"Those who disrespect God will fall into the abyss of darkness, wandering forever without relief."

This is the true face of the ghost story "Dream of Fish".

During the erosion process, Lenari naturally obtained this information.

As for this "God", which "God" is it?

The answer is, any one, including fictional ones.

In other words, almost all modern intelligent species are within this category...


The ghost story "Dream of Fish", or "Dark Abyss", is even stronger than the original Scarlet Arena in terms of the intensity of resistance. Unfortunately, its inherent attributes make it naturally inferior to Lenari when facing Lenari.

The moment when the erosion progress is full and the mutation is about to begin is the only time that the existing ghost story can be distorted by Lenari.

Because of the lack of prior understanding of "Dream of Fish", Lenari cannot make settings in advance, and, depending on the stability of the original ghost story itself, the scope of directional distortion is limited.

In a flash, Lenari's intuition told her that she had three choices.

1. Eat it.

2. Define the specific direction of "God".

3. Circle a "white list" range.

Instinctively, Lenari didn't want to make herself complicated, so she chose...


The dark and silent sea of ​​dreams.

In the cold water, Lenari woke up slowly after a good sleep and unknowingly turned into a ball of abstract tentacles.

As soon as she "opened her eyes", Lenari was confused to find that there were blank cards floating around her body. A rough count showed that there were hundreds of them.

Is this... "blank tickets"?

The dark abstract tentacles subconsciously stretched and swam, collecting the cards one by one.

Lenari realized belatedly that she was so adapted to her body in this state, even more so than a human body...

Perhaps, this abstract mass of dark tentacles is her "true face"?

...What a sad fact.

Lenari shook her imaginary "head" and looked at the stack of blank tickets. After thinking for a while, the tentacles moved and spread them out one by one, forming a spectacular fan shape, and then...

Took out the alienated mobile phone.

With a "click", Lenari used the camera on her mobile phone to take many photos at different angles, and uploaded the signal from somewhere through the dark area to a chat room one by one.


[Forever Gothic Lolita: [Photo]

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Photo]

...(Omit [Photo] × N)

Nuclear explosion: ? ? ? ? ? ?

Not a natural fool: !!!

Forever Gothic Lolita: Awesome, right? A return gift from Green Star.

Nuclear explosion: Return gift?

Not a natural fool: Fish Dream?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Well, the true face of the strange story of Fish Dream is "Those who disrespect God will fall into the abyss of darkness and wander forever without liberation."

Forever Gothic Lolita: The "God" here can be any.

Forever Gothic Lolita: After the erosion is complete, I simply designated this "God" as "Green Star".

Forever Gothic Lolita: So when I woke up, I saw these return gifts.

Not a natural fool: So that's it... Those ink seas in the sky, it seems that they will be the permanent scenery of Green Star in the future.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Ink sea?

Not a natural fool: [Collection of ink sea wonders. Slides] [Ink sea wonders-fish schools rising in light. Video]

Not a natural fool: These were made by my housekeeper a few days ago, not bad, there are more similar ones on the Internet.

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...

Nuclear Explosion: Sure enough, those fish are trapped souls... Praise Green Star!

Nuclear Explosion: So the question is, are those tickets for sale?

Forever Gothic Lolita: No.

Nuclear Explosion: You rejected it too quickly! At least hesitate for a moment!

Forever Gothic Lolita: [A stack of blank tickets. Photos]

Forever Gothic Lolita: Just for you to see. [Smiling face. Expression]

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Not a natural fool: [Funny. Expression] According to my estimation, since the last Green Star crossing, the Federation has accumulated only a dozen tickets... What are you going to write?

Forever Gothic Lolita: "It is beneficial to Lucia's growth" and so on.

Nuclear Explosion: Is it really okay to be obsessed with cats to this extent?

Forever Gothic Lolita: By the way, with the Federation's ability, how come there are only a dozen tickets?

Not a natural fool: There is no way, in terms of executing world missions, Uncle Nuclear Explosion's ability is not competitive.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Oh oh!

Not a natural idiot: In addition, the last time Green Star traveled was in 1999 of the current Green Star calendar... Compared with the gains of the Green Star Federation in the past few centuries, these decades have been considered extraordinary. [Funny. Expression]

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Slip[Ji. Expression]

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Nuclear Explosion: I'm a little curious, what is that tentacle-like abstract thing in the photo?

Forever Gothic Lolita: That, it's my hand.

Nuclear Explosion: ? ? ?

Forever Gothic Lolita: It's my hand.

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Do you want to see a full-body photo?

Nuclear Explosion: [Alert. Expression] No no...

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Smiling. Expression]

Nuclear Explosion: So, those fish turned into light and disappeared, are they free?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Should be right? Let me see... Yes, it is.

Forever Gothic Lolita: By the way, it seems that there is a new blood race, the "Ink Sea Mermaid Tribe".

Nuclear Explosion: Eda and Sam?

Forever Gothic Lolita: It's them.

Forever Gothic Lolita: So this is not a special case?

Nuclear Explosion: No, many of the alien races on Green Star are actually the followers of the previous concept level.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I see...

Forever Gothic Lolita: I just woke up and need to sort out the situation. I'll get off first. Bye~]


The dark sea of ​​dreams.

Lenari put away his phone and carefully read the vague "messages" scattered in the surrounding waters by Green Star.

This illusory "dark abyss" has now been given a new name by Green Star, "Dark Sea of ​​Illusion".

The Dark Sea of ​​Illusion originally enveloped the entire Green Star in the dream, and now it has become the outer coat, protective shield and buffer layer of Green Star.

No wonder Green Star is so satisfied... Lenari sighed secretly.

It is worth mentioning that Eda and her boyfriend Sam, who have fortunately survived the dual erosion of the Dark Sea and Lenari, have now not only successfully transformed into the "Ink Sea Mermaids", but have also been favored by the Green Star and become "messengers" who convey its will. It can be said that it is a blessing in disguise and soaring to the sky.

- Although the price is a completely unrecognizable self...

In addition, the "god" in the core ghost story is limited to a specific object, which is equivalent to the "Fish Dream" being forced to recognize the master, and the object of recognition is still the more powerful ghost story "Green Star"...

The most important thing is that no matter the victims who have already turned into fish or those who are still turning into fish, except for the alienated Eda and Sam, they are all liberated by the Green Star equally, the living recover, and the dead enter reincarnation, which is gratifying.

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