"Three times of extracting the supernatural factor at the highest level has almost exhausted my body."

"I thought about it and decided to give up that body to completely get rid of all the disappointing and annoying ties in the past."

"This is my 'past'." Chaos concluded with a smile.

Night Crow thought for a while and asked, "It seems that there was a gap of several years between the time when your brother was 'caught for human experiments' and the time when you were 'shot dead'..."

"A little finishing work and a little preparation for transformation into a soul body life." Chaos explained calmly.

"Oh..." Night Crow drank the delicious black tea and did not say whether he believed it or not.

Glancing at the pile of snack plates that had been cleared out, Chaos smiled and reminded, "It's your turn... What does the world look like in your eyes?"

"What does the world look like... How should I put it?" Night Crow thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know the 'Lord of the Underworld'?"

"I've heard of it." Chaos nodded, "Eighteen years ago, a man who called himself the 'Lord of the Underworld' suddenly appeared in the other world, claiming that he had reached a realm above the S-level, and formed an organization called the 'Purgatory Legion' in a high-profile manner."

"Purgatory Legion..." Night Crow, who was actually indifferent to the "current affairs news" that he was not interested in, twitched his mouth, and a black line seemed to hang down his forehead, "What an old-fashioned and second-year name..."

"The word 'Purgatory' is just overused by various modern fantasy works, but it is actually quite serious." Chaos commented lightly.

"In short, that man rose strongly in mid-November of the Green Star Calendar 2038, and mysteriously disappeared in the New Year of 2039, and there has been no news since then... At that time, I was still a half-grown child, but I heard about it later."

"After all, the so-called 'above S-level' is still quite attractive."

Night Crow nodded: "He is indeed 'above S-level'... Unfortunately, once he was promoted, he was too proud and wandered into the nest of another 'above S-level'."

"'Lord of the Everlasting Darkness'..." Chaos nodded thoughtfully, "This is a solution to an unsolved case."

"Aren't you quite clear about it?" Night Crow raised his eyebrows.

"After all, I am a 'frequent visitor' of Team 7..." Chaos smiled modestly, "But I really didn't know before the Cold Jade Palace lowered the confidentiality level of intelligence related to the 'concept level'."

Ye Ya nodded casually and asked again: "So, have you 'seen' those concept levels up close?"

"...No." Chaos restrained his smile a little, "From a distance, my ability tells me that the so-called concept level has very, very amazing energy reserves... What? Is the world in your eyes related to those concept levels?"

Ye Ya nodded and said frankly: "To be precise, in my eyes, the only absolute 'reality' in the world is hidden in those concept levels."

Chaos narrowed his eyes, and the disguised gentle smile on his face completely disappeared for the first time: "...What do you want to say?"

Ye Ya drank the last sip of black tea, smiled and stood up and said: "Aren't you pursuing 'reality'? Then I will take you to see 'reality'...as a reward for your honesty."

"..." Chaos looked at Ye Ya steadily without expressing his opinion.

Night Crow raised the corner of his mouth and smiled provocatively: "What? Did I misunderstand?"

It is unknown which words or actions of Night Crow triggered a switch in Chaos. The blond young man once again put on a gentle and harmless disguise, smiled and shook his head gently and said:

"I do pursue 'truth'... but it may not be the 'truth' you understand."

"That's good... I won't let you down." Night Crow said confidently.

"That's best." Chaos whispered to himself, and then stood up from the afternoon tea table, "Let's go, aren't you going to take me to see the 'truth'?"

"Of course." Night Crow nodded, and in front of Chaos, he switched to the form of the Sea Moon Goddess.

The information set that he thought was "real" in front of him suddenly turned into another equally "real" information set in an instant, and Chaos's gentle expression froze for a moment.

The Night Crow in the form of the Sea Moon Goddess habitually floated off the ground, stretched her limbs and stretched out a leisurely, big lazy waist, then looked at the blond young man with a teasing look, and asked with a smile:

"How is it, am I still 'real' in your eyes now?"

"... Still 'real'." Chaos smiled and nodded. If it weren't for the stiffness at that moment, it would be completely invisible.There was a wavering moment.

"That's good... let's go." Night Crow said, mobilizing the power of dreams.

On the other side, Chaos, who was observing quietly with his supernatural powers fully activated, suddenly heard the faint sound of the tide. Before he could listen carefully, he saw that the surrounding scenery was melting and changing like washed paint.

The change only took a moment, and when Chaos reacted, everything had settled.

"You actually took away my control of the illusion in an instant... It's amazing!" Chaos praised calmly.

"Thank you." Night Crow stood on the calm sea under the bright moonlight, smiling calmly, "Although your supernatural power started at a high level, it ultimately failed to touch the 'divinity'."

"'Divinity'..." Chaos chewed on the word and said thoughtfully, "Is this the source of your 'reality'?"

"No." Night Crow denied, "'Divinity' is not the same as 'reality'."

Before Chaos continued to ask, Night Crow said first: "Let's go, after reading what I want to show you, you will naturally understand where my so-called 'reality' comes from."

"...Okay." Chaos nodded, and without making any additional preparations, he calmly followed Night Crow's footsteps on the sea under the moon.


In the dream, the concepts of time and space are all illusory and vague.

After just a few steps, Night Crow stopped and turned around to signal: "The first stop is here, are you ready for mental protection?"

"... Mental protection?" Chaos raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, mental protection." Night Crow nodded calmly, "Real 'high-level information' is not so easy for mortals to digest."

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