In theory, all darkness is under Lenari's control.

Although theory is only theory, since many victims clearly remember that the interior of "Fish Dream" is "pitch black", then...

While Lenari was thinking, he had already greeted the logistics team and asked to go to the address of Ada and her boyfriend.

——The process of the victims of Fish Dream turning into fish lasts for a month, and their body fluids are contagious. Therefore, Team 7 will conduct necessary monitoring on the victims of Fish Dream found.


Ada is a conservative woman. After confirming her relationship with her boyfriend, she still insists on living in the employee single apartment under the name of the Afternoon Tea Cafe.

After realizing that she was difficult to save and her time was running out, Ada, who had been "peaceful" all her life, finally chose "madness" - moving to live with her boyfriend who also had a short time to live, and spend the last time together.

Lenari followed the map in his mind and found the shadow corresponding to Ada's boyfriend's old house in the suburbs, and extended his consciousness a little bit.

In the old two-story house, the spacious and simply furnished master bedroom on the second floor was now filled with dampness and an indescribable fishy smell.

On the double bed in the center of the room, there were two people lying side by side... or two? In short, it was a state that was difficult to be classified as "people" or "fish", just like the abrupt transition between the two, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Although it was better to live than to die, Lenari still took a coin from the office desk and did a simple divination.

- Compared to being polluted by themselves and alienated inside and out, maybe Eda and her boyfriend would rather become fish like this... Although no matter what the result, Lenari would not change what he was going to do.

The coin "landed", positive.

- They would rather be alienated than survive.

Lenari put away the coin with satisfaction, and then darkness fell, drowning the two people who were sleeping side by side on the bed and no longer in human form.

Dream-related knowledge was ranked very low in Lenari's original study plan, but fortunately she was not completely ignorant of it.

With Eda and her boyfriend as the medium, Lenari spent nearly ten hours and finally barely sensed the dark sea of ​​dreams.

If it was "observed" subjectively, everything that followed would be logical.

As the embodiment of the concept of darkness, Lenari's consciousness easily invaded the "dark" part of the sea of ​​dreams, and then the deepest and heaviest dark power used it as a stepping stone to descend unscrupulously.

Present, the city of Iniseir.

It was lunchtime, and people were coming and going on the streets.

Suddenly, someone pointed at the clear sky and shouted: "What is that?!"

Nearby pedestrians and drivers waiting for red lights mostly subconsciously looked in the direction of the man's finger, and suddenly, they exclaimed.

It turned out that in the clear autumn sky, an "ocean" appeared at some point. The "ocean" was floating like clouds, and if you looked closely, you could see that it was moving slowly.

Under the bright sunlight, the water of the "ocean" strangely did not reflect anything, but instead presented a translucent, tranquil ink color.

In contrast to the ink-colored water that gave people a sense of silence, there were colorful fish swimming in it, with different shapes but similar sizes.

Those fish swam aimlessly and chaotically, making a lot of noise, which made people feel irritated.

The unprecedented, unheard-of, and expanding spectacle constantly attracted people to stop and watch. In a short period of time, it almost paralyzed the traffic in most of the city.

While the streets and alleys and the Internet were arguing, the seven teams in all cities around the world were urgently asking their superiors.

Except for the seven teams in the city of Inisel.

"Dark Logistics Group 2" chat room

[Team Leader: Are you sure it was caused by the "Fish Dream" that Lord Dark Son dealt with?

Passerby Face: Not sure, maybe 80% to 90%.

I'm going to turn into a fish: I can feel that the thing in the sky is indeed related to the "Fish Dream".

Passerby Face: Your nickname? !

Team Leader: ? ? ?

I'm going to turn into a fish: Well, I dreamed about it last night...

Passerby Face: ...You're lucky.

I'm going to turn into a fish: I hope little Lenari can catch up, and the result is pleasing enough.

Passerby Face: I will.

I'm going to turn into a fish: Thank you for your good words. ]


Dezete Desert, the surface of the "Dezete Nuclear Weapons Base".

Barn, in plain clothes, brought a few men and women in military uniforms and a few young and old in white coats, observing the wonders in the sky with their naked eyes or telescopes.

After a while, an old man in a white coat couldn't help asking: "So, we came out to see it specially,What's the point? "

Bahn looked up at the sky and agreed casually: "Yes! What's the point?"

"Didn't you come out to see it?!" The old man in the white coat stared.

"Yes." Bahn retracted his gaze to the sky and looked at the white coat in confusion, "So, what are you doing here? Are you eating sand?"

The old man in the white coat: "..."

"Cough!" A slightly younger man in the white coat coughed and said quickly, "The data collected by naked eye observation is almost complete, let's go back! I believe the instruments in the base should have collected almost all the data."

"Then let's go back. "The old man in the white coat said with a cold face.

The slightly younger man in the white coat pretended not to see the reddish ears that the old man's anti-sand mask could not cover, and called the white coats behind him to return to the underground base in an orderly manner in the sandstorm.

The men and women in military uniforms beside Barn stood in the sandstorm unmoved.

They are Barn's "bodyguards", bodyguards who ensure that Barn does not have to take action personally under any circumstances.

After observing the "ink sea" in the sky for a while, Barn sighed and called the people around him with a dull look: "Go back. "

In the ancient city of Feffer, at the headquarters of the Church of Light, on an open-air bench in a garden.

Lucia looked at the ink sea in the sky with a worried expression.

As a victim of the fish dream, she could sense that the ink sea in the sky was connected to the sea where she choked in her dream...

Beside Lucia, Wang Bao was holding a box of popcorn, throwing it into his mouth one by one in a very regular manner, while also concentrating on looking at the sea.

After a while, Wang Bao looked away and said to the black cat who was still looking at the sky beside him: "Don't worry, Wang, the second boss has the upper hand, Wang!"

"How did you see that?" Lucia couldn't help asking, "Also, Lenari is Lenari, why call him the second boss, it's weird."

"I saw it from the reflection in the sky, Wang." Wang Bao poured the remaining popcorn into his mouth in one breath, chewing and saying in a muffled voice, "The fish dream is being transformed, Wang."

"Really? "Lucia looked at the ink sea in the sky again in confusion, but couldn't see anything for a long time. "Forget it, as long as it goes smoothly... Yeah, it will definitely go smoothly!"

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