"'Real'... then what? What do you want to do?" Night Crow held a snack in his mouth and spread his hands.

"That brings us back to the previous question." Chaos' expression was still gentle, and his handsome face looked innocent and harmless. "Have you seen the reality of the world? What does the world look like in your eyes?"

Night Crow thought for a while and replied: "I have seen the reality of the world. As for what the world looks like in my eyes... before that, let's talk about something else."

"Other things?" Chaos asked doubtfully.

"Yes, other things." Night Crow said while eating snacks, "For example, what have you done before?"

Kaos was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Don't tell me that you are also one of those so-called messengers of justice."

"Of course I am not." Night Crow shook his head, paused, and said, "But I still have some moral standards."

"'Morality'... is really an ambiguous term." Kaos sighed with an ambiguous meaning, and finally shook his head and said with a little playfulness, "Even if I said it, how would you judge whether it is a lie or a processed so-called 'truth'?"

"About this, you can do whatever you want." Night Crow said indifferently, "'Lies' or 'incomplete truths' are also a kind of definite 'answers'."

"..."Kaos did not answer immediately, and his blue eyes with slightly raised tails narrowed slightly, as if he was weighing something.

Night Crow did not urge him, but just drank tea and ate snacks by himself.

After a while, Chaos gracefully picked up the teapot and refilled Night Crow's empty teacup. He then slowly placed the delicate white porcelain teapot on the table. He then crossed his fingers and placed them on the edge of the afternoon tea table. He began to narrate with a slightly nostalgic look:

"I've said before that everything in the world is 'transparent' in my eyes, including people's instant thinking."

"I was born with this ability, so I am undoubtedly a freak in the eyes of others."

"Fortunately, I'm lucky enough that my parents, even though they knew I had the ability to 'read minds', didn't mind me. They didn't really reject or alienate me."

"My childhood was not very interesting. Even if I was annoyed with the people around me, I didn't do anything extreme."

"After all, my ability was not complete at that time. I could only "check" it, not "modify" it."

"The turning point was the summer when I was eight years old."

"One night in that summer, I suddenly felt a sense of relief, as if some invisible shackles that had been hanging on me since I was born without my knowledge were automatically lifted."

"I naturally realized that what I had was far from enough. More than the power of "checking". "

"The next morning, the sheriff of Team 7 brought the news that my mother died in the line of duty. The exact time was the night before, when the invisible shackles on me were lifted."

"I seem to understand something."

"For a freak like me, precocity is almost a matter of course."

"I didn't tell my father, who was obviously immersed in sadness but pretended to be indifferent, about the changes in my supernatural powers."

"I began to be keen on going out, and used this to test my abilities frequently, and my father was only happy that I finally became cheerful, But I know nothing about the truth. "

"The so-called 'people', in my opinion at that time, are really very interesting existences."

"Some people persist in their lives, but only need a small, slightly wanton thought to indulge and sink; some people have devout beliefs, but only need a little doubt that does not belong to them to discard the beliefs they once cherished. "

"At that time, I really did a lot of terrible 'bad things' when I think about it now!"

Chaos smiled, his expression was leisurely, as if he was talking about the weather, not his past shameful deeds.

Night Crow did not speak, and still just drank tea and ate snacks quietly.

Kaosben did not stop here to listen to the other party's opinion, and soon continued to talk to himself:

"Fortunately, the so-called 'playing with people's hearts' is actually just like that. When I studied my ability almost enough, I naturally became tired of those mediocre people again."

"I began to be interested in the so-called 'authority', and even tried to invade the President's residence, the Emerald Palace... even the Cold Emerald Palace under the Emerald Palace."

"Of course I didn't succeed."

"They noticed the invasion at the first time, but didn't realize it was me."

"This failure that brushed shoulders with death taught me to respect 'energy'... My ability itself, the status is indeed high enough, but the energy reserve is a flaw. "

"Since then, I have set my sights on the various bases of the Seventh Team on the periphery, and have been tirelessly trying to blend into them."

"Some of these sneaky, invasion-for-invasion actions succeeded, while others failed."

"Once by chance, I found the record of my mother's death."

"I suddenly had the idea of ​​resurrecting my mother and put it into practice."

"I found an anti-federal armed group that cooperates closely with the Super Energy Factory. Yes, that's right, the one you saw before. I secretly turned the leader of the group into my puppet and let the group plan the resources I need for me."

"I succeeded and failed again."

"The resurrected 'mother', even if the information contained is similar, is ultimately just a copy-pasted fake."

"I realized that unless I can find my mother's soul, no matter how clever the resurrection method is, it will not really succeed."

"Unfortunately, the 'Boundary of Truth' gave me the ability to check information, but not the ability to retrieve information. "

"I can only give up."

"I once again fell into a state of being bored with everything."

"Not long after, I overheard a conversation between the nanny at home and my father. She said that her daughter's kidneys were in trouble and the doctor said she needed a kidney transplant, but her daughter had a rare blood type... She asked my father's connections to find a kidney source."

"I don't care about the nanny and her daughter, but this incident gave me inspiration."

"The confidential information of Team 7 shows that my mother also has information manipulation abilities, but probably lacks the most important soul relationship. In the "fake", this ability is always unsatisfactory."

"And my brother and I have exactly the same blood type and even organ matching. So, can I share my ability with him?"

"I used the means of the super power factory to extract the best "truth boundary" ability factor at the cost of my own body, and injected it into my brother's body."

"It turns out that my brother is a hopelessly stupid person. ”

“I tried three times and failed all the time.”

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