Kampers would not relay Lenari's answer to Karina verbatim.

"This body is just one of the many bodies owned by one of the Lord's followers." Kampers replied, "For Him, imperfection has its own imperfections."

"Besides, under the myth, what kind of creature is qualified to be called 'perfect'?"

Karina looked at the huge egg-shaped object in front of her and nodded thoughtfully: "I understand... I will do my best."

"The laboratory you usually use has been moved to this shadow. If you have any other needs, just let me know and I will send it to you as soon as possible." Kampers said, "In addition, the time flow rate here is 100 to 1 with the outside world, so don't be too anxious."

"Okay." Karina nodded, suddenly walked a few steps to the side, and turned her eyes to the other side of the underwater cave, where a strange creature seemed to be sleeping soundly on the shell couch on the top of the platform.

"Lord Kampers, how to deal with that one? If we fight, I don't seem to be its opponent..." Karina said a little ashamedly.

"Abducting the Lord's followers and arbitrarily transforming the bodies they use..." Kampers's characteristic metallic voice suddenly became extremely cold and even murderous. "Although the Lord and the follower didn't take it to heart, I care very much!"

"Now, it is immersed in the deepest dreamland, forever."

"See if you are interested in studying it. If not, let it lie there until it dies." Finally, Kampers said so lightly.

"Okay." Karina responded, and the pair of dull black eyes that were one of the characteristics of the Phantom Clan were almost shining.

——A monster from the country! Or a kind similar to the stitched monster... Isn't the next interesting topic here?


Obsidian Temple.

Lenari floated beside the high platform where Kampers was, playing with a fist-sized black sphere in his hand. The surface of the sphere was smooth and moist, and the material was like the most common obsidian products.

Such a sphere is also placed in the center of Kampers' compass... or "pressed" one.

Seeing Kampers finally finish talking with the researcher named "Karina", Lenari couldn't wait to ask: "How is it, is this external contract seal I made useful?"

"It works!" Kampers replied excitedly, "I immediately sank the consciousness of that ugly fish with S-level strength into the 'dark dream'!"

"The 'dark dream' is indeed 'dark', a good application." Lenari nodded approvingly, and then changed the subject, "Tell me the truth, what are the shortcomings of this thing?"

"'Pollution' objectively exists... The threshold for using it without side effects is a bit high." Kampers answered honestly.


"Special physiques like Donahue, or A-level/high-level and above Phantom Clan, Black Feather Clan... Of course, direct relatives like me, regardless of strength, can be used without obstacles." Kampers said, paused, and added, "The relatives of Lord Guanghui should also be OK."

Lenari nodded, but what he said was: "But Guanghui did not develop relatives."

"Yes, so it's 'should'." Kampers said.

Lenari nodded again, and then placed the "obsidian ball" in his hand next to Kampers: "This is also for you... I will study it later..."

"Oh, right!" Before he was about to sink into the quietly opened shadow rift, Lenari suddenly remembered something and turned his head to order, "Buy more high-end space materials, I want to make another flower pot."

"Okay." Kampers first agreed habitually, and then asked curiously, "May I know what you plan to use these space flower pots for?"

"Planting trees." Lenari replied, "I thought the thousand-meter diameter flower pot last time was enough, but it turned out to be completely inadequate... It can only plant a small sapling."

"...High-end space materials are rare in the market, I may need some time."

"Just let it go, don't rush."


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