In the dilapidated mirrored city of Anaki created by the strange story "Chaotic City", at the door of a high-end residential unit.

The "Mirror Ghost" disguised as the "Candy Girl" finally found the last opponent in this survival game after going through untold hardships.

——As long as you kill the opponent, freedom is just around the corner!

Embracing the excitement of getting what he wanted, the "Mirror Ghost" almost fell all the way from the top floor of the building to the bottom basement before he suddenly realized that high heels can be taken off. With one hand holding a rusty water pipe picked up from nowhere, he gently pushed open the half-closed door in front of him with the other hand.

The heavy solid wood door slowly opened with the force of the "Mirror Ghost". The process was quiet, without noise, alarm, or traps.

The "Mirror Ghost", who had waded through countless traps with his fragile flesh these days, was a little worried for a while in the face of this "business as usual" situation.

——It is immortal anyway!

With this encouragement, the "Mirror Evil Spirit" crept into the apartment.

Living room, kitchen, master bedroom...

The "Mirror Evil Spirit" searched room by room, but never saw the damn opponent.

Shouldn't it be? The coordinates of the opponent marked by the "Chaotic City" prompt are clearly here...

The "Mirror Evil Spirit" became less and less confident and his movements became more and more sloppy and bold. While thinking hard about what went wrong, he pushed open the door of the study.

With a glance, the general scene in the study came into view.

In an instant, the pupils of the "Mirror Evil Spirit" dilated and he staggered in shock.

- In the study, the last opponent was sitting upright in the boss chair, facing the door, with a pleasant, relaxed, and mysterious smile on his lips.

If it were just this, it wouldn't scare the "Mirror Ghost" who had personally experienced countless modern weapons and strange traps these days, but...

Behind the huge desk, the last opponent - a pale, thin, exhausted middle-aged woman, along with the luxurious boss chair she was sitting on, was frozen in a huge piece of ice, like an insect solidified in amber, and even more like a cold and pale human specimen.

After spending a lot of time, the "Mirror Ghost" finally managed to calm his "beating" little heart, mustered up the courage, and went forward to check the strange ice.

After a while, the "Mirror Ghost" cried.

——On the huge desk, a huge "note" written in an extra-large red marker was placed in the most conspicuous position:

"When you see this 'note', congratulations! You will be with this destroyed mirror image of Anaki City forever.

Oh, and my 'ice sculpture'.

If you want to try to destroy this piece of ice and kill me to end this endless game, I advise you to give up.

Because this is the power from the 'God', with your weak body, Even leaving a scratch on it is impossible.

Enjoy the last carnival in this city where you are the only one, and then, welcome the eternal silence with the "chaotic city"!

——A mother who is willing to sleep here forever after receiving enough rewards"

After crying for a while, the "Mirror Evil Spirit" who was out of breath raised the rusty water pipe in his hand high up in disbelief, or venting, and hit it hard and randomly at the ice that did not overflow with cold air.

After a series of noisy, sharp, and irregular knocks, a strange sound different from the others sounded.

The "Mirror Evil Spirit" whose hands suddenly lightened, waved his hands randomly for a while, and then realized belatedly that his weapon was broken.

The "Mirror Evil Spirit" stared blankly at the hideous and irregular cross-section of the water pipe, and after a while, his eyes shifted to the surface of the huge ice.

——Except for a little rust, the ice surface was intact.

After being stunned for a long time, the "evil spirit in the mirror" suddenly threw away the half of the water pipe in its hand and turned to run towards the Hurricane Building.

——It wants to return to the seal and wait for the next opportunity!

There is great terror at the end of silence, it does not want silence!

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