The smell is wrong? What smell can a cooked dish have?

Although he thought so, Miles dared not neglect it.

It is hard to say whether the top superpowers are still human beings. They can often see, hear, and sense many things that normal humans cannot perceive.

Miles' hand holding the crab froze there. It was not right to throw it away, and it was not right not to throw it away.

Lenari carefully observed the crab held by Miles for a while, and inadvertently looked up, noticing Miles's stiff face, and then suddenly retracted his dense shadowy little hand: "Throw it away... By the way, make a phone call to ask if there are any strange stories about crabs."

"Strange stories?!" Lucia exclaimed, "No way? No matter how you look at it, it's just a steamed crab!"

"It's always better to be cautious." Miles gently put down the crab that looked very delicious, tore a piece of tissue to wipe his fingers, took out his mobile phone, and dialed with one click.

Lucia pricked up her ears and keenly heard the call without speakerphone. It was picked up after only one ring.

After a moment, Miles, whose face became more and more solemn, hung up the phone and said to Lenari with a wry smile: "You are right... This is really likely to be a strange story."

Lenari, who can hear any shadow as long as he wants, nodded calmly and said: "Ask the owner of the restaurant if anyone has disappeared recently?"

Miles shook his head: "Someone will be responsible for this matter later... What should we do? Eat somewhere else?"

"No, only the crab is problematic, right?" Lenari said, picking up the chopsticks again unskillfully.

——Chopsticks, a seemingly inconspicuous and convenient tableware, have a great origin.

As for where it came from, there are many different opinions. Some say it is tableware from another world brought by travelers from another world, and some say it is the invention of a great inventor. But no one can say which great inventor it is. We only know that such a person did appear in history...

Relying on her outstanding hearing, Lucia, who heard the entire call, nodded in agreement: "Yes, just leave the steamed river crab alone... After all, there is only one strange crab."

"..." Miles, who is an elite, couldn't help but understand after hearing this. This man and cat heard the content of the call...

Miles, a battle-hardened elite, looked at the particularly tempting steamed river crab, and then looked at the other delicious dishes. He was still hungry, but he had no appetite...

Take up the iced cola and drink it. Miles couldn't help but sigh that this man and cat, who looked weak, had a big heart.

Finally, because Miles didn’t eat much, Lenari, who had cleared the table of dishes except the steamed river crab, decided to change to another restaurant and continue eating!

Lenari explained to Miles’s worried look that she was overeating: “After eating, you can store it in the shadow form.”

Lucia, who was already used to it, nodded in agreement: “That’s right, meow, it’s not the first day Lenari eats like this, there’s nothing to be surprised about.”

Miles: “…”

Those top-level psychics, they really can’t be considered human beings anymore, right? !

At the breakfast table the next day, Miles shared the accurate information about the crab incident last night.

"...Someone actually got hurt, and was considered a swindler... That person is so unlucky!" Lucia sighed, "Such a silent ghost story is really scary! People who eat crabs will turn into crabs or something..."

"More importantly, if the crab is not eaten, it will randomly transfer to crabs all over the world after a while..." Miles said, "I will never eat crabs again."

"The smell of that ghost crab is still easy to recognize, so there is no need to do so." Lenari said while eating fried eggs, "If you are worried, you can bring it to me after it is cooked... It won't transfer to dead crabs, right?"

Miles, who loves eating crabs, nodded silently and secretly decided to eat crabs only when he was with Lenari.

"Do you have an exam today? Do you need me to drive you?" Miles asked.

"No, it's a special class anyway, I can just go there directly." Lenari said, "You just stay at home with Lucia."


In addition to the regular cultural subjects, the final exams of Maria Girls' Middle School also include music, art, etiquette, cooking, appreciation, flower arrangement and other so-called necessary skills for upper-class women.

Of course, Lenari always felt that there was something not very harmonious mixed in... After all, who's upper-class lady has to cook by herself?

In short, the special class has additional special ability-related assessment itemsApart from the above, most of the subjects in this final exam were not difficult for Lenari, and were not as interesting as the "free activity exam" which was full of Olympiad questions.

As for the small number of subjects, according to a classmate, "if you don't know, you don't know, you will never know."

The subjects that stumped Lenari were: music, art, and appreciation.

Flower arrangement and the like, as long as the arrangement is beautiful, you can pass, but music, art, appreciation... those piles of lyricism, artistic conception and so on... are too difficult for non-humans who are mainly rational!

Lenari copied these subjects and barely passed.

I can only say that fortunately, the poetry appreciation that appeared in the Chinese test paper basically has standard answers for reference... Even those open-ended questions without standard answers can get good scores according to specific routines.

In short, Lenari was not very happy about not getting full marks in the final exam... But thinking about the huge project required to get full marks by purely rationally analyzing existing cases, disassembling and applying elements...

Lenari gave up rationally.

——No one is perfect.

She comforted herself like this.

On the first morning of summer vacation, after breakfast, Lucia pulled out a world map and studied where to travel during the vacation with great interest.

"..." Miles hesitated and scratched his head anxiously.

"Don't worry, as long as the 'channel' is always open, my perception will not be hindered, it's the same everywhere." Lenari comforted the special agent of Team 7, "As long as you rest for a few hours every few hours, there is no problem traveling around the world."

Of course, this is not the case, but Lenari does not want Team 7 to overestimate their abilities, so it is necessary to "play weak" appropriately.

If Lucia knew Lenari's idea, she would definitely say: "Meow meow meow? Do you have any misunderstanding about the word "weak"? "

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