Hundreds of kilometers away from Feng Island, there is a huge underwater cave somewhere.

As the base camp of the mermaid, even though it is located hundreds of meters deep under the sea, it has been repaired extremely beautifully.

On the neatly polished cave wall, a large number of clear sea pearls of different sizes that constantly emit a bright green light are inlaid in a comfortable pattern.

At the end of the cave, huge translucent colored minerals are piled up into a huge stepped platform. On the platform, colorful corals of excellent quality surround a huge shell couch.

On the shell couch, which is decorated with pearls, gems and other human treasures, there is an unknown creature lying on its side, which looks like a human and a fish, and seems to be sleeping soundly.

The upper body of the unknown creature is roughly humanoid, with hideous exoskeleton and thick membrane covering the surface. Two strong arms grow side by side on both sides of the torso. The ends of the arms are connected to human-like palms, but there are membranes between the fingers, and the fingertips are covered with sharp and cold exoskeleton claws.

The shape of the head and the proportion of the torso are similar to that of a human, and there is a bunch of "hair" like octopus tentacles growing randomly behind the head.

There are multiple groups of gills on the cheeks, chin, neck and other places. It seems that there is no nose and ears. The two pairs of eyes arranged neatly are scarlet like insect compound eyes. The mouth is very wide, with sharp teeth exposed, almost splitting the head in two.

The lower half of the body has no legs, only a narrow, colorful, fish-like and snake-like tail with messy bone spurs and bowl-sized scales.

In the center of the cave, on the rocky ground that had been cleaned quite cleanly and without any sediment, a translucent spherical egg-shaped object with a diameter of nearly three meters lay quietly, with the lower half immersed in a pool of dark green viscous material like mud.

Carina was so excited that she could not calm down. After passing through the Kingdom of the Lord, this was the first scene she saw.

At this time, a voice with a metallic texture that could not be distinguished between men and women sounded from the communicator worn in the pocket of Carina's white coat:

"You are now in the shadow that permeates the cave because it is not bright enough... How is it, are you sure?"

Although she was eager to show herself, her years of professional ethics prevented Carina from making irresponsible promises.

"Lord Kampers, please allow me to check it first." Carina requested.

"Of course."

With permission, Carina slowly approached the giant egg in the center of the cave, and dense and complex runes flowed at high speed in her dark pupils.

After a moment, Karina closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the flowing and complicated runes were no longer in her eyes.

That was not only her ability, but also the biggest research topic of her life, called "Rune Perspective".

"If it's just 'optimization', I'm very confident, but..." Karina frowned, a little undecided whether to express her little opinion.

"But what?" Kampers asked curiously.

"Although this transformation method is extremely rough, the 'materials' are quite high-end, which is a complete waste of natural resources..." Karina said hesitantly, "I heard, I heard that the twin gods of the Lord hold the power of 'creation'... If you pursue perfection, why don't you ask that adult to help?"

Kampers was not surprised that Karina would ask this question, because he had asked Lenari the same question not long ago.

At that time, Lenari answered: "Imperfection is what I want! Otherwise, why don't I just copy myself? Is there any creature in the world that is more perfect than the myth?"

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