Inside the incomplete "underworld prototype", the gorgeous sea of ​​blood slowly occupied all the space like a rising tide.

"...Where are the people?" Carlodila, who didn't find anyone, looked confused.

"He ran away." Night Crow shrugged indifferently.

"Don't chase?"

"Don't chase, there's no need."


"I'm going back?"

"Go back." Carlodila waved her hand and began to think about how to recover this mutated gem of the other shore.


In the empty underground palace, in the center of the sunken altar circled by the small mineral lamp, the strange plaster-like human-shaped creature stood there motionless like a dead object.

Suddenly, a crisp sound of stone cracking suddenly sounded in the quiet underground palace, like a command to start a process.

With the increasingly dense cracking sounds, large and small plaster-like fragments fell from the surface of the human-shaped object, hitting the cold rock ground and shattering into gray dust.

After more than ten minutes, the rustling sound finally stopped, but the dust was still floating.

Suddenly, an invisible force came from nowhere, from top to bottom, suppressing all the gray dust floating in the underground palace to the ground without leaving a single grain.

"Snap", "Snap", "Snap".

Three crisp claps sounded, and then, the figure of Carlodila emerged from the darkness that the mineral lamp could not illuminate.

"Exquisite design! Perfect control!" The gorgeous woman with blood-red eyes praised without mercy.

- As the dust settled, a tall woman in a simple black robe without too much decoration stood there calmly at the place where the plaster-like human-shaped object was originally.

The woman had long black hair tied up loosely at the end of her hair. Her purple eyes were calm and deep. Her delicate appearance was not ostentatious but impressive.

Hearing Carlodela's praise, the woman, Euphilia, seemed not to hear it, but just nodded slightly:

"See you again... Your efficiency far exceeds my expectations."

"Because I called for help." Carlodela shrugged and explained frankly.

"'Call for help'?" Euphilia repeated in confusion, seeming to find it difficult to understand this coined word.

"It means to call for help."

Euphilia suddenly understood.

After hesitating for a moment, Carlodela decided to satisfy her curiosity, so she asked:

"Where are the other seven 'heroes'?"

"There are two left." Euphilia stated calmly.

"There are two left?" Carlodela was puzzled.

"Hundreds of years of almost immobile confinement is enough to destroy the will of most mortals." Euphilia said, "Unfortunately, the remaining two have gone crazy."

"...Can they be cured?" Carlodila was stunned and confirmed.

Euphilia shook her head, her expression calm and almost indifferent:

"For them now, death is a merciful relief, and reincarnation is the only salvation."

"Alas." Carlodila sighed disappointedly.

——I can't get two female employees...

Shaking her head, Carlodila threw away the slight disappointment in her heart and asked Euphilia:

"Are you going to say goodbye?"

Euphilia shook her head: "I have already said goodbye."

"Do you need to pack up?"

Euphilia shook her head again.

"Then send them off." Carlodila said, "My mission has been completed, it's time to go."

"Okay." Euphilia nodded, suddenly closed her eyes as if she fell asleep, and lowered her head slightly.

After a moment, Euphilia opened her eyes, her expression still calm:

"It's over, let's go."

"...Oh, let's go then."

——Identified, she is the type of person who is ruthless and doesn't talk much.

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