Unfortunately, Lucia knew nothing about this and said considerately: "If Lenari will be tired, forget it... It's just like that, nothing fun."

"It's totally fine to go shopping for a few hours every day like shopping in a mall." Lenari explained, "Even so, we can have more fun than ordinary travel."

Lucia thought about it and nodded in agreement: "That's right, the space system is really convenient!"

"So, where is the first stop?" Lucia raised her right front paw, stepped on the world map, and said annoyedly.

"Let's flip a coin," Lenari suggested, "wherever the coin lands, we'll go."

"Ah?" Lucia looked at the ocean area that occupied most of the area, "What if it landed in the ocean?"

"Then let's go to the ocean." Lenari slumped in the boss chair, spinning around, "Rent a small yacht to shuttle there, dive and fish or something."

Hearing about fishing, Lucia was a little tempted, and asked hesitantly, "But are there shadows on the ocean for positioning and shuttle?"

"If you want to understand it this way, the so-called 'shadow' is actually the state of 'lack of light'... According to this idea, there are very few places on the entire surface of the green star that I can't go to." Lenari said.

"I see... Then what are we waiting for?! Where is the coin? Where is it?" Lucia paced excitedly, looking around the desk.

Lenari stopped turning around, opened the drawer, took out a coin with the smallest denomination from the coin storage box, and gently pressed it upright on the world map: "Here... small things that are useless, Miles put them all in this drawer."

"Oh, oh..." Lucia took a few steps forward, raised a paw to hold the coin, and looked around, "You can make a guardrail to prevent the coin from falling out."

"Okay." Lenari said, and casually erected a few small shadow baffles on the edge of the spread map.

Lucia thought about it, pressed the coin down, pushed it to the edge of the shadow baffle, stepped out of the range of the baffle, then stretched out her paw to stand the coin upright again, and rolled it gently.

With the rise in prices in recent years, the 10-cent coin, which is equivalent to 0.1 green yuan, which is no longer in circulation, rolled around, and reluctantly stopped and lay down after half a day.

Lucia stretched her neck and swung her tail as if she expected it: "It's a sea cat... shall we rent a yacht now?"

Lenari nodded, turned around and asked Miles, who was absent-mindedly reading the newspaper: "Do you have any connections in this regard?"

"Yes, there is... but do you really want to drive a yacht to the open sea?" Miles confirmed with a persuasive tone.

"The yacht is just a place to stay... it's the same with a door panel." Lenari said, "The real means of transportation is my ability."

"...Okay, leave it to me." Miles said, paused, and added, "The expenses in this regard cannot be reimbursed."

"It doesn't matter, just send the bill directly to the office." Lenari said, "Don't forget to buy a few sets of sea fishing supplies by the way."

"Don't worry." Miles said, took out the car keys and stood up, ready to go out to run errands.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" Lenari asked.

"No, it's not very convenient to buy if you take the express lane." Miles appreciated the kindness.

Sunshine, sea, swimsuit.

“Huh~ meow~” Lucia stood steadily on the narrow railing of the yacht’s bow, facing the warm sea breeze, squinting comfortably, “It turns out that the sea is more comfortable than I thought, meow~”

At this time, the yacht had been turned off and was drifting on the sea.

Miles took out the fishing gear in the box one by one, and answered casually: “This season, this sea area is indeed suitable for ‘vacation’ when it is clear... Well, the premise is to have convenient space system abilities.”

“Is there any delicious seafood around here?” Lenari asked.

At this time, she changed into a cake-edged children’s swimsuit to suit the occasion, and lay leisurely in the large swimming ring lying flat on the sea.

——In order to prevent the swimming ring from accidentally drifting away, Miles insisted on tying the swimming ring with a rope, and tied the other end of the rope firmly to the guardrail of the yacht.

Miles thought about it and said some common deep-sea seafood uncertainly.

"They all sound delicious, meow!" Lucia watched Miles sorting out his fishing gear, her emerald eyes full of anticipation, "Let's go to the seafood restaurant we went to last time for dinner! It's a good opportunity to ask the boss to cook this trip's catch, meow~"

Hearing this, Miles smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid that's not possible... The boss had some psychological trauma when he learned that he cooked a crab that turned into a human, and he's probably recuperating in a sanatorium now..."

Lucia: "..."

It's already to the point where he has to live in a sanatorium, how canIt doesn't look like "something", right? !

"Let's go to Canteen No. 2," Lenari, who was floating on the sea and basking in the sun, suggested, "Mrs. Martha is also very good at cooking seafood, with a unique flavor."

"Mrs. Martha's seafood dishes are indeed delicious..." Lucia was still quite regretful, "It's a pity for that treasure restaurant."

Miles comforted, "The boss is just recuperating... maybe he will be back in a while?"

"I hope so." Lucia said, seeing that Miles had almost finished, and said, "Help me fix a rod, I want to fish too!"

"No problem." Miles leaned out and asked Lenari on the sea, "Where's little Lenari?"

"I'll fish here." Lenari said, and adjusted his posture with the help of shadow.

"... Is it okay? Many fish are very strong?" Miles confirmed hesitantly.

"Don't worry, it's okay... The insides of those opaque fish are all shadows." Lenari said confidently.

Miles: "..."

Although it is true, it makes me feel so creepy when you say that...


At lunchtime, the sun gradually became scorching, and Lenari finally returned to the yacht from the sea.

At this time, the three of them could hardly fit all the seafood they caught on the yacht. Fortunately, Lenari's shadow shuttle was very convenient, and most of the lively seafood was transported back to the kitchen of the No. 2 canteen far away in the city of Inisel in one trip. Only a few of the best-looking tuna were left, which were prepared to be made into sashimi for lunch.

Although Miles insisted that eating raw fish was unhygienic, he shamelessly succumbed to Lenari's "shadow disinfection method" and was really delicious.

What is the shadow disinfection method?

Simply put, it is a home-style method of "darkness will devour everything". It is very convenient to operate in practice. Just control the shadow to sweep over the target and devour and eliminate all "unnecessary" substances.

...It sounds even creepier!

Miles, who had been criticized by his colleagues and superiors for being "stereotypical" several times, silently swallowed the complaints that were forced out of him, and sighed silently that he was indeed a top-level psychic who was almost inhuman. No matter how harmless he appeared, it could not change his dangerous nature.

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