Inside the incomplete space wall of the "Underworld Prototype", outside the border of the blood sea, there were erratic, indistinguishable male and female voices that overlapped and it was difficult to pinpoint their source:

"We are all trialists, why are you two forcing each other so hard?"

In the center of the "Underworld Prototype", Carlodila raised her eyebrows, and the blood sea that was still expanding slowly roared with her voice:

"We are all trialists, and we are all here to complete the mission. You messed up your mission, do you want to mess up mine?"

——Carlodila could shout directly, of course, there are many ways to amplify the voice, but the other party has chosen such a mysterious method, and if she shouts back directly, it is really simple and a little silly...

Isn't it just to show off? Who can't do it!

After a moment of silence, the erratic voices sounded again:

"Look at the mighty power of this blood sea. A mere B-level mission, do you two still take it seriously?"

Hearing this, Carlodila immediately retorted: "A mere B-level mission, don't you, a critical S-level, take it seriously?"

"And it failed." She added.


The erratic voice did not sound again for a long time.

In the center of the blood sea-like blood realm, Carlodila whispered to Night Crow: "Have you found it?"

Night Crow shook his head regretfully and explained:

"The other party's anti-divination work is very well done... Unless the limit is broken, it is impossible to catch people with this processed sound... At least I can't do it."

"Oh, forget it, the blood realm will continue to expand." Carlodila said, concentrating on controlling the blood realm to invade the internal space of the "underworld prototype".

At the other end, somewhere in the incomplete border of the "Underworld Prototype", the "Witch of the Other Shore", a trialist who called herself the "Goddess of Savior", was so angry that she could do nothing.

She knew very well that the moment she lost her body and had to forcibly launch an immature plan, she had already lost everything...

"The Gods' Space" never minded trialists seeking personal gain through tasks, but the premise was that the tasks were not judged to be failed or unsustainable.

According to the original plan, first, she would completely subdue the "Other Shore Orb"; then, guide the Other Shore Orb, which had become a part of herself, to breed a "Underworld Prototype" inside it; then, bind and anchor the "Underworld Prototype" under her control with the faith, life and soul of the creatures in this world, so as to help herself complete the second half of the sublimation step.

"Disintegrate the tangible self into the intangible concept, and anchor the self in the intangible concept to regain the form", this sublimation step, when any spiritual being reaches the so-called "critical point", will naturally understand it.

However, most of the critical strongmen do not have the courage to take this step.

It is easy to disintegrate the tangible self, but it is extremely difficult to return to the intangible concept. If you are not careful, you will die and not even a speck of dust will be left.

All are ants under the myth.

This sentence is not just talk on the Green Star where strange stories are rampant.

In front of you is the invisible terror that devours everything, and behind you is the tangible threat that is pressing step by step and will come to your door and take your life at any time.

"The Witch of the Other Shore", or the critical strongmen of Green Star, are facing such a dilemma.

From an ugly abandoned baby, it took hundreds of years to climb step by step to the height of a critical strongman. The "Witch of the Other Shore" took the beauty, fame, power, wealth, strength, and immortality that she once desired one by one. When facing this dilemma, she was unwilling to gain the upper hand.

However, if you are not sure, you are not sure. This kind of thing is just like mathematics. If you can't do it, you can't do it.

It was okay before. There were only so many myths in the records of the Green Star Federation. She could still comfort herself that the road to sublimation was indeed difficult. Those who could walk it were all the sons and daughters of Green Star.

But in recent years, seeing the real male gods and goddesses who were originally unknown but suddenly "ascended to the sky in one step" have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, the mentality of the "Witch of the Other Shore" finally collapsed.

So, it was natural to take shortcuts.

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