stood up and greeted politely.

"...Hello." Fitz said indifferently and had come to the edge of the coffee table.

Lei felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the boy suddenly disappeared.

He blinked, looked down, and found a snow rabbit with thick and fluffy fur standing where the boy disappeared, looking eager to jump onto the coffee table.

"..." Lei blinked again, a little confused for a moment.

—— No, why do you, the gods, look so furry?

"Lei, please bring those cushions over, we will sleep here." Night Crow paced on the coffee table for a few steps and chose a satisfactory position.

—— At this time, the furry snow rabbit landed near her nimbly.

"Oh, okay..." Lei followed his words and took two cushions from the sofa and spread them in front of the crow and the rabbit.

After setting the wake-up alarm of the virtual mobile phone, the night crow flew up and landed in the middle of the cushion in a supine position.

"I'm asleep, good night... zzz..." Night Crow said, and fell asleep in a second with two claws facing the sky and wings spread out.

The snow rabbit beside him moved his ears, and the night crow's absurd sleeping posture was reflected in his black eyes. A trace of human interest flashed through him. Then, he climbed to the center of another cushion with an elegant movement, nodded to Lei, then curled up, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in seconds.

"..." Lei silently looked at the crow and rabbit sleeping soundly, and suddenly felt sleepy.

So, the red-haired young man moved from the single sofa to the long sofa, took off his shoes and lay down in his clothes, and fell asleep peacefully in a few seconds.

It was 9:50 in the morning, the autumn was clear and the ink sea was leisurely.

A special dock in the southeast dock area of ​​Anaki City.

The young man with bright red long hair tied into a loose big braid, with a snow rabbit on his left shoulder and a crow on his right shoulder, stepped calmly onto the boarding gangway.

As for the strange eyes of others mixed with curiosity... Lei was used to it.

This is a huge all-wood three-masted sailing ship that is very rare in modern times. The hull retains the color of the original wood, and the surface seems to have never been painted. A huge retro lantern made of glass and wood is hung on the towering bow.

"You are finally here." The girl with short light brown hair and light green eyes at the end of the gangway was obviously relieved, "I thought you were in trouble again and couldn't get here in time..."

Lei grinned and argued weakly: "My current event constitution is controllable..."

"Yes, it is controllable to the point that I encounter at least one major event that can alarm the armed criminal sheriff every day." Eve couldn't help but complain.

Lei wisely changed the subject: "Who is the highest force on board this trip?"

"You also know him, Rex Gunn." Eve replied.

"That very Buddhist S-level ice-type mutant!" Lei suddenly realized.

"Wouldn't you like me to introduce him?" Eve couldn't help asking after she kept glancing at the snow rabbit on Lei's left shoulder but couldn't wait for an introduction.

"Oh, I've become so used to carrying Night Raven that I almost forgot!" Lei slapped his head and introduced, "This is Fitz, Night Raven's 'kind'."

Eve was stunned for a moment, and was about to savor what this "kind" meant when a not-so-calm voice came from the side:

"Fitz? This rabbit is called Fitz?!"

The two people, a crow and a rabbit, looked in the direction of the voice and saw a handsome young man hurrying over. The expression on his face was a mixture of surprise, novelty, palpitations, awe, etc., which was not related to Buddhism.

It was Rex Gunn, the strongest force of the seven teams mentioned by Eve.

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