After giving Euphilia a silver coin commemorating the 29th anniversary of a rumored firm, Carlodila flew back to the ruins of the old palace of the Kingdom of Cain in a hurry.

This "Night Raven No. 4" body specializes in blood magic, and can only do a little bit of other things. Even the effectiveness of divination is due to the "same consciousness". In addition to the limitation of "B-level cap", it really can't do anything with the "underworld prototype" that is between reality and illusion for a while.

Therefore, Carlodila did not force herself, and decisively asked for help after arriving at the place.

——This kind of virtual and real thing is just the right match for the Sea Moon Goddess who has a hint of dream divinity.

Hmm? Is this task a single-player task?

It's not a big problem, anyway, you don't have to go through the "employee channel" provided by the "Gods Space".


In the broken space with only black, white and gray, the bright blood-red flowers of the other shore are in full bloom, silently showing the only color in this world.

Wearing a fairy-like, moon-themed long-sleeved summer-style dress, the "Sea Moon Goddess" form of Night Crow slowly walked on the ground that was lacking in color and looked like a distorted painting, as if looking for something.

She was looking for the whereabouts of the "Savior Goddess" who was most likely the trialer "Witch of the Other Shore".

——Although she did not take the "employee channel" provided by the "Gods' Space", when Night Crow arrived with the power of her body, she still consciously suppressed her own power to prevent a bunch of new bugs from collapsing in this world.

And this led to a problem, that is:

Both are "B-level peaks", both are good at divination, one wants to find someone and the other doesn't want to be found, and under the mutual cancellation, no one can have a clear advantage...

In short, in this "underworld prototype" that is limited but not small, Night Crow was forced to play a game of hide-and-seek with the soul of the "Savior Goddess".


The following "dialogue" was performed by Lenari playing two roles:

Night Crow: This "savior goddess" is so annoying, she's so good at hiding!

Carlotela: Why don't you use the power of the "Ark of Time"?

Night Crow: The power of the "Ark of Time" obviously exceeds the B-level, so it's banned.

Carlotela: Uh...then fill the "Underworld Prototype" with sea water?

Night Crow: The "Underworld Prototype" is not a complete closed space, and the boundary is directly a time and space turbulence, so it can't be filled.

Carlotela: Then you work hard.

Night Crow: Hey! This is your mission, at least show some use!

Carlotela: emmm...then take me in, and I'll fill the "Underworld Prototype" with the sea of ​​blood?

Night Crow: I said it can't be filled...

Carlotela: But you can circle the area and exclude it! I started to slowly release the blood realm from the middle of the "Underworld Prototype". I don't believe that the "Goddess of Savior" dared to enter my blood realm.

Night Crow: In this case, she should give up everything and run away, right?

Carlodela: Then run away. Anyway, the main task is to "recover the orb of the other shore" and recruit new employees for the office. ——The latter has been successfully completed, and may even be exceeded.

Night Crow: Oh, let's do it!


So, the blood sea as colorful as the red spider lily surged out from the void, and stretched a little bit in the not very wide space inside the "Underworld Prototype", like a ball of blood-colored paint gradually spreading.

When the blood sea released by Carlodela occupied more than half of the monotonous black, white and gray land without showing any signs of decline, someone who had been carefully hiding himself and was unwilling to even fight a face-to-face finally lost his patience.

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